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S1 or BX to preserve Drizella Genetics?


New member
I have two beautiful Drizella x Ms Universe clones, one being a taller pheno.

This plant is a powerhouse, they both have every characteristic I look for in a outdoor plant.
Drizella dominant, with some recessive Ms Universe coming thru. Just a beautiful cross by Dynasty. These were supposed to be regular seeds. I ended up with two females and the other three never germinated. I want to keep this strain alive ,I never see Drizella crosses anymore,or Drizella period. I plan to take a clone of each and reverse with sts to make fem seeds.
Now to my question, I plan to reverse both phenos to get seed stock, I also have a goji male I plan to hit a clone with as well. Once I have the S1 seed stock how would the mothers come into play as far as BXing. Should the reversed clones only be used to self itself? Could I play around with growing out the S1 seed stock finding a keeper and reverse it or the original mother and crossing them? Hoping to stabilize the S1's .

Any help with crossing selfing and playing around in this realm would be appreciated. Thanks


Active member
If I may piggyback on GoinGrey. There’s four immediate choices that, as a masochist, I would say do all of, consecutively. If not concurrently.

AxA S1s and BxB S1s will dredge up more recessive genes, and give you a better idea of what’s under the surface.

Then run the AxB F2s and BxA F2s,
and then the (AxB)x(AxB) F3s and the (BxA)x(BxA) F3s.

If ever a selection produces subpar progeny, go back a generation and redo it. Anywhere between F4 and F6, cross the lines back together, and dinner’s served.

Bonus points for keeping cuts from older generations in the running, to be sure you’re still headed in the right direction with your selections.


New member
I want to send thanks to everyone. As of this moment, I have some amazing strains pollinated. I have to take this step by step. All crosses were made with the selected goji og male from 20 regular beans. This male had the structure, leaf orientation, and flowered out fast. Now I might have chosen the wrong male, I went after looks , smell, structure. The other males were some real studs, huge quick growing, tri-leaf tops. But this one was the most beautiful....
These are in the works all xed with goji male.

Drizella x ms.universe
Appalachia x Lemon Thai (prayer tower)
Goji OG 3 phenos - hoping to make decent f2's

The Drizella x ms.universe fem project is on hold for a month or so until all other projects are complete. I want to put my all into that project , I'm hoping to create enough stable seed stock to where this strain won't be lost in the event of pathogens , natural disaster wiping out my mother's. ... I appreciate your help.. I might be slow to respond, but I'll try to in detail and depth in the future. Peace Love Happiness Folks
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New member
How about reversing one and using the pollen on the other? Then look for plants with the qualities you like in this feminized f2 generation, do an f3 generation with those, and rinse and repeat. Why bottleneck to one plant with the selfing approach if both are good?
Sweet, after growing these out to their full potential, a mix would possibly create the best of both worlds. Taller pheno is by far the biggest yielder long spears less leaves which is good for indoor but outdoor if bugs hit it's a possibilty they could damage all the leaves quickly being a lack of leafy green foliage, shorter pheno has more foliage and creates the bigger Drizella size colas. Just having fun diving into crossing and reversing. Pure passion out of love for the plant.


New member
If I may piggyback on GoinGrey. There’s four immediate choices that, as a masochist, I would say do all of, consecutively. If not concurrently.

AxA S1s and BxB S1s will dredge up more recessive genes, and give you a better idea of what’s under the surface.

Then run the AxB F2s and BxA F2s,
and then the (AxB)x(AxB) F3s and the (BxA)x(BxA) F3s.

If ever a selection produces subpar progeny, go back a generation and redo it. Anywhere between F4 and F6, cross the lines back together, and dinner’s served.

Bonus points for keeping cuts from older generations in the running, to be sure you’re still headed in the right direction with your selections.
This is getting good. I like the strategy and am going to follow this route.. Thank you