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Fermented Plant Extract and other organic ferts in DWC systems?

So i have been contemplating about growing with all homemade fertilizers in a DWC system. I am wanting to make my own fish hydrolysate, lacto b., variety of FPE's, and ect. to feed my plants.

Is this possible in a DWC system?

If all the "right" environmental conditions (room/water temps, humidity levels, amount of oxygenated water, so on...) are met, will there be a high chance of "bad" bacteria/diseases growing in my system because of the type of organic fertilizers?

Any insights/precautions would be appreciated.


Active member
this is hard to do.....keep organic food in rez to a min..make up for it in foliar sprays....add only good benies at regular intervals and elevate oxygen levels...good luck!


New member
If you decide to go organic with hydro I highly recommend going with a PPK system. I've had a bubba kush sitting in a ppk (top bucket filled with screened turface connected to a lower bucket with just alfalfa tea and tap water, via wick.) Only thing you gotta do is make sure the wick is partially submerged and the damn thing grows itself.
Chemical, organic, doesnt matter, with this system the plant uses what it needs and leaves what it doesnt. I've done it with DynaGro Foliage Pro/Protekt and just homemade alfalfa tea. Search for delta9nxs on here, he is the pioneer for the system. Ppk with a top feed of some sort is damn near on par if not equal to DWC/Rdwc systems. Not to mention the ONLY bugs I got from the ppk with turface are springtails...and those are beneficial.