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First PC micro grow PcNinja


Active member
Hey there Pcninja, good to see you having a go at micro.
A couple of questions etc, what are the temps in the cab especially at plant height...?
The other thing I think you may have problems latter with are those 2 intake fans. You ideally need to create negative pressure in side the cab and that is best achieved with passive intakes especially when you put in the carbon scrubber latter as this will reduce the air flow again, other wise those intakes will blow air and smell out via all the little gaps.
Other than that it looks great and with time and dialing in you should get great result.
I to am starting out a pc grow just waiting on seeds but I have just about got all my probs sorted ( I hope anyway ), any way cheers and I will pull up a seat and enjoy the show:gday:


Grow like nobody is watching
Looks good my fellow ninja. Did you add dolomite to your soil in advance? It's used in pretty much every soil mix I've seen. It kind of looks like it may be calcium deficient, and the dolomite supplies calcium and magnesium. Cannabis is quite hungry for those and most regular potting mixes ain't gonna cut it.

Could also be IR heat burning your plants from all the shiny stuff, but you seem to have it a good distance. What kind of soil is it? Any other details? Tap water? There's also the Infirmary to get help. Best of luck.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
hey pcninja!! Nice job!
Dolomite is lime..it keeps the ph steady in soil..
It maybe too much water if your perlite is going green..that could be mold ...
You might be over-watering..seedlings don't need much at all..I usually just drizzle water around the stem till she's stronger...
keep asking questions pc, thats how we learn..
best of luck..
really looking forward to your grow..
take care


Grow like nobody is watching
This thread explains the different types of lime because some are bad.

If the perlite is always wet it can go green. Generally you should allow the top bit of medium to dry out a little between waterings. The constant wet/dry stops the algae from growing in the light.

My eyes are bad and I don't see a web on the soil but it's probably mycorrhizae, a beneficial fungus. If you search it, you should find some pics of it. Good luck.


Active member
Hey pcninja, what are you thinking of using for a scrubber??? I am still throwing a few designs around in my head at the moment as to which way to go/build my own, but it will certainly decrease the air flow some what.
Any up dates/eye candy??


New member
I've been wanting to do a PC grow for a while, just haven't come up on any cases sadly.

Anyways, looking forward to see how it goes, (bustin' out a chair)..Also, if you haven't switched over to the 2700k bulb then you should get on it.


Active member
Hey Pc, that's not a bad idea might have a play around with that, any thing that I can keep to the small side of things would be good, not much room in a pc case is there.

The 2700k bulb is better for the flowering stage of the plants life. The warmer red aspect is what the plant requires to develop nice buds. From what others say is to run a mix of bulbs some of each is good, try and see


Active member
Hey Pc, I just realized you only have 1 light in there hey.. if it was me I would wait untill the stretch period finnishes and it slow its growth and starts to flower and then switch. In the great outdoors when the plants start to go to flower it's still very bright light just the days start to get a little shorter. It's only about half way through the flower season that the light levels start to "dull" and become a softer warmer light. Does that make sense???


New member
johnnybsmokin said:
In the great outdooors when the plants start to go to flower it's still very bright light just the days start to get a little shorter. It's only about half way through the flower season that the light levels start to "dull
and become a softer warmer light

With that route, I'd feel it would make more sense if you were also manipulating the light cycles. I do not remember the times to switch to, however there is a way that you can reduce the light cycles over time, making the switch to flower easier(i believe).

In your case (PCNinja), since you are already in flower, (and will do a continuous 12/12 run), I see no reason to not use the 2700k light for the entirety. In my grow, I use a multitude of lights, however my warm(2700k) lights always outnumber the bright. I've dealt with some bad stretch on occasion, but for the most part, I find that my plants have stretched when they are too far from the light, and will keep nodes close if they are kept very close to the light.

I did a lot of reading before ever starting a grow, I swear I was glued to my comp for daysssss(maybe months)..But! One thing that I remember reading (No clue if it is simply a myth or not), that I have not looked into yet, is the ways that plants will react to different spectrum lighting. From what I remember, the author of the topic wrote that the lights on the lower end of the spectrum are actually better at growing smaller bushier plants, compared to that of using the higher spectrum. - Once again though, not 100% on this.


Active member
sfish, pc cabs are a dim a dozen these days. Try looking at computer sales shops that specialize in second hand parts, or as I have just done, try the local recycle shops or your voulinteer groups like st vinnies etc. I just picked up another case for 10 bucks includinf power supply and old mother board. Just check this one out, will be a mum/clone grower.

You just need to broaden your search m8.