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How can you add humidity to curing jar?

John Denco

HAve some pot that hung too long, and was probably cut down too green and now it is dry ish..crispy.....and humidity in my cure jar is not going anywhere. In the old days, we would wrap dirtweed in lettuce to moisturize...any help?


hey john, I always find fresh MJ leaves work within an hour or so.. some people use pieces of fruit, others use a moist cotton ball...

what ever has moisture that you put in the jar will compensate with the dried product...


Hmm...just some initial thoughts, perhaps you can insert a humidifier that one would normally use inside of a guitar or cello body.

Check out a local music store. Might be just what you need.

Either that, or bust up a terra cotta pot and soak it in water for a couple of days and insert the larger pieces into your jar.

Hope that helps generate an idea or two!


I've used chunks of fruit rinds like orange and lemon. Gotta be careful though ... introducing moisture to your buds could cause mold.


Piece of lettuce has always worked for me. You can watch the lettuce shrivel up to practically nothing.


For my cigars i just use tupperware with a wet paper towel folded up in there, might work for buds as-well.


i take a piece of tin foil, put a slice of lemon in it fold it up so the top is open, sort of like a cup. Poke some holes around the sides but not on the bottom so no juice can drip on the buds. I let it sit in there for 24-48 hours, checking it every 12 hours or so. Works like a charm and i have noticed not difference in taste or smell of the buds once taken out of the jar.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Use a fresh leaf from a ganja plant(Fan leaves from flowering plants work best IMO).....Please People!! I beg you..Stop Putting Lettuce in your weed its a Horrible idea and will Fuck up your weed even more than the over-drying has already....Lemon maybe but Salad!!! You are Mad (unless you particularly like the taste of burnt Lettuce water!) :{


wow no one suggested THIS:

$3 at any tobacco/pipe/cigar store

dunk em in distilled water, shake out excess water, stick it in the jar



A slice of bread works too, or depending how big a jar you are talking about, I keep mine in pint jars. I fit 1/2 ounce in each one. If I come accross one that is a little too dry I simply breath into it, you will see moisture condensing on the jar. Seal it up and do it again until you get the right consistancy.

Grass Lands

Here is what my wife did...she laid the herb out on trays and placed in the bathroom, turned the shower hot water on to steam up the bathroom, 5-10 minutes later and the herb was nice and pliable, in fact we are toking on some right now...no adverse affects at all...


Active member
wow no one suggested THIS:

$3 at any tobacco/pipe/cigar store

dunk em in distilled water, shake out excess water, stick it in the jar


Unless you know exactly what humidity your buds are stored at, those types of things may increase humidity too much... I wouldn't use without an accurate hygrometer.

I agree with all the posters mentioning tossing a fresh fan leaf in.


Golden Coast
Mmm i know of 2 things you can do that work
1 is fart in your jar! lol
or these little humidity packets they come in different percentages --->


Unless you know exactly what humidity your buds are stored at, those types of things may increase humidity too much... I wouldn't use without an accurate hygrometer.

I agree with all the posters mentioning tossing a fresh fan leaf in.

These things are the size of a quarter at the most and are easily removed once you get the right amount of moisture. A hygrometer is going to be essential anyways, I don't see how a random leaf to humidify an environment is superior to a button that is made to do just that.

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