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Ukrainian Cooking anyone?


Active member
Well I lucked out and married a good ukranian girl 10+yrs ago...and since then I have got to enjoy all sorts of treats.

Home made perogie
cabbage rolls

Along with a few deserts and even some potato shine that Geedo's brother used to make(not very well I might add)..

Anyone else have a perogie head in their family.

My wife makes them with cheeze, or onion/cheeze, wild mushroom, or even desert ones if I can convince her.

The one thing I refuse to eat is their home-made head cheeze...the jelly makes me gag.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I love everything about this post.

You're wife needs to post recipes :D Traditional insight is golden. Haven't tried anything sweet yet. I've a terrible hankering to fiddlefart around with beef and cabbage as a stuffing.

Head cheese is disgusting. Visually, at least, I've never tasted it. Can't imagine it smells very good while preparing.


Active member
Oh my wife also uses home made sourcraut with Bacon ends :)

Recipe's I can post..

She also makes.... Shiska-baba's

They are pork tenderloin chunks (baba used to use pork butt cause it was cheaper)...marinate in red wine, spices, and touch of sugar...put on sticks..then do a panko crust.....deep fry... then finish on wire rack tray in oven...(so they stay super crispy)...

She does an apple chutney style sauce for it..... Baba used to LOVE the way my wife took her recipe and made it "fancy"..lol

Course babba used to have a coffee mug with 5star(rye) in it most days..lol


Active member
Perogie Dough

5 cups flour
1/2 tps baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3tbs oil
3 cups water (may need more, add a bit by bit...very sparingly) let sit over night or few hours


traditionally we have used Potato(mashed) + cheeze (cheddar, cheezewiz, gouda, whatever tickles your fancy)+ herbs/chives/oinions.... again...it is up to you

Also you can fry bacon ends...then drain and put that aside. Using the same pan, toss in your sour kraut....then once it is heated, add back in your bacon ends...remove from heat....and cool.

Roll the dough out 1/8th of an inch thin or thinner, cut using large mug, or dough cutters..I like big perogie, so my wife makes them about 4 inches wide.

take a spoon, and use that to put a small portion of your COOL filling on one side of cicle of dough....fold in half, pinching alll the way around... If you dough won't pinch on one side...add a dusting of flour and it will do the trick.

Wife makes large batches, and freezes them overnight on trays in the freezer (on parchment)..next day we bag.

Too cook, bring water to a boil....drop them in frozen....once they all float (and then a tiny bit longer) they are done...take one out and eat a bit of dough to test :)

From there you can pour on fried onion and butter and eat with sour cream, or pan fry the boiled perogie for another level of wonderfull ukrainian goodness..


Perogi is actually rather a polish dish,
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if it smells like fish
I love perogies ...haven't had a good one in years...mmm fried in butter with onions on top mmmmmm...my ex used to make em...yeehaw,,she was checkslovakian sp?
My husband is russian and his dad makes borscht soup all the time! Is there a Ukrainian version of that or is it the same?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
It use to be different then they made it the same. Collectively.

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