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My Busted Ass Grow (WARNING: Police Evidence Photos)


Sorry to hear about your bust - best of luck to you steppinRazor. Sending positive karma your way.


just do it
k+ steppin, you were always a helpful person and positive soul, they cant keep you down for long, i would try to get shock camp, or 6 months, fuck the probation, its a trap that they get paid to keep you in, you could get busted like me with one month to go and it all comes back on you, good luck brother


One day you will have to answer to the children of
All this over 2K of lighting?

When your sentencing is done, you should let us know what state to stay out of.
You think the cops would have real policework to do.


Well-known member
this does no good for OP, and he seems to have signed off for a while
but the story of 'we will got get a warrant' is an old one
if they could get one, down goes your door after the 1st knock, if they botyer to knock
this is what they do, get in your face, 'we smell weed', and try to get inside
when they do, it's over


gets some
he did a bunch of research and found a few cases close to mine and in one of which a new law was pass3ed - sort of a 'no harm no fowl' law.

they claimed to be getting a warrant and since they where supposedly going to obtain one (whether a judge would have granted one or not) the evidence found was going to be found 'regardless'

Now that's a really bad legal ruling there. Why bother even having warrant requirements in the Constitution if they can just claim "we would have found it anyway" and skip the whole warrant process?? That's the whole point of search warrants! Independent verification of probable cause by a magistrate or judge, not cops making shit up as they go along at the scene to get whatever result they want.

It's amazing how quickly and easily the very foundation of this country's rule of law is being ignored and/or destroyed. Once the very act of cops just coming in without warrants is allowed by the courts then we're done as a Constitutional republic. I guess we're there huh...

Ask this lady how that works too.


Now that's a really bad legal ruling there. Why bother even having warrant requirements in the Constitution if they can just claim "we would have found it anyway" and skip the whole warrant process?? That's the whole point of search warrants! Independent verification of probable cause by a magistrate or judge, not cops making shit up as they go along at the scene to get whatever result they want.

It's amazing how quickly and easily the very foundation of this country's rule of law is being ignored and/or destroyed. Once the very act of cops just coming in without warrants is allowed by the courts then we're done as a Constitutional republic. I guess we're there huh...

Ask this lady how that works too.

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ICMag Donor
sorry to hear about this Steppin,try and keep yer head up ...it will all be over eventually...sad to know that this could happen to "any" of us......thanks for sharing ..its reports like this that could possibly help others when,in a tough situation...K++


New member
Hey Step!, me lone

Hey Step!, me lone

My dear friend, I am saddenned by the news of your plight.You know I was popped sept of 06'and 27 trips to court,I beat'em goodly, without them help of all you guys then I surely would have been sunk,the best lawyers aren't cheap bro, but thier job is to win and not lose,the no warrant ticket is what I stuck to my guns with and I almost fired one attorney.Knowing if the judge is gonna be male or female is as good idea my man.I hired an ex Dallas felony district attorney,who happened to be female same as the judges in my case.The ex meaning, she is now a defense attorney and the judges just looked to see if she was on my side, after she visited my attorney at his office, he being a well known attorney and winner, she knowing him decided to side with me and we had a decision, stay outa trouble for a year and the thing is dropped and gone, deferred adjudication I believe, anyways, no prob long made short. and thats how I did it bro, the two of them next to me in court and boom, done deal, I guess I mean get a great attorney bro_Okay my man, hollar at me dude,Lonestar

PS...I believe in all fifty states there is a if you can prove medical need, then no conviction, I think that was part of my argument.LS


cant stop wont stop
Thanks evrybuddddy time was short and sweet. Just gotta get threw this probation. Not yer average probate either.. little hard core if I do say so myself. Anyways nuff the bullshit

Good lookin ic and frinds!


Active member
congrats on the short time.

stay clean. i was on probation for 3.5 fucking years. just gotta do what they tell you to, and they can't touch you.
God Speed, man....

God Speed, man....

I just finished my bullshit up. Here's a photo from what I went through. Just do a bunch of reading, be over before you know it mang.:comfort:


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Leon Brooks


SOB!!!! where are the "good" cops some ppl claim to come across?

Glad to see you made it through our "justice" system in one piece. they could have just as soon shot you and made up some BS story as to why they did.

to the police that are watching your threads... BURN IN YOUR HELL!!!!(i dont want you in mine) and take your family with you so as to stop your gene pool. no apologies.

p.s. i do however apologies to steppinrazor if this upsets his thread and will delete accordingly.


glad u made it of that bullshit! great story, u can really learn alot from other people here at the icmag!
i am gald u had all the good vibes sent ur way!!
and how do u feel about moving to california? where u would of never would have to gone throught that!

good luck and thanks so much this great post , there is a lot of people who can learn from this!
Opening the door was the fatal mistake. Had he simply been silent the cops would have benged around and then left. If they did not have probable cause for a warrant, which was obvious in this case, they really had no choice. The excuse about canvassing the area was a lie, of course. They got a tip and decided to try the old ' knock and talk' to gather enough for a warrant, and the OP fell for it, sadly.

I don't blame him too much....it is hard to hold the fort when the enemy is attacking and you are on some other substance...the heart beats and mouth drys and hands shake...all natural responses to immanent danger...and then the mind gives way to contorted logic and gradually it all goes to hell.

A few points: Lets say that even if he had opened the door and stepped out immediately and shut it behind him, even the smell on him would not be enough for a warrant...past use or evidence of smoking is not enough, generally, for a presumption that more remains.

In Canada, a major court ruled that the smell may be evidence of past use, it actually implies that the weed is gone...having been smoked up!! our courts are so fucked that this will not fly here hardly anywhere.

But back to the story; When the OPwent to get the evidence to hand the cop, thus sealing his fate, he allowed the cop to follow him in. The Supreme Court has said that unless you tell the cops to NOT follow you, you are in fact giving consent for them to come in. You have to actively object these days to everything. Had he told the cop to wait while he shut the door, the cop would have been forced to allow it, or barge in after being told NO and risking it all being excluded.

The main point is if there was weed smell, and the door gets opened, the game is basically over. If there IS any smell at all, never ever open the door. Let them bang until they get tired. If the OP had spoken to them thru a closed window and refused consent to search, what could the cops do? With no probable cause, they go away cursing the few growers that know and use their rights.

It is never smart to open a door for any cop unless they can show a warrant. Tell them to contact your lawyer, and if you do not have one, tell them to mail you a letter detailing what they want with you and you will respond after consulting with a lawyer later on.

YOU must set the rules of the game in advance and never vary from them....it works when you do it...most of the time.

I am glad that this came out pretty well for the OP, I do not think he will have any trouble getting all this behind him, and soon maybe he can move and begin again...after making sure that this kind of thing can never happen again.

Unless a cop has a warrant and can show it, leave the door closed and tell them to fuck oof...nicely at first, of course. Film them thru the windows....record them...they CANNOT tell you in your own house that you cannot record them....it is legal as hell no matter what. They hate being recorded because of their tactics and will generally back off or at least follow procedure somewhat when being filmed. in your house you are king...until a warrant arrives. Before that happens, never open the door.