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Minions of the Dark

Now, for some of Sea's stuff.....LOL The single plant (top shot) is Ashratu....pretty, huh! The pic with 2 small are the late arrivals, Sea....Like you couldn't figure that one out for yourself.... :biggrin:


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8000 ft Experiment.... Highs around here change day to day, this time of the year...Lows in the upper 30's to low 40's....Highs are in the 60's to mid 70's....It's building buds, but NOT anything like her Sister indoors....Sea suggested I put water containers around the plant for night time thermal heat....if y'all have suggestions, I'm listening!!!!

~Sunny~ during the day, COLD hearted Bitch at night...LMAO! The plant, not me....hehehehehe....whoa, Head rush! LOL


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some guy
One of my Ashratu's is looking stunningly different from all of your Ashratus, Sunny. Getting a new phone today ill post pics later hopefully.


Active member
8000 ft Experiment.... Highs around here change day to day, this time of the year...Lows in the upper 30's to low 40's....Highs are in the 60's to mid 70's....It's building buds, but NOT anything like her Sister indoors....Sea suggested I put water containers around the plant for night time thermal heat....if y'all have suggestions, I'm listening!!!!

~Sunny~ during the day, COLD hearted Bitch at night...LMAO! The plant, not me....hehehehehe....whoa, Head rush! LOL

Awesome line up you have going! Good times ahead for you!

With the fabric pot in your high altitude test, would putting it on or slightly buried in soil or insulating it with logs/leaves/jugs o' h20 all around the pot as well as heavily mulching the top of it aid in insulating the roots.

We can knit her some mittens and a scarf. Sherpa weed!


Active member
Howdy folks, long time since I've posted here. Due to some personal reasons, I wasn't able to run anything for a little over 6 months.

My question to SG and others here -- How do you go about cleaning / sterilizing your room? It is currently wrapped in mylar 1 foot from the floor wrapped to the ceiling. 10x10 room.

What should I run here? I have room for about 5 20 gallon pots to be safe if I make em big, I have the following:

- Goblin Queen (GG + D. Queen)
- Goblin Girl (Fem S-1)
- Nocturnal (Afgooey x Dark Queen)
- Ravnus (Dionysus (HJ Cut) x Overlord)
- Overlord (Halo x Dark Queen)
- Halo 2x Cube (Halo x Overlord)

Thanks fellas!

I was/am in the same boat. Threw down last of my goblin queen, overlord, and nocturnal...three each. Holding out on Halo & Ravnus for next round of seeds in December.

Nocturnal is a beautiful yummy bud I am finding out currently from my outdoor grow.

What way are you leaning?

Gold Hill Ganja

Well the 48 hrs has been pretty shitty, thrusday I went to the garden and noticed the cookies was dead looking limp on one whole side of the plant. So I went to work inspected for moles and gophers and bugs. Then I finally got to the interior of tre plant those the 3 outer cages I notice the stock had gnarly holes in it and the stock was split down the middle in 2 spread places, the stock was dis colored and mushy too. I called up my more experienced friends and consulted my copy of Ed Rosenthal's grow bible until I found that cause of this madness. It's called fusarium wilt, it's a fungial pathogen that is soil borne and starts at the roots and spreads thru the plants viens until the plant can no long uptake nutes and water at all this giving it he wlited look. This stuff is really bad check it out http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusarium_wilt
What's the wrost part is the ground that hole is in is infected now and will be for years to come I can no longer grow MJ on that ground :-( there goes about a 1000 gallons and 3 years worth of supersoil. The only thing you can do with your wilting plant is cut it down carefully and remove all trace of it and burn it, and sterilize all tools that may have touched it immediately, so I did, it was sucked, pictures to follow.

So that's was thrusday, then the phone rang at 5am Friday morning, I knew by the sound of my wife's voice something was very wrong, our grandfather passed away in the night. We were very close. He was a good and selfless man that lived for his family. I will try the rest of my life to be like him, if I end up being half the man he was I will view my life as a success.


Pagan Extremist
Well the 48 hrs has been pretty shitty, thrusday I went to the garden and noticed the cookies was dead looking limp on one whole side of the plant. So I went to work inspected for moles and gophers and bugs. Then I finally got to the interior of tre plant those the 3 outer cages I notice the stock had gnarly holes in it and the stock was split down the middle in 2 spread places, the stock was dis colored and mushy too. I called up my more experienced friends and consulted my copy of Ed Rosenthal's grow bible until I found that cause of this madness. It's called fusarium wilt, it's a fungial pathogen that is soil borne and starts at the roots and spreads thru the plants viens until the plant can no long uptake nutes and water at all this giving it he wlited look. This stuff is really bad check it out http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusarium_wilt
What's the wrost part is the ground that hole is in is infected now and will be for years to come I can no longer grow MJ on that ground :-( there goes about a 1000 gallons and 3 years worth of supersoil. The only thing you can do with your wilting plant is cut it down carefully and remove all trace of it and burn it, and sterilize all tools that may have touched it immediately, so I did, it was sucked, pictures to follow.

So that's was thrusday, then the phone rang at 5am Friday morning, I knew by the sound of my wife's voice something was very wrong, our grandfather passed away in the night. We were very close. He was a good and selfless man that lived for his family. I will try the rest of my life to be like him, if I end up being half the man he was I will view my life as a success.

A total of six organic biofungicide products were tested for the control of Fusarium wilt. Two products, composed of Streptomyces lydicus and extracts from quinoa plants, suppressed disease severity equivalent to the best conventional fungicides by reducing disease severity by approximately 45%.

The following biological active ingredients were ineffective at suppressing the disease: Bacillus subtilis, Gliocladium catenulatum, Coniothyrium minitans, and Streptomyces griseoviridis.

I'd employ a mechanical method instead. Get big sheets of plastic... cover the ground and keep it tight... hay bales on the edges... leave this in the sun for over a month... this process is called "soil solarization"... the mechanical action of trapping heat from the sun causes extreme high temperatures that will literally “cook” the fungus... and everything else living in that soil... What you're doing is concentrating the sun’s energy in the top 12 to 18 inches... The heat can reach highs of 140°F in the top 6 inches, killing weed seeds, insects, nematodes, and many fungal and bacterial pathogens, including those that cause verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, potato scab, damping off, crown gall disease, and phytophthora root rot.
You'll not likely totally get rid of it because it can live 15 years without a host, and your surrounding plants and soils are infected. An increase in calcium has been showed to control the effects to some degree... no soil PH changes were recorded during this, so the assumption is that the additional calcium was responsible for the decrease in disease severity, and that the fusarium was sapping calcium from the plants in some way.... I'd cover the ground until next season and suffocate the area.

spinach fields - Ontario ministry of agriculture
Soil Solarization, an alternative to soil fumigants - CSU




Active member
I'd employ a mechanical method instead. Get big sheets of plastic... cover the ground and keep it tight... hay bales on the edges... leave this in the sun for over a month... this process is called "soil solarization"... the mechanical action of trapping heat from the sun causes extreme high temperatures that will literally “cook” the fungus... and everything else living in that soil... What you're doing is concentrating the sun’s energy in the top 12 to 18 inches... The heat can reach highs of 140°F in the top 6 inches, killing weed seeds, insects, nematodes, and many fungal and bacterial pathogens, including those that cause verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, potato scab, damping off, crown gall disease, and phytophthora root rot.
You'll not likely totally get rid of it because it can live 15 years without a host, and your surrounding plants and soils are infected. An increase in calcium has been showed to control the effects to some degree... no soil PH changes were recorded during this, so the assumption is that the additional calcium was responsible for the decrease in disease severity, and that the fusarium was sapping calcium from the plants in some way.... I'd cover the ground until next season and suffocate the area.

spinach fields - Ontario ministry of agriculture
Soil Solarization, an alternative to soil fumigants - CSU



This is the method that I use to reclaim parts of my yard for gardening. I spent two years working a patch (12'x25') towards the back of my property, full of ivy and all sorts of fiendish weeds. Ran several rounds of cover crops on it this year, currently sporting a splash of okra, some gourds for drying (bowls & spoons/ladles), 3rd round of tomatoes, and transplanted some hop rhizomes into in the spring.

This works for control of many things. For me it was to kill ivy and the seed bank of weeds in the soil. Still needs work, but next year will only be better. More cover crops, and several layers of leafs and compost. It will be totally bringing it next year! Fabulous!


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about your Grampa Gold - RIP Gramps

Seaf0ur is spot on with the soil solarization.
Compost cooks the shit out of fungi.
Throw all your amendments in the soil for next year, straw down, water well, cover with plastic.
Soil will be even better next year.
Make sure you do it to all your holes.


some guy
What Sea and SG said. Also, it might be a hell of a lot of work, but maybe dig out all of your soil lay it out flat above ground and then solarize it; might help solar penetration.


some guy
First pic drop for me in over a month. Halo2x hitting jars tomorrow. Very frosty stuff, although I had to chop her a week or two early cuz of the damned mites;no mature seed stock came from her. Still getting good berry flavor pre-cure.

Here is the garden shot (except for 1 plant finishing up in flower). It should be easy to control the thrips and mites with this small of a garden for the next several months. Just gotta stay on that neem oil regimen.

The halo2x sister has been stuck in pre flower for about 2 months now at 18/6. Lots of thrip damage on her, but she hasn't shown any signs of yellowing yet.

Ashratu was looking too sexy so I dropped 5 more beans of that and thus far 4 more have sprouted.

Some Khalisi in there as well, all 4 are healthy as an ox and are resisting the thrips finally.

Kraken cola that I am collecting some pollen from (started flowering in 18/6).

GSX forum cut in there as well, just started LST'ing her.

The gg#4 x C99 is coming along nicely, while I am still waiting on the gg#4 x STS to show any sign of seed cracking. It's been 2 weeks and I don't have high hopes for it. Might have to go do a C section on it.

The Mob Boss stalled for a month and started wilting and I thought it was going to die, but fortunately on its last 3 leaves (it lost about 18), it started showing new signs of life, YAY!


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Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Been trying to rodelize my GQ #6 @ 19.87 THC
Finally got a nanner at week 9, nearly at week 10 now and getting a few more.

I have a Cali conn GSC I got from my kid that is a monster producer, (just pulled 20.3 ozs off 1 plant) though not a typical cut of GSC.
Good stone, a sweet grapefruit tone of flavor and scent.
So anyway, dusting the GSC with nanner pollen from GQ #6, hairs receding already.

Hummmm! Now to think of a good name :chin:


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Pimp daddy purps update time.
About week 5'ish - who's counting?
No purpling anywhere yet, most have the sweet funk type smell, some are more fruity.






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