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scorpion for people with love



a friend
brought me a scorpion from kroatia but i cant give it love .and havent the nervs
to hold it ...

maybe somebody here on icmag is a scorpion friend ........and have the right equipment the love for it etc .......his name is nimrod and he is 6 month old ....



I think you are talking about a bug that will try to kill you if it gets the chance.


I have 32 emperors and they are NOT friendly. As it was a gift it might be an idea to check what type you have, some hurt badly and if you dont know the genus your not safe. I've not been stung but mum has and she didn't look too pleased when it happened! They sting like bee's given half a chance. Also note that the females can carry sperm for up to 2 years so dont be surprised if one day you wake up and find lots of mini scorpions climbing all over her back. Those you can pet if you can manage not to crush them!!!!

As for giving her away, this is not a safe place to do that. Your obviously a stoner and a nice one i assume so dont be giving out any personal details or meeting near your home. Try a pet store instead. They are happy to take freebies as they can sell them on.

Other than that keep your fingers out the viv and if you want some fun with her cut off a locusts head and show it to her brain first. They like to eat the locust brain while it's still looking around wondering where it's body went. Quite fascinating in a sick kinda way but also pretty amusing watching nature do it's thing.

If all else fails and you really dont want her you can get her mounted in some acrylic. They make great gifts for people when mounted.


Active member
Hey, the easiest way to tell if the sting is a strong one, or weaker in effect is to look at the pincers. If the pincers look robust, thick, and powerful, the sting will be milder, as those species kill the prey primarily with the powerful pincers.

If the pincers look skinny, thin and fragile, it's a good bet the sting is very potent, as those species rely on the sting more than the power of the pincers to kill the prey. Most scorpions also glow under black light...

I learned this from an entomologist on good ol' Discovery Channel (Georges Brossard). Good luck with your scorpion...



@dogboy ,moe,
no im not a all day stoner ,im a tiny soldier with no time for this little ****er.we r smoking just when we have holiday etc(next smoke is nirvanas blue mystic for christmas yeah ;) ).they make to many thc tests since a soldier with cannbis in blood shot at 2 officiers ....tzz

i wouldnt meet with guys because of this... no never ...just thought if somebody wants it ill put him into a letter(safe adress) and say good bye bye....

the scorpion is harmless! he bites(stings) me every time when i clean his room lol ...but thankks god im not allergic to bee s toxic etc ...

maybe a medcine labotary needs him ...

(ps :§Try a pet store instead§ there i was yesterday ...and black scorpions are since juny illegal in my county ...dont know why .they take only the "white ""ones,

here is a picture ! you know what typ it is ...?.

fried scorpion is a delicatess brother ...but he is to small to get happy

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Looks like mine so it's quite possible he's an emperor. They are pretty nippy. If your interested in the scorpions history check it out online. They used to be absolutely huge before the dinosuars came about and actually started their evolution as underwater predators in the sea. Many of them were huge too, some as big as men! Rabid cannibals aswell.

Also watched a program on satelitte recently which showed a scorpion being transported in a block of ice which was thawed with a blow torch and as soon as the little bugger was free he just flexed his pincers and wandered off. Perfectly cool with the extremes. Absolutely amazing creatures.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
DogBoy said:
if you want some fun with her cut off a locusts head and show it to her brain first. They like to eat the locust brain while it's still looking around wondering where it's body went.

Another fun thing would be training it to jump through rings of fire.


You worried he may become the worlds coolest roach clip to be handled around at parties?

Now that would be a talking point. " Lets go round his house and have the scoprion hold our roaches for us "


ola all ...happy weekend... i built nimrod a liitle nice room ...somebody said i can feed them every 5 weeks or so ...easy pets ;)

@dogboy: another friend moved from town and he gave me petrus ...he looks very young ...can i put petrus and nimrod in one room?or will they eat each other...

here is petrus in my garden on a blue mystic plant(DONT TOUCH MY PLANTS !! )



Usually they are fine but they may mate and that's pretty serious due to the number of babies they have. The mother generally carries the little ones on her back and it's quite amazing to see, they contrast well against the black of the mum as they are white/translucent at birth. Watch for mutants aswell, sting deformities, missing/misshaped claws and tail problems are often found in each batch. The boy will also try to eat the babies which can be a burden. Normally they are okay together and will even share their retreats with each other without drama. Also remember that scoprions hold sperm for years so even if you split them up you may find one is pregnant a long way down the line.

As for feeding, you can normally tell when they are hungry and can judge it after a while so dont be too strict on feeding timings, if they aint hungry they wont eat and with Locusts so cheap it dont matter if you waste one. I'm really pleased you have taken to them and made an effort to look after them, let me know what you think of feeding time. It's pretty fun but remember the BBQ tongs.


Did you know you can smoke scorpion poison? Like smoking Cobra venom, you need to be careful you have no cuts in the mouth or tongue or in the lungs, or you can be seriously hurt. I do not recommend this, but it does work as I tried it when I was young and stupid in India with Sadhus. It is like a very cloudy psychedelic maybe a bit like fly ageric. Not very nice but strong.



Now that i didn't know. Is it genus specific or does it apply to all venom? What does it taste like, i'm doubting it's very good on the tongue.


Well-known member
Don't some herion addicts also smoke scorpion poison as a substitute for herion or is this just a rumour that I saw on TV News broadcasts?

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