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Jamaican blue mountain !



Hello !!
anyone grow jamaican blue mountain, At the moment ???
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nice plant, good yeld & smoke good for breeding!


in my greenhouse 2010
grow 1 month


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charlie garcia



Hola amigos
Dont know if its the same or not ?¿ Some lots were spared to french friends as well. Looks very well Breizou. One here is easy to grow one, healthy and pest resistance. This is Jamaica Blue Mountain picked up in 1985. Was used here in several commercial hybrids like Caribe or NepalJam. Sometimes can be bit harsh in throat if too much N but gives also some funny and delicious berry aromas





Can u tell us a little more about this BM?
Nice photos!
Charlie answered before me, Darwinsbulldog talk about her here

Hola amigos
Dont know if its the same or not ?¿ Some lots were spared to french friends as well. Looks very well Breizou. Its easy to grow one, healthy and pest resistance. This is Jamaica Blue Mountain picked up in 1985. Was used here in several commercial hybrids like Caribe or NepalJam. Sometimes can be bit harsh in throat if too much N but gives also some funny and delicious berry aromas

Hi Charlie! I'ts the same!
in fact It is the seeds that "Rahan, J Public" reproduced in its greenhouse and distributed on the vibes ! R.I.P !!
it's my friend Jefbzh who give me them in 2008 for my greenhouse to sélec and reproduce
I found a winner in this selection which I have since 2008,
It is the one that you see on photo


charlie garcia

Thx amigo, so happy to know you liked it. There is a positive type of effect inside them, a happy line sometimes and happy vibes like in old site VB. Other times I experienced its nervious side as well but overall, nice breeding tool ;) Its been years alive and got bit fatter with the time since I grew it first, different selections made by different ppl and different criterias but still nice plants and genetics. Sometimes huge and massive yield plant results. Sometimes you can get purples traits too but only sometimes
Best vibes again :) and best flowerings
merci breizou


Hola amigos
Dont know if its the same or not ?¿ Some lots were spared to french friends as well. Looks very well Breizou. One here is easy to grow one, healthy and pest resistance. This is Jamaica Blue Mountain picked up in 1985. Was used here in several commercial hybrids like Caribe or NepalJam. Sometimes can be bit harsh in throat if too much N but gives also some funny and delicious berry aromas




Magnificent outstanding tasty pics you got there.:thank you: Are there any seeds available from this strain?????

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


charlie garcia

Glad you like it Manito. Not available seeds at the moment, spreaded different lots of in the past, unfortunatelly I need so much time for everything I wished to be available. Hope lots can be refreshed but yet I have to do same with Pakistan Chitral, Meao Thai and others before and I dont know really how much worth is to do all this. Anyway I expressed my point several times, I shared most lines around but at the end I always have to do all by myself again and again. Some have used them for hybrids, in other cases ppl just used these type of beans to open a seed bank and sell them as their own. So what can I do but try to be positive wishing nice ppl enojy it but little more.

charlie garcia

Ok amigos, talked to few friends to know real interest in and I am arranging a reproduction for seeds so hope I can spare lots in a few months with little luck, maybe ready in September. A lot of different cuts are here ready for the task although thay have not been tested. Line is almost as spanish as jamaican after all these years being grown outdoors but hope some may like it and still shows its original character. She finishes around beginning/mid november. Lets pray for luck, Ill use all the 16 individuals.
Thx for he interest
hope may help and be spared around



very good idea charlie!
I am going to try to get back the last seeds with a friend and to be few to make some seeds with my cut, maybe!

charlie garcia

Thx Breizou I am happy you manage to keep line with friends ;) Big hello to all good friends
Finally there are 20 dif cuts here ready and just repoted to go in flower in 2-3 weeks
hei 1000 posts, cant believe I talked that much lol

charlie garcia

thx DB, not breeding on this, just repro with all :) good friends just helped me and sent me and are sending me available clones, I appreciate their help, reason this can be done hopefully soon. Nevertheless will be in your side to grow best numbers and look for winners if possible, I will just share them away

best wishes and big thx to ones...


Thanks Charlie for sharing this genetics.......
We have some Pakis here that come from you, beautiful genetics that shouldn't be lost ... would love to grow your blue mountain :jump:

And yes, situation with "new banks" in Spain is ...ejem....
but anyway, have a look to all banks around... in the end....so much "dark side"....

When a strain comes out good for breeding, you cannot stop ppl from using it... but this has to be done with respect and hard work , not just spraying... my 2 cts,...
:thank you:

Saludos andaluces, primo ;)

charlie garcia

Thx SV, hope they find them fine, just little pieces of time. If compared with best of the bests and finest elite things nothing special by themselves imho, but for me a fine and different breeding tool

-When a strain comes out good for breeding, you cannot stop ppl from using it-

its opposite, I would love ppl can do some breedings with those and am sure can improve things and do much better than I can. What it doesnt make sense is to open a new seed bank to sell them :) you can do it in private, guess you know it too, being threatened and spent disspointed times for sharing too often as many others. At the end, most get off scene as result of lack of mininal respect and interest. Hope you see how we all lose, hope you understand this point. I just wish people can make some finest breeding if lines deserve it and flood into commercial gene pool as result, thats simple and thats all. For years is been like that and with many friends we all swapped and exchaged things, its just lately at least here this is becoming too ugly too often. If you guys dont do a thing is your business at the end, future of cannabis is in young ppl hands not in mine. Shared these and several more pure lines in commercial deluxe mixes too for years but seems most never kept them as pure but culling males ;) Maybe werent worth, who knows, or maybe ppl dont realize world is changing too fast and some of finest cannabis lines have dissapeared and forever. If you dont care, I dont care at the end but keep alone my happy way in private as usual and as many more who like cannabis, not only getting stoned although much respetable. If ppl from cannabis dont care about keeping best cannabis genepool dont think others will do for them.

- but this has to be done with respect and hard work , not just spraying-

said before my cats can do that succesfully too, all is about selection and selection not about names although our research goes for best known which have recognized fame for being good

Hope is not too hot there ;) here finnally starts burning as usual
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