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WHY does the White House care about OUR PISS???!!!


fat jesus said:
geez guys...who gives a shit.
Well, I sure do. I'm not fond of the government wasting money on studies like this. What the hell is the point? Would you be supportive of a study in which "belly button" lint was the subject?

The Belly Button Lint study actually took place. Circa '02 or '03, in Australia. It cost the equivilent of US $2 million to run.


Seems like they should be testing the Whitehouse wastewater. GW is known to have used coke in the past, and as paranoid and crazy as he seems right now, I wouldn't be surprised if he's become a crackhead.


Active member
I suppose you could say..

I suppose you could say..

These people digging through the public sewage treatment plants are the ones who need treatment.

"It does not indicate that we have an unusual drug problem in Fairfax County"-LMFAO. Amazing.

Um, if you have to test the sewars to even find evidence of drug use then yeah, you have a problem alright.

Who are these people and what the hell are they doing? Can someone please ask them to leave. They seem confused yet curious about pee and poop. We must be descendants of monkeys.

A responsible adult that holds a steady job/contributes to society, pays taxes and commit's no 'real' crimes that endanger people/property/etc. Can shoot smack while watching the 5 o clock news for all I care, just dispose of the needles properly please.

We are your government. We care about you. Anything that is 'bad' for you will not be allowed because we care so much about you (and it's expensive for our health care system). - According to this mindset most things should be illegal.

OK, just had to let that out. Have a day :wave: CF


Getting piss tested fucking sucks, so I'd rather they just do it that way then me having to stand in front of someone with my dick in a cup.