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Instapot Gummies


Well-known member
My recipe: with thanks to others on here I took ideas from

8 grams of MJ for MJ oil cooking

1/2 cup oil (for this batch added 1/3 cup oil due to not enough strained)

2 tablespoons gelatin unflavored

1/4 cup juice for blooming

Another 1/4 cup juice for step 3

1/2 teaspoon lemon juice (supposed to inhibit mold)

To decarb:

Remove as much stem as possible, grind.
Place in mason jar
Pressure cook in instapot 40 minutes
Manually release prssure
Add oil
Pressure cook another hour, let pressure release naturally
(I been thinking cook 30 mins and shake jar so oil works in more, then cook another 30)


  • Strain the oil with cheese cloth, was hoping to get 1/2 cup oil from straining, but only approximately 1/3 cup came out. ( cooked 1/2 cup oil in instantpot, but only 1/3 cup strained.) Worked fine.

  1. Mix the 2 tbsp gelatin with 1/4 cup juice, set aside. This will be thick. Don’t worry.
  2. Need two pans, bottom pan filled with water maybe 1/2 cup for boiling, once boil, turn to low. Put second pan in water, then add oil to top/second pan. ( 1/3 cup) and lecithin ( 1 teaspoon).
  3. Add another 1/4 cup juice to pan
  4. Mix gelatin from step 1 to pan
  5. Add 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice to pan
  6. Stir all mixture. Gelatin should dissolve nicely.
  7. If your mold is very flexible, Make sure to put the mold into a tray for stability. If not, when you pick up to put in fridge, liquid runs in the mold.
  8. Ready to inject ( have to do it fairly quickly). Use eye dropper type thing that comes with mold or maybe turkey baster should work.
  9. 77 gummy made
  10. Put in fridge
Notes: For juice, I have frozen fruit I thawed and used the liquid. If you have land, plant an apple tree or peach or pear. So nice to have your own fruit. Get off your ass and do it. Go see @Creeperpark thread on ptsd and exercise.
Two batches so far with apple juice.
I don’t use flavored gelatin, this means your oil and juice will be the bulk of the flavor.
MCT coconut liquid works and this recipe does not taste like coconut.
To sweeten, use honey. I added 3-4 “Gallups” of honey from a jar. WTF is A Gallup? Take the lid off, start pouring, listen. The sound a liquid (sometimes) makes when it exits a container. A couple of tablespoons at least for my liking. Either get off your ass and keep bees or be friendly with a bee keeper, offer your labor for a small amount of honey. Or be lazy and trade some of your stash. Fresh honey...
The above makes the gummies taste mostly milky. I think the oil flavor has lot to do with it. I’ll be adding more honey, less oil, better weed more juice. Playing around. But the above is good and works and tastes quite good.
One idea I’m planning is purée my apples and use that to add instead of juice.
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Well-known member
I made another batch last night and added a pile of honey. Some of the gummies didn’t form well. A tablespoon should be good enough. Any more and they may not form the best. Also grabbed a pic of my two pot setup. Very basic.


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Well-known member
Next batch, some more images, some more info. I increased to 14 grams of mj. Only about a quarter cup of oil came out. I wanted a stronger gummy so this is my attempt. See how it turns out.

I placed my gummy mold on a tray to avoid running liquid
Double pan setup. Water in the bottom of the metal pan, place the white pan in the water.
Straining is the least favorite step. Rubber band and cheesecloth works, though a bit messy and not efficient.
Gelatin in the pan. It melts easily.
I also keep the oven on as low as possible while filling the gummy mold. It doesn’t solidify that way.


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