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Stop the Drug War


Here's a site I found interesting and thought other might find it's content relevent.


I especially liked the article regarding the roads leading into the Sturgis Bike Rally. Turns out LEO's using some underhanded tactics to trick people into submitting to searches. Leo being underhanded? Who'd thunk it! Turns out they're putting up signs warning of drug check points ahead, which aren't legal and don't exist. Then awaiting to see who pulls off at the next exit or throws anything out thier window. Then they pull that vehicle over. And then games begin. They'll ask to search your vehilce or bike and belongings. If you don't consent to a search they threaten to bring in a drug dog. Nice, real nice. Lying fuckwad cheese eating rat bastard scam bags. My apologies to any lying fuckwad cheese eating rat bastard scam bags out there- I didn't mean to insult them by comparing them to LEO.


I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Badboy, badboy whatcha gonna do....

Badboy, badboy whatcha gonna do....

If you ever face a real-life police encounter where the officer is urging you to consent to a search, you should not try to figure out whether or not he is legally allowed to search you.
You must assume that he is not legally allowed to search you, and that his search will only be legal if you consent.
If the officer is in fact legally allowed to search you, you have nothing to lose by refusing to consent to his request.

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Good Advice Dude

Good Advice Dude

In a previous life I used to work as a counselor for children and was always around LEO. I would hear them talk about tricking this guy or that girl into letting them search when they had no "probable cause." Some of these guy's really think they're saving the world. However most are simply assholes whose ego's are so large they just don't give a shit about anyone's constitional rights. All they care about is adding another bust to their "belts." It's a damn the torpedos full speed ahead mentality. And fuck everyone and their rights. I agree with Boggled, you're always better off refusing the search and finding out later that they had the right to search then agreeing to the search. Once you agree to the search, you've given up your rights.

Another thing to consider is even if you think you don't have anything illegal you're still probably better off not consenting to the search. You don't know what it is they think they're looking for and there's always a chance you forgot about a seed, a small empty baggie (that's not really empty) etc... Next thing you know you're down at the police station being photographed.

In Florida, in and around Orlando, the Sheriffs Office was pulling over cars (mainly of balcks and hispanics- big surprise) and speaking real freindly and nice then acting like they were going to let them go. Then at the last minute they'd ask "you don't have any weapons or drugs in the vehicle do you?" Of course the driver would say no and the deputy would then ask to search the vehicle. After the Deputy had been so nice and freindly a lot of people assumed nothing was going on and many thought since they didn't have anything to do with drugs or at least didn't have any in the vehicle- sure go ahead search. Well several things then happened. First the vehicle was likely gone thru and everything in it thrown out, this process could take any where between 20 min. and 2 hours. Second if the officer found any cash. And I mean any. He informed the driver it was his opinion that the cash was to be use for the drug trade and he confiscated it. This is NOT some urban legend. This was reported on several national news boardcast recently. The most recent one I saw it on was A&E's American Justice on Aug. 8th. In that show they reported that the sheriff's Office there at Orlando had taken in some 2.5 million in a little over two years using these tactics. And most of the people whose money was confiscated were not charged with any crime and the only way they could get their cash back was to hire an attorney. The sheriffs Officers were also shown letting white drunk drivers go! One white guy told the officer "Ya got me, I've been drinking way too much, I shouldn't be on the road." The Officer looks at him and says how far away do you live? and let him drive home. To be fair he did warn not to be out driving any more that evening. They're from the government- they're here to help.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Fucking arseholes, its the same over here, dirty scheming bastards, who turn a blind eye when it suits, and fuck u good style when it dont. they dont call plain clothes cops C I D for nuthin u know, aplologies to the ladies, and all others who dont like this word C~#TS IN DISGUISE i h8 em, i developed a dislikie at an early age i was 5,. dad was workin away(truckin) and i got up 4 school and shared my breakfast table with the local pig for a week. kinda puts u off leo

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