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looking for a strain for trees.


hello guys!!!

i have 2 stacked cooltubed 600watters.

i want to place 6 5gal buckets around this.

i plan on growing 6 plants 5-6 feet tall.

i am totally lost as to which strains i should be looking at, and how tall they should be before flower.

any advice from tree growers would be appreciated!
anything by kc brains. he like to breed strains that grow huge, so you can max out yeild with low plant numbers...

and a plant can double or triple in size of flowering flip.

first grow with any strain is a learning experience. flower around 2.5-3 feet and youll know better for the next time.

ive heard good things about mango and kc33 by kc brains, but there are alot of bigger sized strains out there.. go check out the ic strainguide. it tells you which strains are for sog, aim for one thats not.. any xmas tree shepped plant would be perfect.

or go for a poker straight stlye plant like black dominia and put like 12 around each light..

the number of watts you got is your only limit dude good luck


Active member
Mr. Nice's SSH all the way bro, you would hardly even have to veg them NO JOKE!

Yeah? I guess that would be a good choice. In the krusty thread he mentions that 50/50 hybrids, or any thing close to that is very good for tree growing, also Reeferman strains are supposedly monsters n very good for this purpose, check them out too.

SSH may not need much veg but whats the yield like, n flower time 10-12 weeks? 5 foot (2 lb) trees with 2-3 week veg? that would be amazing lol

howabout Growdocs bubbledust, or FMS ICE, or Dr Atomics northern lights/blueberry? all good hybrids I wonder how they would do tree style with like 6 weeks of veg (hydro of course) ....hmmm well i think

i think all of these will do well its just a matter of how much they yield, how long they flower, and how much veg they need.

find the krusty threads if your looking to go trees, a lot of people posted great info on there, not just krusty bucket stuff. good luckkk!:joint:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Go with the SSH they have some 5 packs on the bay right now really cheap from Greenhouse


any 10 seeds...
sow all 10.
4" pots.
select 4 females.
ideally selection process is 1:10, in imagination. out of every 10 seeds, ~1 female is potential sport/mutant keeper. remainder destroyed.

however, since from seed, run @ least 4. after harvest, narrow down to 1...

if dont already have area for males, destroy.

5 weeks of pre-veg under 1 600w. 24/0 light cycle.
plants sexually mature in 5 weeks, or @ 5th node.
transplant into 6" pots.

take lowest branch @ this time (during transplanting process), even if sex is not already shown on p1 plants.

also, top plants @ this time. this will help establish 4-6 main leads... very useful when plants are staked & 4+' around...

place those cuts (top & bottom of plant) under cheapo floros for 24/0 7-14 days to root, then 12/12 7-14 days to check for sex.

this supplies 1st round of cuts...
this period permits gardener to observe which plants root fastest, shown deficiencies, hermie traits, sex-reversal traits, resistance to light stress, & which re-veg fastest, if @ all, after being sexed.

the p1 plants are still under veg. so now are ~8-9 weeks old... should be ~18-24" tall, sexed & mature.

however, since they are seed plants, their root systems will not be as profuse as a clone that has been rooted for 8-9 weeks.

they now can be transplanted into 5 gal buckets.
turn on 2nd 600w.
keep both on, 24/0-20-4 for another 2-6 weeks. the 2-6 weeks is unknown because a lot of pruning, training & thinning has to be done during this period. different plant react differently. especially from seed...

start flowering after 1 week of the roots coming out of bottom of 5 gallon bucket.
same as they would profusely come out of bottom of 4-6" pot w/ freshly rooted clone...
roots will then air prune & colonize 5 gal bucket.

they can be large, but if not properly trained & thinned, can turn out same as bunch of scrawny plants. requires to treat plant like huge scrog...

in any event, the ^ helps w/ the journey... takes a little moments to get there, but posted want
6 plants 5-6 feet tall.

wont happen in 2 weeks. or even 8 weeks, from seed. unless find spectacular sport... consider @ least 90 days of pre-veg & veg before starting flower from seed...

will be fun though...:yes:
Teresa said:
With a long enough veg most any strain will do great Tree style.Here's a link to some of my work.................

its all right there.
knows her trees...

enjoy your garden!