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Canada - Bill to allow police to monitor online activity


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor

Proposed bill would give police powers to monitor online activity

Police will be given new powers to eavesdrop on Internet-based communications as part of a contentious government bill, to be announced today, which Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan, pictured, has said is needed to modernize surveillance laws crafted during "the era of the rotary phone." The proposed legislation would force Internet service providers to allow law enforcement to tap into their systems to obtain information about users and their digital conversations. Police have lobbied for a new law for almost 10 years, saying they need to access "Internet safe havens" for gangsters, sexual predators and terrorists. Privacy advocates and civil libertarians, however, oppose the prospect of giving police "lawful access" to the digital conversations of Canadians by being able to access such things as their text messages


Guess what, your AIM messages and majority of digital messages are screened for key words and saved. Seems the easy way around this would be a Proxy. Personally If I lived in Canada I would go to the Nakatomi Plaza for a Christmas party with my wife. Soon after there would most likely be a terrorist that would take control of the building and I would have to single handedly kill them off 1 by one. As for the leader, I would duct tape a gun to my back prior to our meeting, so when I put my hands behind my back I could shoot him and have him fall out of the window. Maybe a couple years later I might have to kill his brother in New York.

Open Eyes

If everybody in the world that lived under these repressive laws used secure connections the government would not have the computing power to decrypt ALL the traffic. I use proxies sometimes but just think if everybody used them all the time how much time and effort it would require to get through to traffic.


Active member
It is unfortunate that its coming to this, im not really sure if I will start using Tor but if they start monitoring my activity on cannabis related websites and consider me a threat then maybe I will.. :fsu:

Open Eyes

You can bet your ass that big brother is monitoring traffic but whether or not they choose to act on it is a different matter altogether. NSA is patched into all backbones in the US and have been caught lying about it already when a whistle blower came forward after he heard them lying about it. The whistle blower was the guy who installed the equipment and made all relevant docs available to the public.

I really do not like the way "democratic" govs are moving forward with their repressive and outrageous laws.

danny karey

Canada has taken some giant leaps backwards the last little while..............I think it's time to look into to moving somwhere else.

Canada is suck'n ass for sure(Im canadian) very dissapointing


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
Personally If I lived in Canada I would go to the Nakatomi Plaza for a Christmas party with my wife. Soon after there would most likely be a terrorist that would take control of the building and I would have to single handedly kill them off 1 by one. As for the leader, I would duct tape a gun to my back prior to our meeting, so when I put my hands behind my back I could shoot him and have him fall out of the window. Maybe a couple years later I might have to kill his brother in New York.

you totally just gave up your true identity John McClane!


I know.. But there wil be people in America that protest it.. High powered people and average Joes.. Thank god for out constitution and 1st amendments..


You can bet your ass that big brother is monitoring traffic but whether or not they choose to act on it is a different matter altogether.
A close friend used to work for Motorola and part of the production floor was for building these cabinets, about the size of an extra large fridge/freezer, which government agencies were buying at a clip of 2 per month. Think they were something like a mil $ a piece. They were strictly for monitoring digital traffic. I know the FBI was one of the customers. This was quite a few years back so lots of em in place by now and the technology has only improved since then in screening capability and efficiency.


Active member
If everybody in the world that lived under these repressive laws used secure connections the government would not have the computing power to decrypt ALL the traffic. I use proxies sometimes but just think if everybody used them all the time how much time and effort it would require to get through to traffic.

If everyone used high grade encryption, they wouldn't have the computing power to decrypt any of it...


If everyone used high grade encryption, they wouldn't have the computing power to decrypt any of it...

Is this something we can do? or is it something icmag and other sites have to do? i only ask because some peeps seem to be really paranoid on this site lol. for good reason i guess but id love to see the tension ease.


It is unfortunate that its coming to this, im not really sure if I will start using Tor but if they start monitoring my activity on cannabis related websites and consider me a threat then maybe I will..

Tor is already monitored, but you don't have a thing to worry about. Cannabis literature is hardly enough considered a nuisance, let alone a threat. You can monitor all the traffic yourself if you wanted to, not illegal at all. Police can as well without a warrant, because they aren't breaking any laws sniffing their own network traffic. That and in the TOS of TOR it blatantly states this. It is a layer of security, assuming the VPN that you're in isn't rotten.

I sure as hell hope that the bill does not pass. Ever since the conservatives got into power, (afaik) they've fucked everything up. Seems that canadians and americans have switched views. Which is unfortunate for the northern border brothers.

Something tells me this bill wont pass, it's against every part of freedom in which all people stand for. This would be a socialistic move, not a democratic one.



Active member
Is this something we can do? or is it something icmag and other sites have to do? i only ask because some peeps seem to be really paranoid on this site lol. for good reason i guess but id love to see the tension ease.

Well, there is tor like mentioned... You can also access icmag via https. That won't stop anyone from seeing you went to icmag, but it'll keep people from seeing you post I GRO WEED, lol.


We have an anal fissure for a leader here in Canada - ex bum boy of GW Shrub...:moon:

This clown is hard core right wing Jesus kissin' neonazi - has a look in his eyes like one of those "special" kids that ate only glue, bacon and worms...

We always seem to be 2 or 3 yrs behind the US with our leaders, they have a liberal, we have a conservative. Flips every few years...

Our current fuhrer has big support from christians and leo - bad combo if your a weed smoker.

Fuck Adolph Harper and his nazi horde - our liberal leader joined him in supporting high sentences for pot, and I fired him an email asking for some "personal" time with him to "thank" him for his treachery. No reply.


cool well i added an s onto the http and tested it on a few pages. On some it says im secure others like this one says some elements are not secure. do yall know what this means?er what parts of the page are unsecure( im using the chrome browser)


Active member
cool well i added an s onto the http and tested it on a few pages. On some it says im secure others like this one says some elements are not secure. do yall know what this means?er what parts of the page are unsecure( im using the chrome browser)

Yeah well some elements are not secure. Such as links to graphics/ads. Posting and most other things should be secure though.

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