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Bush Targets MJ Users


Captain Expando
More bullshit !

New super-strength marijuana readily available on US streets is prompting the White House to change direction in its war against drugs. Research from the government-sponsored Marijuana Potency Project claims today's cannabis is more than twice as strong as in the mid-Eighties, leading to greater health risks for those smoking it at increasingly younger ages. Now President George Bush, who had already promised a more aggressive campaign against substance abuse, has ordered that resources be allocated to fighting so-called 'soft' drugs instead of concentrating on harder forms, such as heroin and cocaine. 'We are working hard on education, but unfortunately a lot of today's parents are under the impression marijuana is harmless and that their kids trying it is some kind of rite of passage,' said Jennifer de Vallance, of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. 'They might have had experience in their own teenage years with no problems, but this is not the same marijuana as in the Sixties, Seventies and Eighties. Today's forms are much stronger and potentially more harmful, especially to young people whose brains are not fully developed and are therefore more susceptible to adverse reactions.' The Marijuana Potency Project, at the University of Mississippi, analysed more than 30,000 samples seized over the past 18 years by the authorities. It found that the average level of the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), jumped from 3.5 per cent in 1985 to more than 7 per cent in 2003. Of more concern to the analysts is that the upward trend appears to be continuing. The average potency of 20 marijuana samples seized and tested so far this year exceeds 9 per cent, with a peak of 27 per cent in one batch from a state in the North West. 'Today's marijuana is a much more serious problem than the vast majority of Americans understands,' said John Walters, the government's director of drug control policy who has promised a clampdown on producers.
Those who support the legalisation of cannabis are not convinced. 'Whenever government officials speak about drugs issues, a more detailed examination of the facts is a good idea,' said David Borden, executive director of the Washington-based Drug Reform Coordination Network. 'These projects are always government-funded and, without criticising the researchers, officials take what they want from it and send out their press releases. There has always been a wide range of potencies. It doesn't mean people are getting more intoxicated, because the higher the potency, the less they smoke.' Figures suggest overall drug use in America's high schools has fallen by 11 per cent in two years but the National Centre on Addiction and Substance Abuse reports the number of children and teenagers receiving treatment for marijuana abuse jumped 142 per cent over the last decade, and that emergency hospital admissions of 12 to 17-year-olds in which marijuana was implicated rose 48 per cent in four years. Borden acknowledges children must be steered away from drugs, but says: 'Their anti-drugs efforts have had a paradoxical effect in promoting the underground cultivation of marijuana. The number of users makes it an appealing target and there is no limit to the number of arrests that can be made, and the government uses those numbers to scare the public into thinking there is some big problem. 'All the government has been able to do is encourage people to experiment with stronger drugs than they would have before.'


ICmag's Official Black Guy
Thanx Zepp for the info it's funny how much the president is trying to force on the U. S. before he leaves office because we all know that it going to be a hard race for him to cheat and win


I hope bush falls off his mountain bike again, this time off the fucking mountain.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted


^ no doubt, eh sharp pain.
What a bung hole.
The hell with the highly addictive drugs that are causing the violent crime, let's crack down on the softer stuff. It's all good Bushie. Hope you enjoy your last few months in office. In the mean time, my grow continues no matter what. More typical BS from our government.


Active member
It found that the average level of the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), jumped from 3.5 per cent in 1985 to more than 7 per cent in 2003. Of more concern to the analysts is that the upward trend appears to be continuing. The average potency of 20 marijuana samples seized and tested so far this year exceeds 9 per cent, with a peak of 27 per cent in one batch from a state in the North West.

OK correct me if I'm wrong , but the average bagweed is 3% THC or less. They say it rose to more than 7% in 2003. You mean to tell me that there has been no strain avail. since the 80's with more then 7% THC? I like to know where they get there facts from.
And who out there in the NW has the 27%THC Bud??? you better spread them genetics!!!
What a dik!......... I agree Sharp_Pain He's just trying to get MJ users because they don't support him. The same way he went after Saddam because of his father un-finished buisness. Fuk you Frat Boy George you are the worst president in history and I will laugh when they show you on TV movin your shit out of the White House. :wave:
Hooked-On-Grown said:

And who out there in the NW has the 27%THC Bud??? you better spread them genetics!!!

amen to that!

if your secretly enjoying your 30% thc nuggage, HOOK A BROTHA UP:D

I like the way that the bush admin is trying to compare herb to herion and cocaine. :confused: :rolleyes: :abduct: :D


resident slackass
LaylowClamBaker said:
""""""What a dik!""""""......... I agree Sharp_Pain He's just trying to get MJ users because they don't support him. The same way he went after Saddam because of his father un-finished buisness. """""Fuk you Frat Boy George""""" you are the worst president in history and I will laugh when they show you on TV movin your shit out of the White House. :wave:

i couldn't have said it better myself. look at the t- shirts in my gallery and you'll see what i mean;)

dumb & dumber is my favorite.... just love the look on dubyas face


Captain Expando
yes the bullshit never stops ~

yes the bullshit never stops ~

In the same week the Bush administration declared a new “war on soft drugs” (re: cannabis), there were two stories linked to the continuing resistance to medical marijuana by both the federal government and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

On July 21, in Washington, DC, a pair of federal lawsuits were filed on by medical marijuana researchers charging the DEA, HHS, NIH and NIDA with obstructing medical marijuana research in violation of federal law. The suits were filed by Lyle Craker, director of the Medicinal Plant Program at the University of Massachusetts—Amherst, Rick Doblin, president of the Multidisciplinary Alliance for Medical Marijuana (MAPS) and Valerie Corral co-founder of the Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM).

Doblin and MAPS approached Craker in 2001 about providing 25 pounds of medical cannabis for federally approved researchers, but he has been unable to receive approval from the DEA. “We want to be able to supply medical personnel with a high quality material with a known level of bioactive ingredients for clinical studies,” says Cracker. “We’ve cooperated with the DEA to make sure all [cannabis] materials are accounted for and all waste materials would be incinerated. The suit is to force the DEA to make a decision on the matter. They had enough time. They previously said they’d decide in six weeks, but that time has passed. It’s time to make a decision.”

At least the DEA is consistent. On July 20, in Sacramento, CA, Gov. Schwarzenegger, who declared that he supported medical marijuana when running for office, vetoed SB-1494, the bill sponsored by state Senator John Vasconcellos (D-Santa Clara). SB 1494 was intended to “clean up” misconceptions in the language of a previous medical marijuana bill, SB-420, which was passed in 2003 but not implemented into law.

“I was dismayed and astonished that Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill,” Sen. Vasconcellos explains. “The governor indicated he would implement SB-420. What he said in his veto wasn’t true, that this [SB 1494] changes the rule as to how much marijuana a patient can have.”

In that veto message, Schwarzenegger mistakenly stated that SB 1494 violated SB 420, when in fact it was meant to clarify the issue after SB 420 contained sloppy legislative language when it was rushed into passage. “Enactment of the bill would create uncertainty in this area of the law, thereby making it more difficult for law enforcement to determine when a person was in possession of marijuana for medicinal purposes,” the governor wrote.

Schwarzenegger’s veto seems to indicate that he’s aligned with the “hardliners” as Sen. Vasconcellos described them, those that maintain that SB-420 violates the state constitution. The senator says 1494 was to confirm that the path of SB-420 was not at the expense of the constitutional rights of those who were granted relief of prosecution under Prop 215 (which legalized medical marijuana in California in 1996).

“The budget issue in California has the governor preoccupied. After that’s resolved, I’m going to approach him and ask if he realizes his error and if he will sign the bill,” Vasconcellos promises.


Active member
Kerry in 2004

Kerry in 2004

Yeah, i seen a g13 test in the early ninties in at 24.7. Dutch passion has some high numbers in the teens and maybe twenties, me think. See seeds direct site info under D.P. Sad about the terminater as he was in that seventies mr. universe or something video smoking a joint. I heard they censored it out on later copies since the inaguration. Anyone got it or a pic from it to post here of him toking???

For the record-
if its more potent, you smoke less-if for no other reason than you can't get the lighter to the bowl. so therefore it equals the more medicine you smoked of the weak stuff.

MJ is nothing like herion or cocain no mater even if it was 90% pure. And no matter how much ya ingest, smoke, vaporize, or snort ya ain't going to o.d. as it is not toxic in the same way as hard drugs- for all the leo's out there who just don't know-

I did hear of a guy on the haight who injected some weed he boiled down in a spoon that turned blue and stopped breathing for a while. That's what ya get for


Captain Expando


A Minneapolis City Council committee decided today that a medicinal marijuana initiative doesn’t belong on the city ballot this fall.

The unanimous decision by the Intergovernmental Relations Committee doesn’t bode well for those who want to amend the city charter to include a provision for a medicinal marijuana distribution system. The full council takes up the matter Friday.

Council Member Lisa Goodman said she’s sympathetic to those behind the medicinal marijuana cause, but couldn’t support such an issue arising as an amendment to the city charter. "It’s clear to me that the charter isn’t the appropriate place to discuss the issue," Goodman said.

Goodman and other City Council members said the issue should be addressed as an ordinance if the use of medicinal marijuana becomes legal.

The Minneapolis Charter Commission recommended against putting the proposed amendment on the ballot because members say it’s inconsistent with the purpose of the charter, the governing document of the city. But supporters of putting the issue to a vote in November disagreed.

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