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70 W system challenge LED vs. HPS #2


Well I have a few minutes to make first post of interesting grow diary for all led lovers. I hope you will enjoy, I hope that there will be less problems than in grow #1 under the leds.

First of all, I split 2 boxes apart. So the LED box, have 2 small holes at the bottom for fresh air, and one at the top for out. Vent is 80mm computer vent, running on 12V, 24 hours a day. In this box I have also one 150 mm vent for mixing the air inside the box. it's installed under the net for better ventilation, and because over the net there isn't enough room.

In HPS box, I made a hole for a 80mm computer vent at the top. also running on 12V 24 hours a day. And at the bottom of the box, there are 2 holes for fresh air. Here is also a 150mm vent for mixing the air inside the box.

This time I have decided to put only ak-47 inside. So there are 6 in the LED box, and 6 in the HPS box. The clones were much bigger then last time, I veg them over one month under 125 W envirolite.

Well here are some pics, of the situation, for those who don't like to read too much :)

Here you can see new 80mm vent installed in the HPS box.

two new holes for fresh air in the LED box

here I added some maerl to the soil

and some perlite

mixed everything together

I also made some new trays, so the all of 6 girls have the same tray, easier for watering.
here is a pic of led box

and a pic of tray in the HPS box

Here are the girls under the LEDs

And here are the girls under the HPS

Hope you will like my thread and happy growing to all of you

Greetings Medved


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Good luck! I really enjoyed your first attempt.

Thanks for the hard work! I hope you get more to smoke this time around.


helou everybody, girls are in 4 day of vegetation under LEDs, here are some pics

and under HPS

have a nice day, and stay cool


how will you be addressing the nute regimen issue that happened during the last run?

i guess im wondering if you will be catering differently to each room to suit the needs of the plants under the 2 very different lights?


i'm thinking about using no nutes this time, to see what will happen, if there will be any visual signs that girls need the nutes, then I will give it to them.
Nice grow medved your plants are looking good. When do you think your gonna transplant to final pots? IMO I wouldnt suggest starving your plants of nutrients i would instead start with 1/4th of the recommended feeding and gradually increase.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Uhm, if you just use organics without any add-ins you wont have to worry about deficiencies or over-fertilization.



Matter that Appreciates Matter
No nutes would allow him to see how or if plants have different requirements with LEDs. Also, it keeps the experiment "fair".


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
I'd say he should do two trays under the LED, one no nutes, one 1/2 or 1/4 strength..


Sleeping Dragon
its not really a fair experiment..
you dont have a base with the Spectural output from the LED v HPS
as the leds have blue and red..
you need to add MH to your system
or switch to a
philips ceramic metal halide
if its 250 W there is a retro version

heres my thoughts on the LED grow test Phases.
this kinda testing requires a few baselines.
1. Clones are a must.. allays from the same mother or succeeding mother.
1. what does the hps yeild on average past 4 grows (the more the better) using exact same nute Reg. and no other changes in temps, etc.

the only benifit of runing the test at the same time would be if you topped the plant and had the same base for both and one top to the HPS and one to the LED array.. it would be difacult to make sure you had = chance stalk on each side.. (to get super accurate results)

in my opinion LED is great for Veg at this point (with proper LEds and optics) and flowering is still best left to CFL, CMH, or HPS
you would have to design arrays on the 90 axis 360 around to atleast somewhat compete with CMH

oh your going to need to add UVB to the LED side if your going to compare the "High" as the leds dont dump any UVB at all (hps does a lil bit) and uvb is shown to be NEEDED to fill the sack (trichs) with the goodies you want.
wallmart sells one in the fishtank isle for reptis for 15 bucks.. (just saw it)
(why uvb needed is in that post)

also u should do DWC or COCO.. and use one container for all plants in each controll group.. that way they all get feed the same and same root conditions..

you have to many varibles to run a hps v led however im intrested in your flowering results..

if you stay with that hps hood move it to the left, far left.. i know you want it center but thats not what it needs to be..
you want no shadows at all around ur pots directly under the lamp and each poter shadow needs to be = to each other one.. does that make sense..
but move left far left and ur ok

if any thing totaly underfeed them and wait till u see deficiancys.. and then slowly go bit more till u get more defs.. if all are underfeed its ok cause they all will be = (if u use same buckets or medium potter) in your grow..
for this test i see the results being.
i see the hps side growing bigger faster, requiring more food before the led side.. def dont feed the led side the same as the hps side..
and the hps side will yeild more.
"High" will be greater with hps.. unless u uvb the led side
when you test the smoke on yourself or freind if smoking both same time smoke the led first without uvb add, u will be like ya it ok, then when u smoke the hps ur gonna be ok this has punch.. unless u add uvb to led then it will have a "High" chance
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and here we go, girls are now 12 days under the LEDs. They look good and healthy.

thecrackaddict The girls are already in ther final pots. If they will need some nutes, then I will give it to them.

some pics

girls under LEDs

and under HPS

I think that LED girls are now growing faster then before.

Have a nice day and stay tunned :)


Thanks for stoping by everybody. today is 18 day under LEDs. And the girls are looking like this.

The net is filling pretty fast. So i'm wondering when should I change the cicle to 12/12? Any suggestions, probably I will do it in 7 days.

Here are some photos.

Comments welcome,

Have a nice evening



Active member
Looking really good! This time I bet the led plants will do a lot better - they definitely look promising.


helou, I switched to 12/12 3 days ago. they are looking good, the pics are from yesterday. I'm still watering them only with pure water, nothing else inside.

Here are a few pics

and a HPS box

Have a nice day everybody


lol Simba you got totally ingnored...
Simba brought up alot of good points....but i guess its way to late for any of that....
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I just love the idea of LED, good luck with this one! I hope you get a good yield out of this one, and I'll be watching.
and if you dont mind sharing, how many LED do you have and what size are they?