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CLBA Outdoor 2023/2024. Jason returns


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You seem to run with some financial risk in your projects. That' s good it reminds me about myself when i was younger :D

Your idea of greenhouse is good that way you can really have longer season. If your fireplace releases the heat slowly it's perfect for the cold spring and fall nights.

Autos for sure have their good sides but so do earlys. It's just great to see big and healthy early plants with good harvest. Autos are good choice for pretty sure harvest for any kind of summer but are somewhat boring and degenerated at least for my opinion. When i started growing od it was mostly early(danish and canadian genetics) and not much autos and it might affect in my opinion.

Will be watching this topic closely. You have nice plans and strains. lat 54 is not so far from lat 62. So if you manage to make some seeds im interested. Did grow years danish earlys and with some selection they are good to use for crosses here.
If you have seen Prohibition by Browndirtwarrior you will see some similarities abd for the same reason he has been a big inspiration source for me.

And regarding Auto vs early photo sensitive.
Much have happened with autos from back when i was growing last time 2007-2010 and to now.
Back then most was not very potent and slow growing lowryder crosses but now they are bigger and more potent, and also more similar to photosensitive top strains.
But you can still get much bigger plants with early photosensitives.
But Auto are interesting so Ive added several af strains to this years of grow to learn more about them, and from crossing the photosensitives.


Active member
Yesterday i received these to 999,9% pure silver bars in the mail to use on future feminise STS projects 🤘




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There havent been much growth the last days and some leafs,mostly lower, has started yellowing.
It seems Ive run into either Nutrient lockdown or PH issues, or both.
Ive only been feeding them organic nutrients and i believed these are hard to overdose but i suspect that might be the case?


My cheepo 3 in 1 soil meter says PH is around 7,5 which is a little high, but high enough to cause lockout?

My tap water is hard but chlorine free and at around 7,2 in PH


Should i rinse them out with a spray pistol hose with tap water ( the easy option)
Or maybe give each pot 3-5 liters of winegar 6,5 ph'ed water?

Im not sure what and why but Ive been giving plenty of organic nutrients and addons and yesterday i also gave each pot between a tea and a table spoon worth og ash from the fireplace, which is suppose to be somewhat alkaline

Im aware that flushing with water will remove most of the microbes Ive been getting in the soil and that it compacts the soil.
But i have to stop this yellowing before it gets too bad


ICMag Donor
Looking good, they're still pretty vigorous looking! I would plant them in the ground as soon as possible. They will take off. They are ready to grow roots. :smoke:


Active member
Looking good, they're still pretty vigorous looking! I would plant them in the ground as soon as possible. They will take off. They are ready to grow roots. :smoke:

Yes, but i still needs to find a few more spots for the pure seed grows.

And i cant plant those planned for garden grow permanently yet, as im having a big party in my house soon, so they need to be in pots so i can move and hide them from guests.

But ill replant them soon in larger pots

And i got some very good news to day.

I have been driving in my new area, Potland and found 2 forrest spots and A CORNFIELD 🥳

And the best news came today when i was back in my old area, where i use to live, i took a chance and contacted a farmer that i know a little, and laid the cards on the table, as to what i was looking for, and that i was willing to pay cash for it.

And to my big surprise he was all in on a renting deal:

I plant cannabis in his field and pay pr plant and he then looks the other way and provides me with dates for last pestice spray and harvest ❤️🥳🤘😘.

Its a long way from where i currently live but its worth the drive, and that way in garantied not too loose the harvest, so also worth the money we agreed.

This year i told him its just a smaller seed run for a small amount of plants but next year i have a lot of seeds so we could go bigger

And he was all into that

Cash still comes a long way and opens new doors😉👍😁


ICMag Donor
Thats so great, glad to hear about that major blessing! Would there be any spots like mine along the edge of the field? Plant it up! Be careful though, field plantings if large enough are visible from the air, I have seen images posted. The edge plantings are much more difficult to find in my opinion.

My field may be sprayed again, it was a late planting of corn so only about 1 ft tall or so. If on the edge there is less issue with planting date beause of sprays if there is native foliage to block the spray, and you could have big yielders!



Active member
Thats so great, glad to hear about that major blessing! Would there be any spots like mine along the edge of the field? Plant it up! Be careful though, field plantings if large enough are visible from the air, I have seen images posted. The edge plantings are much more difficult to find in my opinion.

My field may be sprayed again, it was a late planting of corn so only about 1 ft tall or so. If on the edge there is less issue with planting date beause of sprays if there is native foliage to block the spray, and you could have big yielders!

the last spray depends on when the farmer has time to spray and how developed the plants are.
Im going to ask my farmer partner more on that later ( how many nodes they use for guidance on when to spray etc).
growing in cornfields in my country is very rare.
i guess im one of the very few that are half crazy enough for that, ha ha.
so the cops are not patroling with helicopters like in Canada and some places in the US and other countries.
I dont think the Danish outdoor scene is very active currently, sadly so.
If ppl are growing outside their own property its mostly small guerilla spots in nature areas and maybe a some autos in their own gardens or balconies.
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Active member
Much have happened since last but i havent gotten around to make an update yet.

ill make a written and a video update within the next few days.
i had to remove and put all the plants in the garden, inside my indoor grow room temporarily as i had a big party and i didnt want my guests to know about my little side project ;)

the Leb27, GG3 and Royal Danes are going out in the corn very soon, but its also very much about time since they slowly start showing pistils and i dont want them cross pollinated with the cheese auto male im using in my garden to pollinate the garden strains

my first indoor grow in the grow tent is close to being switched to flower.
ive ordered more new seeds for future projects and ive ordered a complete Hydroponic pvc pipe NFT system from China, so my next indoor grow will be hydroponic.
ive also secured sponsorship for hydro fertilizer and im about to secure a deal, hopefully, on sponsored seeds for the next hydro grow.
things are starting to look better and better :)

while you wait to the coming update then have some fun and a laugh with this little video i made from messing with an android app and a young and handsome Jason out in the corn back in 2009 :)


Active member
I have cornfields around me but out in the woods just feels safer hehe. Mad props! What are you gonna do with the harvest if I may ask? Seems like you’ll harvest a few kilos man :):):)
Actually, this year, only 3 strains with 9-10 plants each are going into the corn for seeds.
The rest are staying in my garden or going into some smaller guerilla spots in forrests.
As they are mostly planned for seeds i will be making dry sift and oils from the most of them, when the seeds have been removed.
But next year i should have seeds enough for some bigger sensimilla grows 🤘


Active member
Actually, this year, only 3 strains with 9-10 plants each are going into the corn for seeds.
The rest are staying in my garden or going into some smaller guerilla spots in forrests.
As they are mostly planned for seeds i will be making dry sift and oils from the most of them, when the seeds have been removed.
But next year i should have seeds enough for some bigger sensimilla grows 🤘
Best of luck!


Active member
It's the same with Finnish od scene. Few old hippies still around but the drop is just huge. In icmag finnish section our od thread in 2013 had something like 50 pages of pics and discussion and 2023 i wonder if we are gonna reach 3 pages...

I'm sure there is younger generation of growers around but maybe they are in different medias like instagram and so on.

Good luck with the weather and hopefully you will post more pics later.


Active member
Ive been and still am very busy with several project and doings but heres a little teaser for an update coming when i have more time.

The strains for the corn has started the outplant and the first strain, Royal Dane, has gone into the corn and Leb27 and Guerilla Gold 3 iare being transplanted currently

Ive purchased and received a 108 hole 3 layer Nft pvc hydroponics system and is modifying it to horizontal cannabis growing and Ive postponed the flowering of the first batch of plants for my new indoor grow rooms and is currently removing the from pots, cleaning roots for a hydroponic run

And im going to start germination of a lot more seeds being mostly autoflowers for some Girl Scout Cookies Auto and Cheese Auto etc cross but also some CBD seeds, Afghan Nordic and Malawi for some breeding projects in order to try and make a kick ass high potent 50/50 sativa/Indica cashcropper with the working title Jasons Bloodbath Kush

Stay tuned for more coming soon
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ICMag Donor
Sweet, going to get something good out of that hydroponic setup! So you have a good batch going out in the corn! Are you getting rains so you can easily transplant without watering?


Active member
Sweet, going to get something good out of that hydroponic setup! So you have a good batch going out in the corn! Are you getting rains so you can easily transplant without watering?


I cleaned and removed soil around each pot in an apr 1m x1m area ( 3x3 feet) and buried some of the pots and put others on the cleaned soil, for now.
I sadly has no pictures of the buried pots.
A Car was approaching and it was starting to get daylight so i decided to GTFO.
REason for removing the top soil is that the pesticide is a contact killer agent.
its my idea to bury all the pots so they will draw water from the ground although in periods of no or
limited rain i plan to visit and give them some nutrient infused water.
by using pots i can dig them up at harvest and bring them back home to finish maturing seeds, if they arent fully mature when the farmers start to harvest.
The Royal Dane and Leb27 will finish with mature seeds by harvest mid September here but im a little worried regarding the Guerilla Gold 3 as both RD and Leb27 has started flowring for both some of the males and females but none of the GG3 has even shown sex yet.
if i planted them directly in soil i will probably end up with many immature seeds.
so im going to put some fast growing Autos out in the corn also, probably Girl Scout Cookies Auto and Gelato Auto so ill get a cross for next year that for sure can finish in corn..
This year im growing in the corn for seeds with hashish as a bi product but its my plan that next year the seed grows will be more limited and ill grow more sensimilla in a quality that is on par with indoor grown weed.
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