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Medical Marijuana Historical Case March 9th 2010

Medical Marijuana Historical Case March 9th 2010

United States of America V Steele Smith

Santa Ana CA -- Steele Smith, a Zollinger-Ellison syndrome patient and medical marijuana activist may be the first federal marijuana cultivation defendant to use a mistake of law defense.

Operator of California Compassionate Caregivers (“C3”) Steele Smith is an avid activist, and he may need to be. While it’s our understanding that 3rd party testimony about the California medical marijuana law and medical benefits of marijuana won’t be allowed, Steele will be able testify in his own defense. It will be the first time in US history medical marijuana will be argued in front of a federal judge.

Tuesday March 9, 2010 8:00am – 11:00am
Ronald Reagun Courthouse: 411 West 4th St. 4th Floor
Santa Ana Ca 92701

PLEASE SHOW UP AND SUPPORT THE C-3 FOUR. They urgently need court support!

More: http://sites.google.com/a/steelescase.org/steelescase/

Original Arrest Story: Aug. 16, 2006



Wow I am shocked that more people aren't talking about this. Pretty huge...

Please keep us posted brotha.



Canna Coco grower
Medical Marijuana Historical Case March 9th 2010

United States of America V Steele Smith

Santa Ana CA -- Steele Smith, a Zollinger-Ellison syndrome patient and medical marijuana activist may be the first federal marijuana cultivation defendant to use a mistake of law defense.

Operator of California Compassionate Caregivers (“C3”) Steele Smith is an avid activist, and he may need to be. While it’s our understanding that 3rd party testimony about the California medical marijuana law and medical benefits of marijuana won’t be allowed, Steele will be able testify in his own defense. It will be the first time in US history medical marijuana will be argued in front of a federal judge.

Tuesday March 9, 2010 8:00am – 11:00am
Ronald Reagun Courthouse: 411 West 4th St. 4th Floor
Santa Ana Ca 92701

PLEASE SHOW UP AND SUPPORT THE C-3 FOUR. They urgently need court support!

More: http://sites.google.com/a/steelescase.org/steelescase/

Original Arrest Story: Aug. 16, 2006



No no no no no no no no no.... NOT EVEN

I know of a case in the Eastern Dist. of Wa. where it was briefed and argued extensively back in 1999... and thats just one of thousand

Here is a link to a few past medical necessity cases in the Federal System ..

http://marijuana-as-medicine.org/Alliance/legal.html#State of Idaho v. Hastings
Good luck... but at this stage of the came.... there is no precedent setting stuff happening...

Let me know when the 9th Cir. buys into this idea... THEN YOU GOT A STORY..
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Active member
having dealt with c-3 deliveries, i hope they dont open again.
they sold me 3 "moms" of bubba kush for 150 each, 2 were males.. the other was garbage kush they later called lbc kush.
maybe thats why he's in trouble to begin with... karma sucks.

i wouldnt support a bad example for the mmj communtiy such as smith.
I don't see anything here where California's medical marijuana law was argued in front of a federal judge and in this case the argument never made it to trial at all. So this isn't a good example to quote. There was a medical defense argued in Texas but that still didn't argue a medical or legalization law.

I maintain this is the first case argued in the federal court of trials where Medical marijuana law, not medical defense, is argued. A judge ruled in 2007 and we;ve been waiting for this since.

State of Idaho v. Hastings
A woman afflicted by crippling arthritis was arrested for growing a few marijuana plants. At trial she argued her use of marijuana was "medically necessary" to control the debilitating pain caused by her arthritis. Her treating physician, other patients afflicted by chronic pain and muscle spasm, testified in her defense. The local court refused to consider the medical evidence, but withheld judgement. On appeal the Idaho Supreme Court ruled the defendant did have the right to "introduce evidence relating to the common law defense of necessity". The Court ordered the lower court to consider all evidence of Ms. Hasting's medical needs. At this juncture the prosecutor dropped all criminal charges against Ms. Hastings.
You can stress any female plant with PH or light swings and produce a hermie plant, I don't see it as a compassionate reason to put someone in jail.


Active member
very true, but i doubt that would happened in my case. not to sound cocky, but im not that terrible at growing.
no one should be jailed for mmj, however people should be jailed for profiteering. And if they conduct their business in a shady manner, then they are shady, and they know shady people, which leads to jail.
Well Steele has pictures before the bust, carrying signs, showing up to support other activists when they needed support. Also there is a grass roots effort to support him and his family supports him.

You're probably a great grower, and I hope you reconsider Steele and the c-3 four. Another thing is Steele didn't take the plea deal, he's pushed this into court and will present his side of prop 215 for the first time.


New member
This case is unique because the judge is allowing State sanctioned Medical Marijuana law to be argued in Federal court. This is a Tenth Amendment issue. This case could be a game changer. Read the "motion to allow a medical defense" on the press kit page at steelescase.org. Every medical grower should read it!

New rally/trial date
July 27, 2010 8:00 AM at the Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse, Santa Ana, CA

New US v. Steele website: http://www.SteelesCase.org

Please click "Like" on the US v. Steele Facebook page:


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