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vertical growing


i heard this from a friend of a friend so none of this had been confirmed but here goes. supposedly using only 3 lights (i'm assuming either 600 or 1000 s ) he pulled 7 lbs by simply not using reflectors and lining the room with mylar. plant count was at about 150 as well. thats a little bit more than 2lbs a light. plants were supposedly 2 feet in height on average. is this a lot exageration or could this be the real deal? reason is i'm thinking about different ways to increase yield.


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colliseum grow system, yupp. i followed his grows on OG his name was SoQuick AMAZING grows. he had 2 of those vertical setups one had 600's and the other had 1000's both equaled the same wattage but i think he pulled more from the 600's because the light was spread out not sure. i might have some pics of it? ill do some digging. but yeah amazing grows huge buds.


i'm familar with soquick's grow this is just some guy a friend of mine knows. he's not using a coli just simply placing them all on the floor. which is why i was amazed by his supposed yield. but yeah soquick's coli grow was kick ass!