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Reality and the law


Speed of Dark
Back in 1972 Alaska's supreme court ruled that Alaska could not make Marijuana illegal without rewriting the state constitution.
Being a red state this ruling was ignored and promptly made illegal once again.
The supreme court later ruled this new law unconstitutional and admonished the legislature to stop writing laws forbidden by the constitution.

Now the procedure is to confiscate all legal marijuana and not charge the person. The confiscated material is destroyed and federal laws are used to justify this theft.

Recently the "official" policy is for the federal government not to pursue arrests or confiscations that are contrary to state law.
Sounds good, came straight from the president.

Yesterday the FBI was interviewing me (still trying to solve the 1978 bombing of the Alaska pipeline. Have to admire their doggedness in pursuing a 35 year old crime).
Being a home grower with less than the maximum plants allowed by law and knowing President Obama's directive to allow states to enforce their own laws I asked the Agents if my following state law would be a problem if the interview was to be held inside my house.

"Yes" was the answer. If the agents saw or smelled anything at variance to the federal law I would be under arrest.
I did not argue, neither were they allowed on the porch.

I found this disturbing, the president issued a statement the forces on the ground are totally ignoring.
Not surprised, merely highly disappointed. I truly thought progress was being made 41 years after the legalization.

For all intents and purposes marijuana is just as illegal now as it was in 1971, the last year it was officially illegal.
Laws do not matter unless the police agree with them. If the police do not like a law, the law is ignored. Something to do with them being a uniformed army with lots and lots of guns.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Just thought I would clarify the politics of deceit in Alaska.

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