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Bring back the P.R.A in Michigan

5 years ago in Michigan the P.R A. (Personal Responsability Amendment) disappeared after the F.B.I. and Michigan State police murders of my friends and fellow Freedom Fighters Tom Croslin and Roland Rohm at the Rainbow Farm campground in Vandalia Mi one week before 9/11. http://cannabisnews.com/news/13/thread13950.shtml
has anyone heard of any such initiatives in my state. Im tired of all this shit. its gotta stop.

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Rainbow farm was a very sad incident, and at the same time a very important one.

Those two men would rather die than be oppressed. Too bad it seems there were only two of them, and they did die.......the scared masses certainly won't try resisting in light of something like this.
That was Scott Teters point(the Cass co. pros. atty.). To scare anybody who thought of being a "copycat" in his county. But worst of all my friends are gone. Never forgotten. just gone.
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i know it was sad your not telling me anything i dont know. i want to know if there are any state wide initiatives in michigan to decriminalize/legalize? or any in the works?
There was a bill that was trying to be passed to put marijuana on the same level as alcohol. I remember reading about it on OG. It was a sticky. Do a google search or something.

Detriot, Ann Arbor, and two other cities have MMJ laws. My stoned self can't remember the other two cities though. It would be nice to have a state wide bill.

Hope I helped at least a little.


If my memory serves me correct, there was a state-wide bill introduced in the House sometime this spring to legalize medical use. The legislation was tabled in committee, and hasn't (and probably never will...) see the light of day. It was barely even mentioned in the news, but was a hot topic of conversation around the Capitol district for about ...three days. The election will guarantee that this bill dies before any of our legislators get the balls to even MENTION it publicly...

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