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What's the Longest your Cannabis Cat has ever Disappeared & then returned ?

St. Phatty

Active member

I'm hoping this is a false alarm.

Sort of posting it, thinking it MIGHT pull on the statistical strings of the universe.

Pasta Man hasn't been seen for 2 days, since Thursday morning.

That's about the longest he's ever been gone before.

A week ago, a neighbor told me a predator got one of his turkeys, and that judging by the small pile of feathers, there was not much struggle. = Mountain lion or Fox.

Pasta Man saw or heard his mother and one or 2 of his sisters & brothers get eaten by a mountain lion, about a year ago.

But he sucks at climbing trees, and the only way he can win once a mountain lion sees him, is to use his knowledge to hide in a man-made space near home.

Anyway, he had a FANTASTIC life, so far. Never knew a moment of cruelty, probably.

My feeling is that he's gone, but it's possible that the neighbor's caged female cats are in heat and he's trying to mate with them through a wire mesh fence with 1x2 inch holes.


Active member
Best of luck to Pasta man, hope he shows up.

Couple of our neighbors dogs have gone missing over the past few weeks. They let them out after dark and they haven’t returned yet.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Have you checked with the neighbors and shelters in the area? Some people are weird and will automatically think a cat is a stray if they see one outside, either keeping it or bringing it to a shelter.

My friends cat disappeared when he was a kid and they pretty much accepted he was gone. His mom wanted to surprise them on Christmas with a new one and guess who she found at the shelter? God damn miracle! Hope ya find him.

P.S. Those led bulbs with probably work better if you pry off the plastic cover.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
My Cammy disappeared for almost 5 weeks before she came back, no worse for wear.

He's ok. Whether he's here or there.

My thoughts are with you both.


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
My Cammy disappeared for almost 5 weeks before she came back, no worse for wear.

He's ok. Whether he's here or there.

My thoughts are with you both.

Yep, this ^

Our cat at the moment doesn’t wander far, the family cats of my youth were a different matter. It was routine they’d disappear for days on end. My mum would usually get worried after the fifth day and go look for them. I do live in a country with very few large predators so it was slim chances they’d had a run in with something bigger.

Hope Pasta Man wanders back soon. All the best.

St. Phatty

Active member
Thanks for all the answers !

Just for the heck of it, as I type this, I'm going to start up some hot water for RAMEN noodles, to put on the back porch, because that's what he likes.

There were 5 deer in my driveway this morning. They walked very slowly up the hill in the backyard. I didn't move fast. And avoided stepping on a tarp, they don't like tarp sounds.

Anyway the other times when there's been a mountain lion, the deer totally cleared out and stayed cleared out. The ones that didn't get eaten.

I had just put in fences for the fruit trees - to protect them from the deer - and then, there were no deer for months.

So anyway seeing 5 deer this morning, is a sign that there's no mountain lions in the last few days.

Of course 5 deer will also attract a mountain lion.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
When my new cat went missing a few weeks ago, I had success whistling out my windows a few times every hour once the sun went down and the streets went quiet.

Just a thought.

St. Phatty

Active member
When my new cat went missing a few weeks ago, I had success whistling out my windows a few times every hour once the sun went down and the streets went quiet.

Just a thought.

I usually call him by standing in the driveway and clapping my hands.

It usually takes him about 5 minutes to show up.

If he comes back I'm going to walk him up the hill and show him the houses on the other side, that have female cats.

Trying to give him a play zone that avoids cars.

Animals like him have no knowledge of the danger of cars, or food with poison.

I think for the deer they get the hard part of their education when a mountain lion takes a member of the family.

I wonder how many miles a deer runs if it sees its father mother brother or sister get eaten by a mountain lion.

St. Phatty

Active member
im sorry to hear pastaman is missing, but they can be gone for a week or two is my experience

Thanks for all the replies !

I called the local humane society yesterday.

They said the same thing, that male cats who aren't spayed often go missing for 1 or 2 weeks.

I wonder if it's connected to the full moon ?

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