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All About PowerPlant on CocoSlabs with 4x600hps



right here we go, this bud box has just been harvested and it been a few days now i have to get on with it. time for operation clean up. as you can see the new clones are here. check them out next.

here you see the old cubes which i need to remove as i'm reuesing these coco slabs. some peeps just cut the cubes off, but i like to pull as much roots out as possible, even if it takes longer. as you can see in the next pic, i use a tray to collect the coco and put it back where it came from.

as you can see, i'm geting there, its back breaking work haha. i need the space to get my clones rooting. on the next pic you see some dry rw cubes

now i fill my secondary tank with about 70 lt of water to which i add; cannazym, rhizotonic and coco A+B to make an ec of 1.1
on the next pic you see all the rw cubes ready to be soaked by hose with my rhizo/zym/A+B mix at ec 1.1 and ph 5.7 check it

this was akward to take lol, basicly i hose those buggers down over and over until there is not one bit of air left in any of them, they will have a pudle to sit in for a few hours until it evaporates. but this is no problem.
ok and last but not least for today is the clones being transplanted, this is a vital part of the whole thing, which i'll go into more tomorrow.

for now i hope you enjoy the pics there are many more to come, this grow is already on day 36 of 12/12 so i hope you enjoy the show.

peace out......gm :wave:


right i've been meaning to start a thread on this site for a while so while i'm at i might as well keep going for a bit, so we can get the borring bit behind us asap:joint:

the next images show what is in my opinion a vital step in a pest free grow when working with brought in clones. yes i bet you can see where this is going, lol. i always prepare some foiliar spray with peretrum in it to dunk the clones thorowly as they get transplanted. believe you me this is a superb way of haveing a pest free grow, as it insures a clean start. it also means you avoid haveing to spray at a later much more inconvinient time. so here we go

it took me about an hour to get them all dunked and transplanted. another vital thing to remember is never do any spraying or dunking with the hps glareing down on the plants as it will burn the poor litle things. hps should never be turned on until all the leaves are dry again.

well thats at least a better place to break off as its all the pics from the transplanting day. ok i'll continue this tomorrow, time for one more hit of bubble and then its bed for me.

good growings



Hey OrganicHydro

i didn't catch your post before m8 sorry. yeah i have a whole thread on og about my last harvest. here is a pic from triming day. that box was cut trimed in about 9 hours of time by 1 person.

ok i realy am gona sign off now lol, peace out and thanks for posting man, thats you in the front row eh?

Hi gaius ,
not a problem m8 , i thought i recognised your nic from OG . good to see you posting on this board bro , it's a really great community here , somuch less BS than OG , enjoy your time here and i look forward to seeing this grow through out it's course.

oh yeah , 9 hours trimming for that bucket huh , your hands musta been hurting :wink:

Peace bro


right here we come to part 2, or better call it day two of the rooting into rw cube phase. hm, notice i have trouble with good titels, lol.

anyway, here we are next day same shit so to speak, but they have stretched their wings a bit.

next my meters, these things are vital to grow in coco slabs, specialy if you recirculate the nutrient mix.

much better pic, no hps. you can see they look better already.

meanwhile i dug up another pic for you Organic H. this shows the whole harvest together dry and ready for packing.

here you see the rest of the table cleaned up and ready for planting when the time comes. i always wait with planting in the slabs until enough clones have rooted through the rw cubes to fill every plant hole.

as far as i remember this was the first one which i found to have rooted, it was after only 4 or 5 days

the last 3 pics show them at day 3 or 4 or 5, they had just been dunked again in some leaf spray mix. ok let me get the next load of pics uploaded, so i can get on, hehe.


according to my records this is the 7th day of the rooting into rw phase, on this day i had enough rooted ones to start planting, but i only got to it the next day, so here the last pics in the rooting phase which by the way is 24/24 with one light.



haveing decieded not to get new slabs and reuse them, i discovered i had a gnat larva problem. so i got solbac tabs and treated all my coco slabs with this stuff, this cause another day of delay before planting. and to be honest, i would buy new slabs if i discover gnats again, as the treatment is expensive and alot of work. solbac is based on the bacteria called BTi, they give off a natural poison which kills the gnat larva as well as moskito larva. but it was a huge batle until i finaly got rid of them, in the end i had to buy a liquid form of solbac and add it to a tank of nutes and leave it in there, that finaly did it. but thats some weeks away from this point meanwhile i tried nematodes and about 3 treatments with the solbac tabs administered by hand to every plant hole. what a back breaker lol. so here pics from rooting day 8



Planting day is here by golly disapproval would be folly...

Planting day is here by golly disapproval would be folly...

here we are with the planting pics, as you can see i used the oportunity to do a last dunking with leafspray again. they love this stuff in the veg phase and while they are in cubes its so easy to dunk them.

about half way planted at this point, i always make sure to put the smallest ones in the middle under the lights and the taller clones at the edge of the table. it makes for a nice flat canapy.

3/4 done now lol, the back rows are quite a pain to do as i have to sit on the table to plant them and put the dripper spike in each one. but its my hobby so i gladly do it

as you can see its all done now. at this point i was runing the first tank of phed water into the slabs, to get them all evenly wett, before i start with the nutes etc. it took about 15 minutes for the slabs to be soaked through and through with water gushing out the bottom.

the last pic shows the left over clones, i had 149 PowerPlant clones to chose the 128 i needed from. the rest i'll try and give to a mate as it was still too cold to put them out.

once the slabs were evenly wet, i added A+B coco ferts at ec 1.2 pluss rhizotonic at 20ml per 5 lt and cannazym also at full dose, the ph i set for 5.7 ok that was all the prep work. now comes the veg phase, as you will see coco is a bloody fast growing medium. i never need to veg longer then 3 or 4 days in the coco slabs before i switch to 12/12 i think you'll be amazed how small i switch them and how big they still normaly get.

peace out for now, i'll continue with the veg phase a bit later, there seems to be no rush eh? haha.

gaius :wave:


Hey Organic Hydro

yeah man that was quite a session, it took 2 f us 2 days to get done last time lol. i posted another pic with it all dried and shrunk, but the whole lot this time, the two bags in front are a different pheno which i kept separete. thanks for looking in on me man. i thought it was about time i did a thread on this site as i'm all set to go to the 4/20 in 2 weeks lol, i'm actualy even planing to enter my last harvest WW for the growers cup, but i'm still trying to figure out a good way to send it lol.

peace out till later



right here we go, pics from day 1 of veg in the slabs

right here we go, pics from day 1 of veg in the slabs

i'll let the pics tell their own storie, as you will see they have setled in well in the last 24 hours. check it out....

now come pics from day 3 of the veg phase, as it turns out i gave the 4 days of veg and then switched to 12/12 anyway here you go; day 3 of veg, by this time the ec is at 1.5, still giving them rhizotonic and cannazym on top of the coco A+B nutes. as you can see they like it lol.

and how about some without the hps glareing away :biglaugh: it makes a much nicer pic without the grow lights eh? well i hope you guys enjoy the pics and don't hesitate to post any comments or question, please.... lol

and last but not least an overall birds eye view. as you can see they move along prety fast in these conditions.

ok thats it for now, its too nice weather to stay in front of my screen with no one to chat with, so i'm off to get a bit of sun on my balcony lol. i'll continue a bit later.

peace out

gaius :joint:


Active member
Howdy gaiusmarius, nice setup! welcome. That sure is alot of work, labor of love eh! Hey i have a small gnat problem in my garden but dont want it to get worse. I grow bushes in buckets, ebb & flow, what was that stuff you used for gnats and how would i administer it in my garden? Thanks, Bonzo :D


Howdy Bonzo

Howdy Bonzo

thanks for the welcome, i appreciate it. yeah gnats are a damn pest, the flying adults are no problem, but their larva eat up the new roots. so if you have alot of gnats you will most likely have gnat larva in your medium. but there are ways of dealing with them. an easy way is solbac, or gnatrol or tekknar, they all have the poison in them that is produced by a bacteria called bacteria thuregis i or BTi for short. the point is these bacteria give off a natural poison that will kill the gnat larva. i noticed that it works best when applyed thorowly to all the medium in sufficient quantity to drench everything with it. the one the worked best for me was the liquid form solbac, dont get the tabs they are shit. or in the us there is gnatrol which is similar if not the same.

there are a whole load of natural ways to fight the gnats, by not leting them find a way into the medium you also make their life difficult. but they are stuborn as hell and will use the drain holes to get in if you tape up the top lol. bastards lol. by adding it to my tank and leting it recirculate in the system for 4 days seemed to do the trick, now my plants are the picture of health and there is hardly a gnat about the place letalone larva in the slabs.

oops seems a bit of a long post eh lol? got completly carried away hehe.



G'Day All

G'Day All

its time for some more catching up, i can't wait to show you the present day pics, they realy are doing their thing. ok here we go with some pics from day 1 of 12/12 and remember, they only had 4 days of veg phase in the coco slabs, but i know that they stretch like hell due to the sativa genetic dominance. anyway for now day 1 of 12/12

Now we come to day 3 of 12/12 :

notice what i mean about fast, i just love this system. i put these idy bidy plants in and a few days later go to 12/12 to end up with 1 meter plants, prety much full of bud from top to bottom. anyway, before we can get to that bit, there is still a while to go lol. so check out; day 3 of 12/12 makeing it day 7 since they were planted in the coco slabs.

well i hope you find it as stimulating as i do seeing plants proform under optimal conditions. hm...yes conditions are vital, all the conditions hehe.

peace out



excellent work ,i truly believe there is no better medium than canna coco ,,,u seem to have it perfected ,,,not sure if your bothered but a dose of nitrozyme prior to flowering does wonders in coco ,,,,how many plants per slab ?..
have u tried the new cogr yet ?,,,will u be using pk 13-14 ?do u flush regularly ?

a lot of questions i know but i really love coco and its great to find someone doing it in slabs (i use pots ),keep up the nice work and i cant wait to see the rest of the pics

ps did we tell everybody how good coco makes weed taste yummy


Hello again...

Hello again...

Hey FarmerJohn,

thanks for the compliment, i'll try and keep it interesting for ya.

Hi hazyfontazy,

cool, finaly some questions lol, just kidding. i love the coco as a medium too, have also grown with coco in pots, also with drippers. but i must say i don't think i'll change from the coco slabs any time soon. i have heard of the coggr and it does have some benefits. there is alot more of it once its expanded to the proper size for one thing. but the thing is its a bit of a dead medium compared to the original which is very much alive with trichderma and otzher beneficials.

i have never used the nytrozyme, and yes i do flush once in a while when the return gets too high, depending on how much i'm pushing the plants with ferts.

thats the main reason i love coco, the taste that you can achieve is realy fantastic. i give my ladies a 3 day water flush with phed tap water and that ends up with some great tasteing buds which i can blissfuly smoke as soon as they are dry. but which will admitedly get better as they cure. quite a bit smoother specialy.

anyway many thanks for your comments, let me keep this thing moveing...

peace out



right time for day 5 of 12/12 (only 4 days of veg)

right time for day 5 of 12/12 (only 4 days of veg)

check out the difference 2 days make lol.

and now for a few without the hps, as you can see it will not be long before they hide the slabs completly. but for now...

hope you enjoy the view, the first 2 weeks of 12/12 will be a time for the small plants to stretch to a decent size before they star bud production.

peace .... gm :wave:


here we go again...

here we go again...

Day 7 of 12/12 which is the 11th day since planting them in coco

it was a real bitch, because of the gnat larva i was forced to do many treatments each one involveing difficult manouvers to get each plant treated.if it wasn't the BTi being given then it was the nematodes which are predators that live off gnat larva. but they didn't seem to help all that much. it was the liquid solbac in my tank which did it in the end. anyway here are the girls on day 7 of 12/12. i said it before this is the secondrun with these slabs, if you look after them with cannazym you can use them 4 times no problem. until you get medium pests in which case its probably best to throw them away and get new ones.

anyway enough talk,check it....

hows that for 7 days of 12/12 with only 4 days of veg in the slabs before that? in my eyes thats fast, i don't like to veg for long periods its a waste of electricity imo. unles you are doing trees. but in a sog you don't want the plants taller then approx a meter. let them get too tall and the 600 watters don't get through any more and you end up with alot of small stuff to trim. mind you even in a sog better a bit too big plants then too small as that will dent your yield.

i think i'm gona go right onto day 9 of 12/12 next, although its amazing to see how fast the stretch in the first 2 weeks nothing beats what hapens after the first 3 weeks lol, so let me try and get to the interesting bit lol. without missing any important points anyway.




and 2 days later...

and 2 days later...

this grow i have decieded to try out uesing the rhizotonic all the way to week 5 or 6 of 12/12 up to now i only ever used it as a root booster and maybe once in veg and the cannazym is also being used at full stregnth, which is also new for me. as its not cheap i was always giving half dose. but i wanted to see if there is a visible difference when i use it as recomended. up to this point i am more then happy with the general health of the plants. specialy if you think that at one point the slabs were heaving with gnat larva. so this is no advert, lol. just telling what i use...

is it fast or is it fucking fast? lol, i love coco. you get all the benefits of hydro, but none of the hassle. what more can one ask? no air pumps or stones, no chillers. just 1 dripper per plant and a pump strong enough to give an equal drip on all the lines with a good quality filter to stop the drippers geting blocked.

good night hope you enjoy, time for a nice spliff.



Active member
Thanks for the gnat info G. Man, incredible growth bro, looks great! peace, Bonzo