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My 2nd Guerilla grow, 2008

Polle Pot

First i want to show what happened last year, my first grow ever:

Everything drowned :badday:

Now I've found new spots, which are a whole lot higher and more resistant towards heavy rainfall. This year i will do multiple spots, maybe 4-5.
I have already prepared two spots, whih should house 20-25 plants. I prepped them with 200 liters of compost each and then some dolomite lime.
My spots are very remote and i cant access them by either car or bike. Carrying all that stuff on your back out there, is really erm, backbreaking..

Tomorrow im gonna carry some more compost into new spots, and im gonna show you guys some pitures some of the spots. And the seedlings i have started.

The plan is that if i do a really good soil prep, i can visit my plots only 4-5 times this summer, to kill males and spread some slow release fertilizers. All organic ofcourse :rasta:

I hope i can bring the first 18 seedlings out around 1 of April. Im in Denmark btw, and we are having snow right now :badday: hopefully we should get over 0 degrees at night, soon.
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I would suggest letting the ground warm up good before you put out your plants. Here in Atlantic Canada this means late May to early June. One and a half metres (5 feet) of snow on the ground right now. It is better to wait for warm weather before putting out clones and your plants will soon catch up and pass those of the guy who puts his out as early as possible. Cool nights will not hurt plants in the autumn as long as the days are sunny and warm but frost in spring can be fatal to young plants.

Polle Pot

Hi Older toker, thanks for your input.
I don't know man, this winther has been very strange. We didnt have any frost in January or February, only a little here in the end of March. So i mean, its not like the ground has been frozen for a long time..
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Active member
i am going in pots for the first time this year outdoor. might wanna try that with a few.

that way you can always move them if needed.

Polle Pot

Last year i tried to save the plants by moving them into pots, but it was too late. I have 10x 12 liter pots on the spot i can use, and i probably will at some point.

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Polle Pot

Heres a pic of our garden yesterday

Purple Peace in the box, rest is Royal Dane

Im thinking i can veg in this box when the night temps get over 0, what do you guys think?

That cold frame box will surely work. placing a couple of dark colored jugs filled with water at night will help retain heat. you let the jugs sit out in a sunny spot during the day where they collect solar heat. Also, I think you may benefit from some type of venting on that box...


Thats the true spirit Polle.
This year everything will grow better.
1. april is very early. I would wait until around 1. may.
If u give the plants 4 weeks more good veg, their survive chances will increase.

Best luck bro


Active member
Meadowlands said:
That cold frame box will surely work. placing a couple of dark colored jugs filled with water at night will help retain heat. you let the jugs sit out in a sunny spot during the day where they collect solar heat. Also, I think you may benefit from some type of venting on that box...

bricks would do that better :smoke:


Active member
brilliant! I'm hoping to do something similar, just on a larger scale. Hopefully it'll keep my babies alive through the end of april and into may!

Polle Pot

Hey guys, thanks for your replys, very appreciated.

Im glad you like my box. It was something i hammered together really quick. I was not sure if the plastic would reflect light or not though, after i built it. Heck, people use the same plastic in greenhouses, so it can't be that bad..

Heres some pics from my spots:

spot #1

Spot #2

still needs some more dolomite lime, then good to go.

A little shot on my way into the forest

Oh how i love the peace and serenity of the nature. Evere little thing here is alive and endless factors work in perfect symbiosis. Great realizations about life and mind can be had while walking the nature :rasta:
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Polle Pot

Paddi said:
Thats the true spirit Polle.
This year everything will grow better.
1. april is very early. I would wait until around 1. may.
If u give the plants 4 weeks more good veg, their survive chances will increase.

Best luck bro

Hey Paddi, nice to see you here :joint:
I've followed your 06 and 07 grows intensely, and have learned alot. Hope you get as nice results this year.

Problem is that 1st of April im moving away from the area that my plants are in. Im gonna have 140 kms to my spots when i move, thats why im tempted to put the guys out early. But i think i might reconsider. My seedlings look very puny and fragile at the moment, so might be better to give em more time.
Maybe i can get a good friend to water in the box while im away, if i cant they will go out probably on the 30th or 31th of March.
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Polle Pot

Today, 11 of my Guerilla Goldx Danish Passion seeds had sprouted and they are now in pots of soil :jump:
I've had a horrible germination rate on the Purple Peae, so im glad the GGxDP sprouted almost 100%.

Polle Pot

Light fest in the box today

I found 2 brics that i put in there, better than nothing i guess. Hope they can hold some heat.

Once these guys pop up, they will join the party :headbange



I hope you have better luck this year mate, that first pic of the underwater plants is heartbreaking, I bet there were more than a few Danish swear-words uttered when you founf them! If it had been me, you'd have been able to hear me swearing all the way over in Denmark! lol

Raised beds, that's what you need to avoid waterlogging! This year I'm building some raised beds in a remote forest spot as I have issues with waterlogging and high rainfall (highest in whole of Europe, I might add!)

You can buy little paraffin heaters from cold frames and greenhouses, just pop one of those in your cold frame and it will keep the temps in there a nice 20-25 degrees celsius, cover the cold frame with some insulating material such as some old carpet or a tarpaulin at night and your babies will be quite happy in there. Alternatively, just have them in the cold frame (with the heater) during daylight and bring em in under some CFLs at night.
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Polle Pot

I tried, for fun, to make some slug fences for the plants. Not sure how it'll work or if i have slugs in my area. What do you guys think, would they work if i put em around the seedlings?
