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Bagseed from clone only equals?????

Ok, so I grew a bagseed from the infamous Shire.
Bloomed from seed to insure to hermie traits, revegged and cloned some beautiful girls.

Pheno is like this.

Purple stems no matter what!

Grows like a damn vine w/ skinny round leaves.

Monster top colas, can't hold its own weight w/o mad bamboo stakes.

Extreme flower production in last two weeks ( week 8 and week 9) ( Colas trippled in thickness ):thank you:

Definitely a sour diesel dominant pheno as far as looks go.
(Dark green leaves , pink pistils, very little crystals on leaves, lanky, stretchy,

but it still has that honey like golden crisp flavor of the shire.

( and turns gold when it cures )

I have no pics sorry.

My question is this.

What the hell to I call this?

Daughter of Shire or
Sour Daddy ( this would be if this story constitutes a rename. )

Also generally speaking should this be a SSSDH when you grow seed from a clone only herm?????

I hope this makes sense to someone, sorry for the jibberish.