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Science around cannabis sativa


Well-known member
I feel like we are missing thread for sharing the science papers and publications that got our attention. Please keep it cannabis related.

I would start from recommending a YT channel that collects annualy convention talks from Canna Med.

They get my attention by several talks. If we want to to getting rare cannabinoids, why do not use genetically modified yeast to produce them from sugar? Guy present the process, I have some hopes about this technology myself

Latest paper in the topic https://www.mdpi.com/2311-5637/8/2/84

Or nice idea for the cultivars classification instead of indica/sativa

About the growing optimalisation here have 2:

Last one, also growing. I want to check their style of plant cut and stress next time. Mentioned paper should appear this year.

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Anne enn Normal
there is a thread somewhere with all the links to science papers and the likes, I don't remember where I put it, maybe someone else can link it? or am I tripping?


Well-known member
Ok, let's move to the main topic then. I tried to look before posting, but I missed this one. Sorry!