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How much pot a month?


Curious to know how much pot others use per month......

I find 1oz about avg here. (if it's good)

Molly Kuehl

I smoke about an oz a month....or a little more, never less.


New member
hubby and I smoke half pound a month!!!! Before 2 years ago, getting (not buying) was easy beans because of our hookup. Hookup didn't get busted but was saved religiously & decided it was sins of the flesh. hehe have to laugh, because I will tell her to read the book more. Genesis


^I am a religious person, and the way I feel is, if Nuns and Priests can smoke or drink, then I can smoke or drink...

Society has deemed what is appropriate to smoke and drink, not religion. In fact, I think we all know how the Rastafarian religion gets down!

You guys are right there with me,there are just two of you. love Love LOVE to smoke weed!


I am seeing a eighth a day crowd here, good stuff.

Funny thing is, I am a eight a day, and I am trying to stretch out sessions. If I had my way, I'd just sit there and smoke. But life beacons, and makes me go deal with it.


the better the pot the longer it lasts doesn't work for me
it seems the better it is the faster I smoke it so maybe
a qp a month isn't so much


Pull my finger
Me and the misses smoke a lot of weed. Ounce a week. No less.

It's her fault. She is the one shoving the pipe in my face. Or constantly bugging me about "let's smokes a bowl" Goddamm that gets annoying after a bit. "GO pack the damn thing yourself and hit it!" I feel like going nuts sometimes cuz she just wont give up.

WTF does she need me for?? Why do I have to always break up and pack a bowl?? I smoke way more than I would if it was just me.

I do smoke a lot of pot though. I try to pretty much stay medicated. Rollup fattys, load big bowls.

Sometimes it gets really freekin irritating when Mrs.Swamp pesters me in to smoking. It's like one of those gnats that tries to get in to your ear. You swat it, but it keeps coming back relentlessly. That's her, "Let's smoke, Let's smoke" "Hey wake up, let's smoke"

WTF! "Are you done shitting yet?? Lets smoke" STFU! I am already stoned!


Horse-toothed Jackass
I'm rather a lightweight myself: an 1/8 of cured homegrown will last me a month (1-2 bong hits a night).
If I was married to someone like Ms. Swampdank, i'm sure it'd be more. :rasta:


How do you guys that smoke an 1/8th plus a day even still get high? I get about 2 bowls a day and after that the weed doesnt seem to effect me much. I've got 4 strains to choose from so its not a lack of variety.


Definitely at least ounce per month.
These days when Im working I dont have time to smoke so much, although I do roll one or two spliffs....

Swampdank - Geez! Womens are crazy... well... with mine is different. She only makes a puff or two and even for that I must insist. But never forcing her. I like that she doesnt smoke because then I would have to buy even more weed.... MORE FOR ME!


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