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The La Guardia Committee Report


aka Buzz'dBob
The La Guardia Committee Report - The Marihuana Problem in the City of New York

I heard about this report the other night while watching an interesting program on the History Channel. Should prove to be a good read, if anyone's interested.

A li'l background... While Harry J Anslinger was spreading the wild propaganda about MJ in his efforts to outlaw our li'l weed, the then mayor of New York City, Fiorello LaGuardia, commisioned this report.

Bottom Line: It documents that there's nothing wrong with Marihuana, and that all the crap made up by Anslinger was just that. Crap! -- Anslinger ignored it, and attempted to bury it...

Hope y'all find it interesting...



Basement Garden Gnome
Lots of good info

Lots of good info

At The Shaffer website, there is a report
done in the Mid 1800s. US Army and Panama Cannel.
Very intresting report, the Capt. said he rather they smokes cannabis than drink.
No fights, no sick calls.

Very intresting read.

thanks for the link,
Something for everyone there.

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