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Fungus gnats or WINGED ROOT APHIDS???


Active member
Use a good root stimulator, like GO BioRoot or Roots Excelurator. Apply to roots. Also foliar twice a few days apart. Use transition nutes w/root stim. for both roots and foliage apps. Also use a good enzyme product like Hygrozyme or Cannazyme or {I hear and read] AN's zyme product. Inoculate either with EWC ACT or a good commercial inoculant like Great White or similar or both. Good luck. -granger


Active member
Can we all agree to disagree and come together:thank you: Back to the problem at hand. So its been several days since I discovered and treated these grimmy creeps. As I stated I bombed and drenched with Bayer fruits and citrus @10ml. ALL CREEPS ARE DEAD !!!! Now as I look into the carnage I see ALOT dead creeps. Initially I identified the Root Aphids, the flyers, some crabs, the last one to show up is all black . Could it be RA at a different stage of it's life. Anyways creeps are dead, however they did damages. My roots are struggling to get back on board and I lost a chunk of foliage. I'm 3weeks into flower and what's developing looks reasonable considering:wallbash: So theres part of my update. Bugs suck!!!!! Bayer worked for me at eradication. How to recover ?? Any help with getting the roots back and getting green again. Thanks.

Use aspirin @ 325 Mg. per gallon to boost plants immune system. This usually perks plant up overnight.


if you got decent much of uv-b on the growroom it kills all the bugs who ever goes there,it also boost up thc production of the plant.
i recommend of least one 24w 120cm length uv-b 5.0 light for xl tent size area.
never again you have bug problems... so easy.
if you have any doubts, i got scientifical studies made of both claims, pm if you are intressed of them


Active member
You're right about the UVB, but I don't think it will kill any bugs that stay in the medium, unexposed. I need to try Aspirin. Many good reports for immune issues.

Retro, do you know if it has any effect on beneficial Nematodes? -granger


how they got on medium if uv-b lights are on? adults will come to surface and die,eventually even in medium being gnats come to surface and die.


Hawaiian Inebriatti


Not wishing to restart any bickering.
I'm just stating what I have observed.

Bought a new bag of Black Gold pure coco.
Took a clean garbage can and lined it with a new plastic bag.
Set the coco in that, cut a slit, removed about 2 liters for up-potting.
Sealed the bag, sealed the garbage bag, and put the snugly fitting lid on the can.
Went on about me business.

Plants start losing bottom leaf at an alarming rate.
I do the "what's wrong" dance for a while while it gets critical.
Then, Crap! a flyer.

Put a slice of potato on the surface and wait a day.
Here's what I find.
easter bunny.jpg
R A eggs.jpg

See them eggs?

Had not opened the coco since the first opening.
When I pulled the lid and opened the garbage bag.
I thought I saw a flyer!
So I grabbed a cup of coco and ran it under the 'scope.

I'm here to say, that for whatever reason, RAs do seem to lay egg in coco.
Won't speculate on the actual vector, but the RA eggs in new coco is no myth.

I threw a few million nematodes at the flowering girls and used Imid on the veggers.
When the imid has broken down I'll hit them all with bacterial and fugal spores.

And I'll innoculate any future bags of coco with said spores because they kill the eggs too.

Anyroad, that's the plan.
Vill it Verk? V shell C.
The new growth looks promising.

Again, not looking for hubris, just stating observations.:huggg:

Granger, I didn't see your post. Thanks for the info. I'm using Roots excel, and tonight got to see some new growth on the roots :woohoo: I dont think the yellow leaves are gonna change back to green, however I'll give some foiler spraying a couple times over the next couple days a shot. Thanks again.
Weezard........No man , this is Dave !!!! Hey is there any chance you have mixed other mediums in the can. I believe I caught mine from a bucket set up I had used previously, over a year ago. However it would change the way I think about stuff if coco might come ' pre charged' with creeps


High country cat herder
Damn,..... I'm sorry Weez, I don't see any aphids there. Some kind of soil mite yes,... not aphids tho.

Does the manufacture of the CoCo make soil as well? Was the CoCo hard pressed brick or loose? Were there any amendments already in the CoCo?

If it wasn't the hard pressed brick that you've gotta re-hydrate yourself and it was manufactured by someone who also does soil,... it would stand to reason that soilborn bugs will have a chance of being there.

I know next to nothing about CoCo,... other than I don't like it for anything more than lining my lizard cage.

My Bug comments seem fairly common sense, but if not I've got a pretty damned good flame suit.

I have tried a grow with coco,.... fucked me all up! I know jack SHIT about hydro, and that's more the medium it's intended to be in raw form.


Active member
...Then, Crap! a flyer.

Put a slice of potato on the surface and wait a day.
Here's what I find.
View attachment 217576
View attachment 217577
View attachment 217578
See them eggs?...
I'm here to say, that for whatever reason, RAs do seem to lay egg in coco.
Won't speculate on the actual vector, but the RA eggs in new coco is no myth.

Those aren't RA's (or FGs if you meant those too)!!!!

This thread sucks because it sets up a false dichotomy, FGs or RAs, which is bullshit. What many seem to really have is mites. They get some issue, see mites and holy shit its the end of the world because I got fucking mites and think they're RAs. So now lets douse our shit, which you'll surely get now, with every fucking chemical and treatment known to man. Good luck with that.


Active member
Are we talking about canna coco?

Those are mites so asking the brand is totally irrelevant due to the "nature" of mites. By "nature" I mean all the scientific understanding of mites.

And wow, mites belong to the Acariformes superorder and are the more diverse of the two superorders of mites, the other superoder within the subclass Acari includes ticks. There are over 32,000 described species in 351 families, and an estimated total of 440,000 to 929,000, including undescribed species. They approx. number the total number of insects species. And are fundamental in sustaining life on earth.

Furthermore, mites are phoretic and seem to appear out of nowhere. They can undergo a seemingly state of suspended animation and hitch a ride on basically anything from a migrating birds feather to the leg of an insect to the fibers on your clothes. There is a mite species for almost every imaginable environment.

When it comes to the decomposers, they are the most abundant, unlike the few species that eat plants (spidermites, broad mites, etc). What this means with a mite in soil, coco, RDWC, or in Rockwool, is that it is a good environment for some species and they have a peculiar way of showing up unlike spider mites that need to be transported in a more conventional manner.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Mahalo Canna,

For a very helpful, and un-insulting post. :)

You might be right.
I'm certainly no expert.

And these old eyes are about worn out, but they look like RAs to me.
Sugar beet.jpg Root Aphids.jpg

Right down to the eggs and my stable of dying plants.
The symptoms match to a T.
And mites look quite different to me.

Of course I only have experience with 2 kinds of mites
and thought they were an above soil thing only.

mites.jpg mites1.jpg

Also, I've dealt with regular, above-ground, aphids, they are easy.
At least I can see them without a lens.

I'm also going by the RA flyers.
Mites no got flyers as far as I know.

And I have dealt with fungus gnats.
(Which came in a bag of Sunshine mix from the same nursery)
They are also, easy.

The flyers are quite different from fungus gnats and do match the pictures of root aphid flyers.
That, and the slightly larger FGs "wander" while the RAs fly direct.
So, you can understand my confusion.

Fortunately, the nematodes are effective for both, as is the Fungal cure.

So, thanks brother.:thank you:
My gals are recovering, but I got choke research to do.

Aloha, Y'all

ballplayer 2

Active member
Good find weezard. They do look pretty similar to the sugar beet root aphid. I know I had these and my crops got jacked up real bad, talking hermie pre flowers during veg and very beginning of flower. Fliers were also clearly present in my grows, I am certain they were not FG's.

I know they look like mites, but I am pretty sure mine were RA's. Your bugs look exactly the same as the ones I had. My damage was fairly clearly RA like. Just my take.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Good find weezard. They do look pretty similar to the sugar beet root aphid. I know I had these and my crops got jacked up real bad, talking hermie pre flowers during veg and very beginning of flower. Fliers were also clearly present in my grows, I am certain they were not FG's.

I know they look like mites, but I am pretty sure mine were RA's. Your bugs look exactly the same as the ones I had. My damage was fairly clearly RA like. Just my take.

Mahalo brah.
I went and watched the soil mite videos.
Noticed that they have long, thin hairs on their bodies
nd a face like a squid.
My beasties have neither.
And, I've watched them munch root hairs

I don't care what you callem .
I jus' wanna callem gone!
No mind a mystery.
as long as dey's history.
And every man-jack of 'em under da lawn!



Active member
Eventually you may kill all the RA's as they turn into flyers and surface. In the mean time your plants are toast. -granger


Active member

Mahalo brah.
I went and watched the soil mite videos.
Noticed that they have long, thin hairs on their bodies
nd a face like a squid.
My beasties have neither.
And, I've watched them munch root hairs

I don't care what you callem .
I jus' wanna callem gone!
No mind a mystery.
as long as dey's history.
And every man-jack of 'em under da lawn!


The sugar beet RA is pale yellow and surrounded by a white, mold-like wax.

Soil mites come in thousands of shapes and colors. Some have hairs some don't (or you just can't see em), some have long protrusions for mouth feeding part, others are pointed down. And some have a thing that appears to look like opposing blades flickering back and forth in their mouth area. at first glance you might think this is slicing into roots but upon careful observation it really is just eating bacteria or fungus off the root.

One thing you can do to ID is count the legs. While on the very young mites you can only see 6, most will have 8. And RAs will have 6. And while the body structures is quite different, this can be difficult to tell w/o 40x and some experience.


Thank you medicalmj, good to see someone with a noggin on their shoulders! I hate the amount of improper identification that stems from the cannabis world...

A distinguishing characteristic of aphids are the cornicles, (2 "tailpipes" located on their abdomen)....


If you don't see cornicles, then most likely you are not looking at an aphid.

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