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I've been sharing pages on FB concerning medical benefits of MJ, pending votes and state legalization issues. all my friends are indeed friends and family that I know. I've not had a single response, like, or otherwise or any indication anyone has even read the thread. that's really hard to believe considering all the Bible thumpers in my immediate family, most of which have condition that would improve wit h a good bong hit and less pills. I would just like the opportunity to debunk the myths and make these people think for themselves.

I'm soon to be 61, soon to be retired with zero dependence from Obama or anyone, so I really don't care what the family might think. end of rant.
You're more brave than I, weed is still illegal here so mum's the word. I only post stupid crap about atheist and those with dismal like minded beliefs, ha
Working on retiring as well and I'm with you on the zero dependence from that knucklehead in the honkey house... lol
Relax and don't forget to breath, in and out. :)
haha yea. I don't post anything personal or anything about growing. I only paste links about medical uses and reasons to get educated and forget the ignorance learned their entire life.


Facebook is a full SNITCH site, im not surprised ppl do not respond to your posts about mmj. I wouldn't even waste my time trying to convert pill popping bible thumpers, your're pissing into the wind there my friend.

Definitely points for trying, but i would re-evaluate my approaches if i was you.

p.s F*** facebook man o man i hate that site


Active member
I still to this day do not have a FB account. I can't believe all the people that do. There's nothing even on there. I don't get it. Don't people call each other anymore.


Active member
I'm with Snype on this one. I have never had an account, nor will I. Not an old guy, but...What about actually calling one of your 647 friends? I know who mine are, and don't need a facebook for them...D


Exactly guys, who wants to be "online friends" with some peeps you used to know 10 or 20 years ago. Then you can all "like" some comments and enter into a gay ego stroking state of affairs. Now if FB introduced a "dislike" button, that would be pretty awesome. I still wouldn't partake though
actually people don't call any more! it's all txt msg now, and that I refuse to do. I don't even know how or want to know how. all my fb friends are people I actually know or people of a group that share the same interest, like kitefoilboarders as example. I live 500 miles from family and friends and most of them don't get out much. I've lived in may places and traveled a bit, so fb allows me to stay in touch.

but a friend did respond to a link I posted yesterday with "LOL" , LEAVING ME AN OPPORTUNITY to remind him as a city councilman that it was his duty to get educated. I think he may have been playing the devils advocate. but then, he is a pyramid scheme kind of guy :)


Active member
I'd sign up for FB if I could be sure that people would appreciate my selfies of an old fat man twerking in the nude.

Other than that, I see no reason.


actually people don't call any more! it's all txt msg now, and that I refuse to do. I don't even know how or want to know how.

...so you are completely against texting your friends and family just on principle alone, but posting messages on facebook or an internet discussion board is totally acceptable?

alright then, don't really see your logic there but ok


ICMag Donor
I use FB and run a pro Cannabis page. If we fear speaking up, we accept our slavery.

Fb gathers more information on you than can ever imagine! Had one a few years back. Only posted ONE university, not even my home town. Used it to look up friends of the past.....and sought out, needless to say, never bothered to contact me. VERY SHALLOW!

Was SHOCKED to find Fb found ALL my other colleges I graduated from (have 3 degrees), my hometown, my birthday, my occupation....NONE of which I wanted posted. Those placating said, "Use the filters". BS!!!

I shut it down immediately and refuse requests on my personal email to be a "friend".

SKIP made a similar remark of Fb info reaping....there IS no privacy and info gained is something I choose to share....or not! Nope, no more.... why feed the Fb machine???

There are better avenues to assert the cause to legalize in Florida. Find advocate groups....at least you have SOME protection there.


Active member
Whatever. Fecesbook, started by nerdy, weird, loner college kids who couldn't get dates the normal way, who were disgruntled, petty and ragged on people that didn't like them....Wait. Same thing now, only worse and more invasive invading your privacy for THEIR gain.

Whose going to stop them now from anything? Should have hobbled that shit long ago, now it's out of hand. They just do shit because there are no rules and nothing to stop them from doing whatever they want to do. Might makes right, now. Like a lot of things, good idea at the basics, becomes totally fucked. Remind you of anything?


Active member
I've read stories in the news where someone was arrested for a crime and the po-po pulled all of their FB activity to use to gather evidence.

I guess FB stores all of your posts, likes, page visits etc..and willingly hands it over to the Po if asked.
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Well-known member
screw fb!!!

to be honest, i feel no more pity for folks who parttake... obviously the whole idea behind fb is building up a (mostly overexagerated) "alter ego"/avatar, and in the nature of those compelled to such concepts (egomaniacs/egocentrics), not posting every brainfart and trying to reach as many others with it is "unnatural behaviour".

also did read a paper a year ago or so, where in the study conducted, the folks mentioned above, showed similar activities on a neurochemical level, when posting on fb as when folks have sex...


ps.: by the way, in my opinion, why hook up with folks from the past? most of the time, there is profound reasons, why one didn't stay in touch :)


ICMag Donor
I've read stories in the news where someone was arrested for a crime and the po-po pulled all of their FB activity to use to gather evidence.

I guess FB stores all of your posts, likes, page visits etc..and willingly hands it over to the Po if asked.

Seemingly a "social site" to congregate.....it does dig to find tid bits about you (thus my omission of schools attended) and post it themselves!! Scary!

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