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So pot is legalized...


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i think we would see a lot more hash if pot was legal. If farmer would be able to have 2-5 acres of pot it would be much easier to process a large amount of hash with large machines than trim that much bud by hand.


Active member
i think it would be my responsability as a member and keeper of fine genetics to not dilute it with crap,and support ICmag as the front line in cultivation.and be happy as hell im not going to get arrested or fined for it .those who profit to do bad will fail,good they deserve it.


i think we would see a lot more hash if pot was legal. If farmer would be able to have 2-5 acres of pot it would be much easier to process a large amount of hash with large machines than trim that much bud by hand.

cement truck hash:headbange


I` still stick to rule number 1, dont tell anyone! Just cos its legal dont mean people wont try to rob your house.


With 20 acres I'd definitely be making use of the land.

Frankly though, I'll be amazed if it ever becomes legal. Too much emotional baggage associated with weed. The conservative right wing hasn't even ramped up their “anti marijuana machine” yet. Expect lots of backlash from them. “It's us against those evil hippies” they'll say. The teabaggers will be throwing fake weed in the lake and Palin will try to link weed with socialists who are trying to ruin her country. Hell, even many growers I've talked to don't want it legalized. In 1968 I thought legalization was right around the corner. It ain't going to happen.
I'd set up a breeding facility where I could concentrate on developing one or maybe two strains at a time working with populations of at least 10 thousand plants/strain in an attempt to create the best possible cannabis to suit my tastes and hopefully the tastes of others. After about a week I'd realize I'm completely ill equipped with the skills needed to manage such a facility and I'd try to sell the place to whoever would buy it. After losing all my money in the scheme I'd once again find myself looking after a handful of plants in a tent in the spare room, smoking some C99XPowerPlant, contemplating what could have been or planning my next large scale breeding escapade... which would also fail dismally...


If it as legal, and I also am hopeful about this, it would be an interesting first year for sure!

I think many would try to grow and most would fail or be unhappy with their product. The dispensaries are proof that most wouldn't grow sucessfully.

I wouldn't plan on being able to order a J at the local bar either... I think we all know that a six pack and a couple of tokes is a bad call at least for most people. Hopefully there would be coffee shops and other places where people could smoke and socialize in public.

Decrim would mean the escalation of illegal trafficking and legalization would mean taxing and control similar to alcohol. Since a big portion of the problem with prohibition is the illegal market and the violence associated with it, I would never expect to see that. It will stay like it is or go legal and regulated imho.

With decriminalization, current commercial growers and the big crime organizations would have a field day and again I don't see that happening. Legalization would hopefully include some current breeders and comercial growers but just a few I would imagine... most would be lost in the shuffle. I don't think there would be much money in it for the little guy. I would think it would break down to some big producers and some smaller similar to the beer market. You would have miller and bud but then you would have micro brews for those who are willing to pay a bit more for something better. I see the people in the current scene fitting easiest into the micro brew catagory.

There would have to be potency ratings on the packaging. It would be nearly impossible to quote exact thc levels but maybe a range of potency from 1-5 and then there would have to be type of effect from sedative to stimulating, duration of effect from short to long, onset of effect from creeper to immediate. I can't imagine it would be too easy to produce product from seed unless you test every oz of every crop. Even from clone environmental factors and nutrient differences would make it a challenge to stay consistent. This fact may even open a market for people to produce clones for the larger grow ops.

In order to control the illegal trade they would have to price fix... I would think a max price would have to be around $200 per oz. retail with the government taking about $50 of that. At $200 per zip it would be really hard for the guy busting out a few pounds a year to sell anything and even harder for the cartels to sell their $100 per zip shitbud. As time went on I think the market would open up some but for it to work the government would have to control that aspect of it.

My current estimate for cannabis consumption in the US (my estimate entrapolated from DEA seisures vs what percentage they think they are seizing) is about 40 million pounds or so. that is a shit ton of weed so if they were to not allow imported product, that would mean that this would be a big market and tons of jobs for us. If they allowed say 20 licenses for the big comercial operations to produce 1/2 the suply that would be 20 corporations producing about 1 million pounds each anually. that is a shit ton of weed!!! anybody here have a plan for producing a million pounds of quality weed? I sure don't! I'm sure marlboro would figure it out though... well not the quality part. then lets say the rest is left to local cottage industries that produce for sale only in their own state or regionally. that would be another 200,000 or so growers knocking out 100lbs each. I think that is where the micros would fit in to the picture and how it would ultimately shake out. If a person where to employ maybe 3 people they could run a 100lb garden and take care of the business aspects of running it and packaging it. wholesale price would be in the neighborhood of $100 per oz so that would be a reasonable living for a boss and a couple of workers after expenses. Nothing like profit structure is now, but a good respectable small business.

Growing would be a different world too though... with all the plants growing outdoors, and quadruple that with all the industrial hemp and you have a lot of pollen flying around! Would you even be able to grow outdoors? Greenhouses would be the ideal I would think with indoor ventures being best in northern climates.

It would be a different world out there and would effect the comercial growers a lot. I'm not sure how seed banks would be affected. Hopefully genetic alterations wouldn't start happening but they may. there will be inovations and favored genetic traits that make cloning or seed production difficult to impossible. there will be breeders that hoard their genetics to keep them for their own farm. There will be constant new and better seed developments (or probably just better marketing) to keep people buying those because the shops will be selling clones and the lower end weed will have seeds in it. Maybe some breeders will sell clones through the mail? I'm sure the people who love the plant like many here will still make it a lifes work to preserve and maintain the landrace strains and continue on with quality breeding. Only some will jump on the commercial band wagon.

I think the present community will expand with people going toward or against the commercial aspects and ultimately it will still be a lot of the same people talking here with the same views and lifestyle. Probably not much will change other than a few faces.

there will be all new industries meant to develop the processing of cannabis. john Deer will make special tractors and special machines that deseed the buds and groom them. Through current rolling technologies are unable to roll even average potency marijuana because it is to sticky and gums up the machines so the prerolled stuff, if we get it, will be low quality and probably have additives that are necessary to the production.

the consumption of narcotics and alcohol will drop substantially as people find a better alternative. the use of MJ and other drugs by children will drop once we are educating them with facts instead of propaganda. The gang violence in the country will go way down. the availability of hard drugs will soar at first and the black markets will try to take back control of their turf, but will fall fatally at the feet of legal cannabis. there will be medical research that shows the many benefits of cannabis use from simple relaxation and the removal of social fears to the management of pain and spasticity. There will be kind hearted groups of people that provide free medicine for people in need and then eventually "teach a man to fish" so he can provide for himself and others. there will be thousands of new jobs. there will be reduced funding for the DEA. there will be the closing of many privatized prisions. there will be a strengthened movement of green fuels and building supplies. there will be a light at the end of the long black tunnel that is our national debt. there will be less people needing help from addictive substances. There will be a renewed interest in arts and culture. There will be people who would have maybe been in jail or lost their jobs, now at home with their families providing for them and raising their children.

I could go on for ever with this guys... I'm sure we all know what all the benefits are or could be. I really hope we see it some day.



Active member
Medical states are more legal than I ever expected it to be. So... I'm pretty god damn content. Oh, I have to grow less than 100 plants? No problem! It doesn't have to be 100% legal for me. I'm already grateful for the opportunity to grow for a few patients. It would drive me nuts if every dumb ass was trying to grow. It's already bad enough in a medical state, I can't imagine the chaos at the hydro store when they legalize. Lines out the door...

14 states in this country allow you to grow already. Other countries have medical programs as well. Some laws have the convenient by-product of containing a market within reasonably balanced parameters. Something to consider....

Wow what a short sighted view! You like it for yourself to be able to do all this but fuck the others that want to! That is the type thinking that has made this shit ILLEGAL for so long now!

Worried about traffic at a hydrostore. Sorry man not bashing you but come on!!! WTF? Don't be so short sighted!


personally, i can't see it being 100% legal...even though it should. it should certainly be decriminalized for sure.
but if it were legal...i would out myself big time on these boards!!!! lol
I would apply for New Markets Tax Credits to provide equity financing and a USDA Rural Economic Development Loan under the REDLG program to fund up a super-farm that included a processing facility to sell the end product out of branded retail outlets owned by the farm. A direct co-op operation. I'd take a share of the profits and enter into a deal with Texas A&M to provide crop research on an expedited basis and I would seek to wage a price war to knock competitors out of the market as quickly as possible. I'd make sure I had a direct purchase program through the Internet and I would co-brand with liquor companies to get the product into every single nightclub in America.

I would create a line of branded merchandise that I would promote directly through cable television and a national advertising program for fashion magazines and liberal publications. Everything would be about garnering more market share and diversifying brands to find that one brand that became the next "Budweiser" of buddage.

That's my plan and I will be relentless in prosecuting it. I had the same opportunity with the evolution of the Alzheimer's care industry and chose consulting over continued facility development and operations. That was a huge mistake.

I won't be making that mistake again. I plan on making a lot of money in a very short period of time and making my investors the next generation of the Waltons.

Bank on it.

this is when you get sick ppl on strong dope

destroy ur opposition?

oh its real that weed hasnt tought u anything
Shit I'd get into Industrial Hemp and try to produce building materials like lumber and perhaps some hemp plastics for vehicles. There's also the hemp food markets to consider.
i don't things would be that different, really. except maybe people would start smoking at a younger age. and sellers would lose A TON of money.
I'd FINALLY take advantage of my 1.5 acres of yard! It's march, I'd be out in my yard Johnny Appleseed'ing to take advantage of the cheapest, most efficient grow light there is :jump:


Keep in mind this is just a hypothetical situation, i've really enjoyed reading the comments so far though, very interesting
With 20 acres I'd definitely be making use of the land.

Frankly though, I'll be amazed if it ever becomes legal. Too much emotional baggage associated with weed. The conservative right wing hasn't even ramped up their “anti marijuana machine” yet. Expect lots of backlash from them. “It's us against those evil hippies” they'll say. The teabaggers will be throwing fake weed in the lake and Palin will try to link weed with socialists who are trying to ruin her country. Hell, even many growers I've talked to don't want it legalized. In 1968 I thought legalization was right around the corner. It ain't going to happen.

I don't think we're going to see a conservative backlash to this. I mean sure, Glenn Beck will freak out, but he always freaks out! A couple weeks ago Fox News ran a special called "High Noon" where they covered marijuana stories at noon for a full week. Everything that I saw was mostly favorable coverage.

Not to mention there's a constitutional argument for ending the prohibition anyway.

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