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Trying to open up my own collective/dispensary in California


Active member


Dr. Dank,

Good for you. I don't post much, but this thread is worthy. To see you come this far. I if I lived in SoCal. I would be proud to walk into your place. Especially knowing your passion. Damn good for you. Wish you all the best with anything, and everything in the future...D


Cannabis 101
thank you guys :)

thank you guys :)

Hopefully we cross paths in the future :)
anyone that shows true love for this plant gets my full respect!
all the best!

Dr. Dank,

Good for you. I don't post much, but this thread is worthy. To see you come this far. I if I lived in SoCal. I would be proud to walk into your place. Especially knowing your passion. Damn good for you. Wish you all the best with anything, and everything in the future...D


Active member
i am just telling the way it is. clubs are closing. i say go for it but beware of the risk.theres not a dispensary on every corner anymore. now is the highest risk and least competition.


You remind me a lot of my brother. He says the same thing, "I'm just calling it like I see it. I don't sugar coat anything and I would expect the same of others."

What my brother doesn't get though, is that people are generally more gracious and don't feel the need to call people out on all their faults. To me it's just common respect.

I'm not, and can not really, argue with the truth in your message. To me though, your statement would be the same as if someone came on here and said "Hey guys, today I found out I have cancer of XXXXXX." Would you jump on and say something like "Oh man, you only have about 60% chance of making it bro, Just sayin. Good luck!" hahah I would hope not.

S'all good though, it appears as if the good Dr. is figuring things out for himself.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Why not invest in something legal? Federally I mean.

The "non-profit" dispensary is the last place I would want my money.


grats man, hope you can live your dream. without people willing to step out of the shadows nothing would ever change, so respect to ya bro. i just hope you don't have to pay a high price for your passion. this isn't exactly the politically safest time to be starting a dispensary by the general feel of things.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Rash of pot dispensaries closing in San Diego County

Nearly two-thirds of the medical marijuana dispensaries in San Diego County that received toughly worded letters from federal officials last month have voluntarily shut down, the

U.S. attorney's office announced Wednesday.

The letters warned the dispensary owners and operators of possible criminal charges and asset forfeiture if they continued to operate beyond 45 days.

Of approximately 222 business and property owners who were given the letters, 139 (62.6%) have closed, said U.S. Atty. Laura Duffy. Another 9% have promised to close within the next two weeks, Duffy said.

Duffy is among several federal prosecutors in California who have taken a tough stand against the dispensaries, warning that federal law bans the sale of marijuana and that federal law trumps state law, which permits its sale for medical use.

San Diego City Atty. Jan Goldsmith has joined the anti-pot movement, seeking court orders against dozens of dispensaries within the city limits.

-- Tony Perry in San Diego

Good luck brah, my boy in L.A. just told me about 3 more their that got closed yesterday and two were in a "safe?" C1 zone.


Cannabis 101
well the shop has been up and running smoothly for 3+ months... I haven't got a letter from anyone. I talked to the Cops... checked my location and told me I looked like a pretty Straight guy and left me alone so far so good... I go by the law and a good lawyer. I never been arrested so I have 0 records. I do understand the High risk specially right now. But I do everything by the books... like always.
Im not a Criminal.. I keep all my patients happy and try to teach em how to grow so they don't have to come see me as much... or at all. :)
Yeah everyone is Closing.. but hey someone has to do it..... I put my face out there and risked everything because I truly want to help people... I love this plant and I try to give her the respect she deserves.... I want to raise the standards of medical cannabis way up... there is so much to improve in this medical industry its ridiculous... Im young and there is time.... but I have to get to it because time fly's.


Kronically Ill
well the shop has been up and running smoothly for 3+ months... I haven't got a letter from anyone. I talked to the Cops... checked my location and told me I looked like a pretty Straight guy and left me alone so far so good... I go by the law and a good lawyer. I never been arrested so I have 0 records. I do understand the High risk specially right now. But I do everything by the books... like always.
Im not a Criminal.. I keep all my patients happy and try to teach em how to grow so they don't have to come see me as much... or at all. :)
Yeah everyone is Closing.. but hey someone has to do it..... I put my face out there and risked everything because I truly want to help people... I love this plant and I try to give her the respect she deserves.... I want to raise the standards of medical cannabis way up... there is so much to improve in this medical industry its ridiculous... Im young and there is time.... but I have to get to it because time fly's.

Congrats Dr. Dank!! Much respect for following through with your vision and opening your shop!! Something to be said about doing that. Far too many people talk about doing shit and never actually do it.

Hope things continue to go smoothly.



Cannabis 101
Why not invest in something legal? Federally I mean.

The "non-profit" dispensary is the last place I would want my money.

1st answer-I do invest in legal "projects" did i ever stated that I didn't? Im all about building the "American Dream"
California is where most successful businesses got started and its really not hard to open up a store of whatever you wish.

2nd-Well Bobby to me its not a lot of money as a principal investment in a dispensary comparing it to a Liquor store, Bar, Restaurant ect.

I love Cannabis and thats something i always wanted...
thanks for the input.
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pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
great job man, its nice to see this turn out for you.

you sound like someone i knew back in FL. you didn't used to have pet rats right?
I wish you all the best for the future either way, as you a fellow grower/smoker.


Cannabis 101
I did have pet rats! Not in Florida but in south America :) thanks for the kind words everyone !!! Wish you all the very best happy growing !


Wow well done man. I had my doubts too but you sure showed us!



Active member
your shop is in sd? can you pm me an addy? i will visit and see whats up. i dont mind overpaying for overrated stuff because i then feel better about my genetics. and i am always ready to buy new clones. and i could help an ic member . you got balls and i respect that. i could open a disp but i just dont believe its a sound investment. that and the feds already know my name from atleast 3 cases
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Cannabis 101
your shop is in sd? can you pm me an addy? i will visit and see whats up. i dont mind overpaying for overrated stuff because i then feel better about my genetics. and i am always ready to buy new clones. and i could help an ic member . you got balls and i respect that. i could open a disp but i just dont believe its a sound investment. that and the feds already know my name from atleast 3 cases

Hey I PM you, you are more than welcome to come and bring your finest to Impress me :) harvest is only 3 weeks away!!! So I don't have any of my own right now. I'd love to interact with some
Ic members it's all a learning process.

Life is better than ever before let's try to keep it that way :p