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Deep Stoner Thoughts


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
seems to me our present politicians are in this group. yet there is NO CHANGE!

thus, I 'm wondering if the present restrictions on cannabis are because politicians who once smoked are REALLY FRIGHTENED anyone might find out and it will blow their 'respectable' cover?

and in regard to epiphanies and such ... seems to me cannabis allows a certain silencing of thought ... and that lateral thinking sometimes fills the silence.

I mean, have you noticed that there has to be silence before there is understanding?

or put another way: mental silence is necessary for understanding to blossom ... and cannabis contributes to silencing one's usual train of thoughts ...

anyway, that's how my process seems to work.

cheers ...

With 18 States and DC now allowing medical marijuana and 2 allowing recreational marijuana I'd have to disagree that nothing is changing. Maybe not as fast as we might like but it's changing. Besides, that flood is just now starting give it another 10 years and we'll see. :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I've come to the conclusion that God/The Deity/The One is all around us and keeps showing up and we don't notice because God/The Deity/The One is everywhere and in everything. God/The Deity/The One keeps trying to communicate with us and we keep trying to ignore God/The Deity/The One as we go about our busy lives. The message is simple: we live forever and we will never end; this is but one life in the cast of thousands we have already lived (hence the experience of deja vu being triggered by past life experiences being called forth) and the thousands and thousands and millions and millions we have yet to live - for this is an equation with an answer that each of us must solve. We decide when we have "had enough" or "want to rest" or "wish to continue".

World without end. Namaste. Numorea. Amen.

That reminds me of a story I saw mentioned here. I'm not sure if it was that person's own creation or if he was retelling something he himself saw somewhere. Basically it involved a man who I think encounters his maker and in talking with him comes to learn that we are all one being but living and reliving billions of lives all relatively simulatanoeously but from differing perspectives. That each of us is everyone else at a different simultaneous life. Also that the collective of all those lives at any given instant is god or what we call god.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I touched on the idea.

It is conceivable that mankind could survive and given enough time, continue to evolve. Perhaps the classic aliens that are somewhat humanoid in appearance are ourselves from far in the future.

I'll go a step further and propose that they could be deliberately "tweaking" history. Sort of like time shepherds.

I have a friend who is into a belief he's found on the internet that pertains to a guy claiming to have been visited by "aliens" who told him they are in fact time travelers from earth's future and they look different because of evolution and I think genetic modification too. The thing is though they (the aliens-time travelers) gave some predictions supposedly to establish they were telling the truth and those things have not happened let alone when they were supposed to have happened.

I just looked it up and if I found the same thing it turns out the guy supposedly contacted by the aliens actually recalled a movie that air 10 months prior to him being hypnotized. Then again maybe that's just the aliens-time travelers trying to debunk the story so that it being out on the internet doesn't ruin everything. Here's the link I found. Although I'm not sure if this is the same thing my friend is going by either.



Invertebrata Inebriata
My Deep Stoner Thought today was thinking about a seed, and how much potential is in something so tiny, but so strong it would grow in a basement under shitty lights, and outdoors could become a marijuana tree full of big juicy colas. That shit is really deep.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah nature is really mind blowing in how it all works and also in how it all works together especially when you start considering the evolution of soil and the interactions of beneficial microbes and how that all comes together with sun rain and air to bring out the potential in that tiny seed.


ICMag Donor
In thinking about a perpetual cycle...I've wasted far too much time on the wrong kinds of plants...

I chased 8-9wk plants that could be harvested every month, ya know chop 1/2 every 4wks, or a 1/3 every 3wks.

And then I've realized...why not have a 3 section cycle in flower and hunt for a great 12 wk plant and chop 1/3 every 4wks.

This kind of obvious "duh" has really opened up the concept of WHAT I can actually grow productively. Not only that - that 12wk is entering to sativa hybrid land - where stretch is 2.5-3.5x in flower and REALLY nice nodal stacking takes place - and really big flowers can be made.

I think I've been growing the wrong pot for a great mono-crop plant...



Re: Deep Stoner Thoughts

Water... Is so universal. It is formless, shapeless, tasteless, pure. Can fit into any container, large or small. The tiniest capful could mean life in a desert and the vast amount of ice(water) in Siberia leads to its lack of life as well. Leaves are buoyant on the rivers edge, yet that same river can crack and erode at concrete dams.

Be like water


Lammen Gorthaur
Today I am reflecting on the benefits of hard work and true stoner engineering. I put a lot of effort into building the perfect stealth cab that could sit in the middle of all the action going on in my house and all the people coming and going and nobody has noticed the fact that a marijuana growing operating is being undertaken before their very eyes and within 3 feet of the couch where they sit and watch television.

Today I am reflecting on the fact that things are not always what they seem and that as I get older I guess I have picked up some wisdom as things that used to seem so doggone important - like getting my own way or what I have to eat for dinner - aren't the least bit important to me anymore. Today I am about the community and the congress of a marriage that has not been perfect but has now come into its own like a finely aged wine. It wasn't what I expected, but it was more than I could have imagined. Imagine that.

Today I am thinking there has to be a better way for everyone to work together, for the community of nations to thrive and for violence to come to an end as the means that nobody would ever really consider as they have realized that what they want is ephemoral and it can be had again and again and again - if not in this life, then in a life to come - and they can experience the joy of possessing something at the speed of their thoughts.

Seriously, I think today I need a drink.


In this era it's very popular to talk about and eat bio and organic foods and lead a healthy lifestyle, yet we often forget about healthy nourishment for the mind. When it comes to our minds, we are still mental junk food consumers.


ICMag Donor
I'm torn within myself - the capitalist and the giver - but can one ever give without having earned something worth sharing? How can one contribute to something from which they have never taken? To produce requires one to take substance and apply ones ability to give it meaning and purpose. Without such displays of ability - where would this world be? Does one's intrinsic ability give them an inherent right to more than one who is not as capable? Is it fair to fault one for their lack of ability or is the greater crime to demand as much of one who is not able to give it? Or perhaps the greatest crime lies in having ability and thinking one is better for it...

Hmmm... what ever happened to - here is a sea shell...here is some corn...??? Or is it still exactly the same, only the medium of exchange is differed? Now, for one to make an exchange they have to support all the moochers that will feed and prosper from such actions - political salaries come to mind; those whose life is subsidized by the constituents they fail to represent.




Is there an infinite number of colors and shapes intangible and unexplainable to the human mindset and senses? Unable to be interpreted by standard vision.

What about a place of non-existence? Where nothing literally doesn't exist. If existence is possible, then somehow anything can be possible under certain conditions.

Can we possibly be the pinnacle of intelligent life who over time are able to manipulate and exploit the environment in which we exist. Once your environment is depleted you move or create a new artificial system. What about the repercussions of sustained environmental damage?

How damaging is the disregard for the Earth, the objective expression of physical and mental hate to the human condition, future generations and evolution of the human body and mind?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have unfortunately been dry for a while and got about another month to go before that changes, so alas I haven't been able to contribute as much as I would like since I don't have the proper vehicle to get my mind to the right place. So I want to say thanks to all of you contributing thus far. This is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for from people with this thread. Good work and keep the deep stoner thoughts coming.


Lover of Life
You know when you wake up and you're half asleep and half awake? Those are the times when I find it very refreshing to be alive for some reason. It's like living in the world of dreams and living at the same time, it's kinda trippy when you think about it. You're walking around in a haze, but you get the best ideas, have the best attitude (most of the time) and are all positive on the day. Now, is there a way to capture that feeling and share it?





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