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Domesticator of Cannabis

Why the human form varies so little, although humanity has managed to occupy every imaginable habitat and persisted within specific habitats for generations, is today answered through a study of the human genome - the genetic makeup of the human race - as compared to the chimpanzee. At the genetic level, humans are remarkably homozygous. Chimpanzees show as much as 10 times the genetic variation that humans possess, showing that humanity as a whole, be they African or Chinese, arose from a small stock of common ancestors (Wilson & Cann, 1992) and were subject to some heavy selection and specialization while surviving. One may remark that, considering the low degree of variation in the mitochondrial DNA of humans (Reader, 1988), the differences to be found between human races is quite remarkable, suggesting quite rigorous sexual and natural selection having been exerted upon humanity! I present the modified energetic Lotka-Volterra model (MELV model) in this book, suggesting that natural selection promotes differentiation as a response to differing environments, while sexual or social selection reduces this difference. Interestingly, at the genetic level, studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has shown that the African populations have the greatest genetic variation, providing confirming evidence that humanity originated in Africa. A small group of people must have populated the rest of the world or the migrating humans were subject to heavier selective pressures (or both). Concerning similarities between apes, the myoglobin protein, found in muscle tissue and made of 154 amino acid subunits, differs between humans, gorillas and chimps, by only one amino acid! Baboons differ by only five, so this difference is not as remarkable as it initially appears.

An Excellent site, it's highly recommended by ~ sirgrassalot ~

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Domesticator of Cannabis
The Seven Daughters of Eve

The Seven Daughters of Eve

The carbon dating etc, I'll leave to the sciences as they are, and as they improve they will follow what's already becoming apparent.


From this it can be inferred that Mitochondrial Eve had at least two daughters who survived to have their own children[27].


The seven "clan mothers" mentioned by Sykes each correspond to one (or more) human mitochondrial haplogroups.

* Ursula: corresponds to Haplogroup U (excluding its subgroup K)
* Xenia: corresponds to Haplogroup X
* Helena: corresponds to Haplogroup H
* Velda: corresponds to Haplogroup V
* Tara: corresponds to Haplogroup T
* Katrine: corresponds to Haplogroup K
* Jasmine: corresponds to Haplogroup J

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Domesticator of Cannabis
The emergence of anatomically modern human marks the dawn of the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens, i.e. the subspecies of Homo sapiens that includes all modern humans.

The oldest fossil remains of anatomically modern humans are the Omo remains that date to 195,000 years ago. Other fossils include Homo sapiens idaltu from Herto in Ethiopia that are 150kya and remains from Skhul in Israel that are 90kya.

Omo = The Omo remains are a collection of hominid bones, discovered between 1967 and 1974 at the Kibish sites near the Omo River, Omo National Park, in south-western Ethiopia. The bones were recovered by a scientific team from the Kenya National Museums directed by Richard Leakey and others.[1] The remains from the sites KHS was called Omo 1 and PHS - Omo 2. Parts of the fossils are the earliest fossils classified by Richard Leakey as Homo sapiens.

Skhul = Homo Sapien - You want to break bread with this guy & discuss god.

Homo sapiens idaltu is an extinct subspecies of Homo sapiens that lived almost 160,000 years ago in Pleistocene Africa.

Modern Humans that's what I'm talking about HSS.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Homo Sapiens

Homo Sapiens

Skhul V

Species: Homo sapiens
Age:~ 90,000 years
Date of Discovery: May 2, 1932
Location: Mount Carmel, Israel

The remains of this male individual, known as Skhul V, were recovered from the Skhul Cave near Mount Carmel, Israel, along with the skeletons of nine other adults and children. The anatomical features of this skull are reminiscent of earlier, "archaic" humans. One notable example is the bony torus over the orbits, or brow ridge In the photograph, though, note the high forehead, which rises nearly vertically from the face, and the expanded frontal portion of the braincase. These are features typical of modern human skulls. Also, at the back of the skull, note the lack of a projecting"bun", which occurs in many Neanderthal skulls. Compare these details seen in Skhul V to those of a Homo neanderthalensis individual

Wadjak 1

Species: Homo sapiens
Age: ***
Date of Discovery: 1888
Location: Wadjak, Java, Indonesia

While poor fossil preservation of the Wadjak 1 skull obscures some of the finer anatomical features, it shows many of the traits that serve to define modern Homo sapiens. The cranium shows an expanded forehead that rises near vertically from above the orbits. This is associated with either a repackaging of brain tissue in the cranial braincase or an actual expansion of the frontal lobe of the brain. The shape of the face itself shows no signs of prognathism seen in Homo erectus, and the overall structure of the bones is more gracile than seen in earlier species of Homo. The brow ridges, which are known in earlier species such as H. erectus and H. heidelbergensis, are absent in Wadjak 1.

Cro-Magnon 1

Species: Homo sapiens
Age: ~30,000 years
Date of Discovery: March 1868
Location: Les Eyzies, Dordongne, France

While the Cro-Magnon remains are representative of the earliest anatomically modern human beings to appear in western Europe, this population was not the earliest anatomically modern humans to evolve. The skull of Cro-Magnon 1 does, however, show the traits that are unique to modern humans, including the high rounded cranial vault with a near vertical forehead. The orbits are no longer topped by a large browridge. There is no prominent prognathism of the face.



The Egyptians Book of the Dead with their commandments, I believe some creative exchange on the part of the Christians serves them well, again. The roots grow even deeper.

"Hail to thee, great God, Lord of the Two Truths. I have come unto thee, my Lord, that thou mayest bring me to see thy beauty. I know thee, I know thy name, I know the names of the 42 Gods who are with thee in this broad hall of the Two Truths . . . Behold, I am come unto thee. I have brought thee truth; I have done away with sin for thee. I have not sinned against anyone. I have not mistreated people. I have not done evil instead of righteousness . . .
I have not reviled the God.
I have not laid violent hands on an orphan.
I have not done what the God abominates . . .
I have not killed; I have not turned anyone over to a killer.
I have not caused anyone's suffering . . .
I have not copulated (illicitly); I have not been unchaste.
I have not increased nor diminished the measure, I have not diminished the palm; I have not encroached upon the fields.
I have not added to the balance weights; I have not tempered with the plumb bob of the balance.
I have not taken milk from a child's mouth; I have not driven small cattle from their herbage...
I have not stopped (the flow of) water in its seasons; I have not built a dam against flowing water.
I have not quenched a fire in its time . . .
I have not kept cattle away from the God's property.
I have not blocked the God at his processions.

That's if you want to get to the other side.

I'd love a personal gold leafed edition.

I salute your efforts and passions.

Very very interesting, some of the above mirror some of the core beliefs i have

i believe we are designed to analyze the world around us and have been given the potential to sense the balance of life around us

i think because our eventual design is one were we exert our energies in ways that add balance to the world around us as, not imbalance, in the course of our lifetimes


Domesticator of Cannabis
It was a worldwide culture.


The Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid of Egypt are almost or very nearly equal to one another in base perimeter. The Pyramid of the Sun is "almost" half the height of the Great Pyramid. There is a slight difference. The Great Pyramid is 1.03 - times larger than the base of the Pyramid of the Sun. Conversely, the base of the Pyramid of the Sun is 97% of the Great Pyramid's base.
The ratio of the base perimeter to the height:
Great Pyramid Pyramid of the Sun
6.2800001... : 1
(deviates by 0.05 % from the
6.2831853 value for 2 x pi) 12.560171... : 1
(deviates by 0.05 % from the
12.566371 value for 4 x pi)

The ratio of their height to the perimeter of their base are both based on the mathematical ratio 'pi'. The perimeter of the base of the Pyramid of the Sun is 4pi times its height, whereas the Great pyramid of Giza's base perimeter is 2pi times its height. The mathematical ratio 'pi' is based on knowledge of geometry, so the use of 'pi' implies knowledge of sophisticated mathematics also.




Domesticator of Cannabis
I, like the rest of our people have been reading the end all, tell all, of the shithouse revelations, is god real? A huge thread on IC where everyone is in awe of how man comes about asking itself why we Homo Sapien Sapiens have come to be or exist. We're apparently the only ones asking ourselves why are we what we are since the genes of ISIS our Genesis has taken place. Any further misinformation on our conversation is verbal masturbation.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
Hey thanks for that link had you read the thread you'd see it there a few times but another one is good. There's lots of links so I'm sure you'll be better informed now. You have something here you don't think is right? Just the Isis parts, more? Where did we come from Eve, don't tell me aliens? Do you think those pyramids are a fluke in size or even being built an ocean apart?


The Voice of Reason
Hey thanks for that link had you read the thread you'd see it there a few times but another one is good. There's lots of links so I'm sure you'll be better informed now. You have something here you don't think is right? Just the Isis parts, more? Where did we come from Eve, don't tell me aliens? Do you think those pyramids are a fluke in size or even being built an ocean apart?

Had you bothered reading my post in the other thread, you'd have seen that I have thought the egyptians made the trans-atlantic crossing since I read about the theory in the early 80's...

Yes there is plenty here that is not right, and yeah mostly the Isis stuff... Like I said yesterday... One evening when I get bored, I'll come over and play "history's mysteries" with you...


Domesticator of Cannabis
Had you bothered reading my post in the other thread, you'd have seen that I have thought the egyptians made the trans-atlantic crossing since I read about the theory in the early 80's...

Yes there is plenty here that is not right, and yeah mostly the Isis stuff... Like I said yesterday... One evening when I get bored, I'll come over and play "history's mysteries" with you...
Don't bother you have nothing of interest to say, if you did you could of easily answered the questions. You must have some theory on how civilized life started if you're telling me I'm off base but you're unable to actually explain it to us. You don't answer questions LoL If you had any answers it would be nothing for someone with verbal diarrhea to hammer out some responses, more than one word too. You're stuck on Jesus too I see, it doesn't matter if he lived or not, I don't care one way or the other. The message he sends is from the Goddess of Love, Earth Mother Goddess Isis.

As to not reading your post (Although I did before your last post here), I already mentioned that had you been paying attention. Your attempt at belittling posters makes your postings look juvenile & not worth reading. If you posted some solid answers I'd of read them closely. :deadxmas:


The Voice of Reason
Cool... your regurgitated ancient conspiracy theory, must be the ultimate answer then... LMAO

I actually just got done typing up 45 minutes worth of my thoughts and some of the things which the Isis site got wrong, but when I hit post, I had waited to long and was not logged in and lost it all...

I'll do it again later...

You are the one with nothing interesting to say... Copying and pasting, is not, after all, saying anything...


Domesticator of Cannabis
Cool... your regurgitated ancient conspiracy theory, must be the ultimate answer then... LMAO

I actually just got done typing up 45 minutes worth of my thoughts and some of the things which the Isis site got wrong, but when I hit post, I had waited to long and was not logged in and lost it all...

I'll do it again later...
I'm an old timer, that would kill me the only typists I knew in school were chicks. It's always easier the second time hammering it out. It also cuts down on the verbiage. :window:
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The Voice of Reason
I'm an old timer, that would kill me the only typists I knew in school were chicks. It's always easier the second time hammering it out. :window:

yeah... it'll be easier the second time... but it annoys me to do all that hunt and peck typing only to loose it...


Cool... your regurgitated ancient conspiracy theory, must be the ultimate answer then... LMAO

I actually just got done typing up 45 minutes worth of my thoughts and some of the things which the Isis site got wrong, but when I hit post, I had waited to long and was not logged in and lost it all...

I'll do it again later...

You are the one with nothing interesting to say... Copying and pasting, is not, after all, saying anything...

if you had any idea of how many times i got up at a god awful hour of the morning (being old sucks), hit a few sweet bowls as i woke (everyday i feel like a kid on xmas * Hollywood version* i love to wake n bake as much as i do , and some i read some of the post in these threads and i have an epiphany and mind dump into a small novel

and FUCK

its gone

and so is my morning

so is my buzz

what a way to start the day

Owl Mirror

Active member
but when I hit post, I had waited to long and was not logged in and lost it all...

I'll do it again later...

You know, when that happens, if you simply log in at that screen you would not have lost anything. Your post would have been published and you would be logged back in where you were.


The Voice of Reason
You have something here you don't think is right? Just the Isis parts, more? Where did we come from Eve, don't tell me aliens?
One of my main objections is the fact that homo sapiens sapiens have been around as a species for 50,000+ years and originated in lower africa and not due to a mutation occurring in the Nile valley 6k years ago...

The Isis website you got this all from, claims that:

1.The goddess Isis was once a real person.

2.We all have one or more of the Pharaohs and Isis queens in our ancestry.

3.She was the ancestral mother of Pagans over the whole world.

4.The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion.

5.El/Assur lived roughly 1000 years before Isis.

6.Isis was born near the dawn of writing.

7.She was born about 6000 years ago in an Upper Nile or East African kingdom.

8.That original Isis was a mutant. She was the first of her kind. She was the first twice-wise Homo sapient sapiens. Her twice-wise genus has since become the genotype of all humankind.

9.She is the ancestral mother of Homo sapiens sapiens.
Hmmmm... :chin:

Since we are able to trace our genetic origins to eastern lower africa, 50,000 or so years ago... to a mitochondrial homo sapiens sapiens eve... It would seem like a pretty simple task to find the common ancestor of mankind that lived 6 thousand years ago, and was a mutant...

Since we are able to track over two dozen haplogroups which range in origin from 50,000 years ago up through haplogroups that are less that 3,00 years old, finding the 6,000 year old mutant "mother of us all" would have long ago been discovered....I have attached a timeline chart of the haplogroups in homo sapiens sapiens.... Egyptians 6,000 years ago would have belonged to haplogroup J1 or J2, fyi

Additionally Your postings assert: "Assur is revered as the "inventor" of agriculture."
If Assur/El/Osirus lived 1000 years before Isis then he lived 7,000 years ago.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens have been practicing agriculture for almost 3,000 years by that point...


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