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Active member
Typical Illinois Democrat control freaks. They will let a person have medical marijuana, but if they get it, they automatically lose their driver's license. What the fuck is up with Barack Obama's Illinois Democrat gang. They don't need a single Republican vote to pass this. They haven't needed a single Republican vote since 2002, and Obama's Illinois Democrats did nothing. Now when Obama's Illinois Democrats do act, they are pushing legislation like this to take driver's licenses away.

Has anyone given Michael Madigan $10 million yet so this will be allowed for a full vote in the House? Madigan has been Speaker of the House and the Chair of the State Democrat party for about 30 years now, just like a dictator. Obama never did a damn thing to change Illinois away from the crooks worse than Bush ruining that state, that is an irrefutable fact.

With the silly license taking clause, this just might pass in Illinois this year with complete Democrat control if someone paid off Madigan sufficiently with more power. Almost 8 years of complete Democrat control in Illinois, two years including Barack Obama, where they haven't needed a single Republican vote to pass medical marijuana and this legislation is the best Obama's endorsed political friends can come up with?

But they don't lose it if they are prescribed opiates! Dumb law.

Speaking of the Democrats. John Murtha [D] just got in trouble for getting his nephew $4 million in war contracts with no bid. The repubs are not the only ones raping the coffers and Illinois just might be the MOST corrupt state in the union.

But I hear your ex govenor is getting a reality show soon on TV....wayward politicians it should be called.....but I do love Obama so far.


Time frame for passing anything in Illinois? From now until the second coming of Christ. If you live in illinois, you know what I mean.

On this bill, it appears the senate bill is further ahead than the house. From what I'm reading, it looks like the 5th ammendment to the bill was adopted on 4/29. The 3rd reading deadline was supposed to happen before 4/30, but since they added yet another ammendment to the bill, they got to push the deadline back again.

Now it looks like the senate committee and 3rd reading deadline are both set to 5/30. Doesn't mean it will take that long. Just means it has to be done before that date. And 3rd reading is pretty much it for the senate. After the 3rd it gets an up or down vote.

Now the house bill seems to be lagging a bit, but not too badly. The second reading has happened, but the bill was referred to the rules committee again. On the plus side, they went as far as getting a fiscal note from the dept. of public health. The bill is far enough along for them to need hard numbers on the cost of initiating the bill. But because it's been rereferred to the rules committee there hasn't been a solid deadline set. That can change at any time though. I think if senate goes through, it'll light a fire under the house's ass to get the bill forward. Plus I've seen other bills go from rules to committee to the floor and passed in one day.

Honestly it has never been this close in this state before. I can't help be get somewhat optimistic. I say somewhat because in the political machine of the people's republic of illinois anything can happen. We can have one person who has a bug up his/her ass over not getting their twinkie for lunch and kill this bill. But I'm allowing myself to be cautiously optimistic. SO anyone who wants to see this bill pass, now is the time to FLOOD their reps with phone calls. Emails are nice, but human voices ring much louder. Believe me, they're sick of hearing my voice at my rep's office. But the squeaky wheel gets the grease. MAKE THOSE CALLS!!!


stone fool
We moved one step closer today, the bill passed the senate, that in itself is a small miracle.


Active member
IL Senate passes medical marijuana bill 30-28! Not done yet!

IL Senate passes medical marijuana bill 30-28! Not done yet!

May 27, 2009 6:27 PM
Illinois Senate passes medical marijuana bill 30-28!

Dear MPP Supporter :

Moments ago, the Illinois Senate passed the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act, also known as SB 1381, by a vote of 30-28. SB 1381 would allow seriously ill patients with diseases like cancer, HIV/AIDS, and multiple sclerosis to use marijuana if recommended by their doctor. If this legislation becomes law, patients with a state-issued ID card would be allowed to possess up to six plants and 2 ounces of usable marijuana.

Many thanks to everyone who helped make this victory possible, including the thousands of you who contacted your legislators in support of this legislation and those of you who generously donated. Special thanks are in order for the brave patients like Julie Falco, Lucie Macfarlane, and Lisa Lange Van Camp who have spoken out and worked tirelessly advocating for this legislation.

While this is a tremendous step forward, our work is not done. SB 1381 now moves to the House for consideration, where the Human Services Committee approved a companion bill in March.

Here are a couple of things you can do to help keep SB 1381 moving forward:

*Write a letter to the editor. If you have something personal to say about this issue, getting your opinion printed in the local newspaper is a great way to remind voters and legislators alike that Illinois needs a medical marijuana law.

*Ask your doctor, clergy member, local leader, or organization you are a member of to sign our statement of principle. Simply print it out and ask your doctor or other individual to sign it the next time you have the opportunity. Then send it to us at P.O. Box 77492, Washington, DC 20013.

*Using MPP's sign-up sheets, collect as many valid e-mail addresses as you can and send them to us. You can scan and e-mail the information you collect [email protected] or mail it to MPP legislative analyst Nathan Miller at P.O. Box 77492, Washington, DC 20013.

The Marijuana Policy Project thanks you for your support and all that you have done to help forward this legislation. Because of people like you, patients like these may no longer have to live in fear of arrest for using a medicine that works for them. Please forward this alert along to other Illinoisans who might also be interested in putting an end to the criminalization of our sick and dying.

Nathan Miller
Legislative Analyst
Marijuana Policy Project


Good luck IL!

Take care everyone!,


Active member
Here is a Trib article on the matter. While not perfect it is a great start for ANY state

Medical marijuana pilot gets OK from state Senate
By Monique Garcia and Rick Pearson | Tribune reporters
May 28, 2009

SPRINGFIELD -- The Illinois Senate narrowly approved a bill Wednesday that would allow doctors to prescribe marijuana to treat seriously ill patients, though the proposal faces an uncertain future in the House as lawmakers scramble to meet their end-of-month deadline.

The 30-28 Senate vote split largely along partisan lines. Supporters said it marked the furthest the idea has gotten after several defeats.

Republican Sen. Dale Righter of Charleston argued the proposal was lax and wouldn't require criminal background checks for people who handle or grow marijuana. Sponsoring Sen. William Haine (D-Alton) said there was enough oversight to prevent abuse.

"It is not intended to be a stealth legalization," said Haine, a former prosecutor from Madison County, near St. Louis.

The program would last three years unless lawmakers renew it. Patients would be issued registry identification cards by the Illinois Department of Public Health. They would be limited to possessing six cannabis plants during a 60-day period, of which no more than three could be mature. Qualifying ailments include glaucoma, cancer, AIDS and Alzheimer's disease.

Sen. Kwame Raoul (D-Chicago) said his parents suffered from pain for which pharmaceuticals offered no relief. "We can make this a political issue, but this is about compassion," Raoul said. "This is truly about compassion and about people who are suffering from chronic disease and have no alternatives."

Sen. Mike Jacobs (D-East Moline) asserted that for some, marijuana would be a cheaper and healthier way to treat serious disease.

"Do you find it at all interesting that people view drugs made by man as better than drugs made by God?" Jacobs said during debate. "This is something that someone can drop in their backyard and find relief from, and there's some of us in this chamber that would prefer Oxycontin, morphine; would prefer mommy's little helper, uppers, downers, all-arounders."

Meanwhile, House lawmakers Wednesday were poised to vote on Gov. Pat Quinn's plan to raise the income tax rate to pay down the budget deficit, but a spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) said Quinn requested that the vote be put off.

An administration source said Quinn spent the last several days meeting with individual lawmakers to find enough votes. Republicans in the House and Senate said there's no support to raise taxes among their members.


Take care all,


Illinois Senate approves medical marijuana bill

Illinois Senate approves medical marijuana bill

Just came up as a alert. Pardon me if this is posted already.


Illinois Senate approves medical marijuana bill
The Associated Press

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. -- The push to legalize medical marijuana in Illinois has taken a big step forward.

The Illinois Senate voted 30-28 in favor of a plan to let sick people use pot for relief from diseases like cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis.

The bill now goes to the Illinois House, where a committee passed a medical marijuana measure earlier this year.

Bruce Mirken, spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project, says that if the bill is eventually signed into law, Illinois would join 13 other states that have such measures in place.

Critics argue allowing medical marijuana would make it harder for police to enforce other marijuana laws and would be a step toward wholesale legalization of pot.


My sister is a journalist based in Springfield IL and was in the IL capital builiding yesterday when the first draft of bill passed. She said that there a standing ovation once the votes were counted and it was declared as "passed".

Still a long way to go, but even the Illinois politicians will say that things feel different this time.


My sister is a journalist based in Springfield IL and was in the IL capital building yesterday when the first draft of bill passed. She said that there a standing ovation once the votes were counted and it was declared as "passed".

Still a long way to go, but even the Illinois politicians will say that things feel different this time.

Way to go !!!

Make it 14 !



Well-known member
Isn't this the same bill (pilot program)that will only allow 1200 people in the whole state to have the Med card? 1200 people out 13 million people in the state of IL.

Yes its a positive but man good luck getting a med card.


Hey Ham.

No actually this bill is different. The 1200 card plan was the one that died in the last General Assembly. This bill doesn't seem to have a limit to cardholders. The do limit plant numbers. From what I read, you are only allowed to have 2 oz usable at any time, and 6 plants total (used to be 7 be that was dropped). Only 3 at a time are allowed to be matured. Their definition of mature is any plant showing flower, or any plant that is either 12 inches tall or 12 inches wide.

Looks like the bill made some significant movement in the house yesterday. It went from 1st reading to committee already. And it looks like from what I'm reading on the General Assembly website, it passed out of committee and is on the schedule for a second reading.

Still not getting my hopes up. It is Illinois. ANYTHING can and usually does happen here. But it does warrant some silent optimism.


It looks like someone is pushing the hell out of this bill. Since this morning, it's been pushed through committee and through the second standard debate. It's not on the calender for the 3rd reading. After that, it's up or down vote.

If you live in Illinois get on the phone with the offices of your representative. Let them know a yes vote on MMJ can guarantee them your vote, and the votes of the people you know. Sometimes all it takes is a few calls to sway a vote. Let em know we're watching.


Non Conformist
Ha, I kinda feel like Charlie Brown tryin ta kick the football with this issue, but my hopes are high! (again) lol..... Thanks for the heads up Bong!.... MAKE THOSE CALLS!!!!! BC


Well-known member
WOW!! Thanks for the info bong chat

Whole new deal here this good be a huge step in the right direction. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Its the end of the session. That's just how legislation flows in Illinois. No one is doing extra work to get this passed, they are making up for being lazy the entire past year then trying to do something at the last possible second. Why wait until the last second? It creates more suspense when they don't act until the last second AND we don't know how much support it really has until the last second. And when there is suspense, people with vested interests in the outcome make campaign donations. Welcome to the way Democrats do things in Illinois. And apparently Madigan got a bigger check from the pro drug war crowd than he did from the freedom lovers. But he did get checks from both of them, I'm sure.

Has anyone called Michael Madigan's office and found out if he supports this bill? Or if he will allow it to come to a vote? Right, get Madigan on record about something, stupid me. Is Madigan one of the closet supporters Rep. Lang is too chicken to name for the good of sick people?

This ain't passing by Sunday, sorry folks. You've still got to get rid of Michael Madigan first, who has been in control of the State Party and the Illinois House for almost 30 years. And probably his daughter too. After Sunday, the only way this passes before this time next year will be if you can find a handful of Republicans in the Senate and a dozen or so in the House to pass it. In other words... Sorry. I could be wrong, this is Illinois. This bill might get tied into some backroom Democrat deal that one Democrat will vote for this bill if another Democrat votes for the 50% income tax hike or votes against ethics reforms or ..... its Illinois, it is all this for that, pay to play, nothing is ever done because it is the right thing to do.

I left the state and I'd advise others to do the same. Unless you are connected and are ok with that.

The latest.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Medical marijuana may have to wait for vote

By Hilary Russell
Despite two victories this week for legalizing medical marijuana, the bill probably won’t get a floor vote in the Illinois House before the May 31 deadline for the spring legislative session, according to its sponsor, Rep. Lou Lang of Skokie.

The bill passed out of a House panel last night. The Senate approved SBill 1381 the previous day. See background here.

But medical marijuana is taking a back seat to the state budget and whether it will include income tax increases, which could come up for a vote this evening.

If the medical marijuana bill isn’t called by Sunday, Lang said he could try again when lawmakers return from their summer break. “This bill is only difficult because people want to turn it into politics,” he said. "There are many people on this floor who have said to me, ‘It’s a really great idea, and I think it would help a lot of people, but I can’t vote for it.’”


05.29.2009 7:55 pm
Illinois pot update
By Kari Andren
Post-Dispatch Springfield bureau
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - State Rep. Lou Lang, who is sponsoring a proposal to legalize marijuana for medicinal uses, said he’s unsure of when he might call his bill to a vote on the Illinois House floor.

Lang, a Skokie Democrat, just told us he probably won’t bring the measure to a vote until he knows he has the 60 ‘yes’ votes needed for it to pass the House — which could mean a vote won’t come until the fall or next spring.

Lang said he is picking up more votes each day, so a vote could still come this weekend as lawmakers scramble to wrap up legislative business for the summer by Sunday.

Those of you playing along at home will remember that Lang’s proposal was approved by a House panel last night after getting a ‘thumbs up’ from the Senate on Wednesday. The bill, Senate Bill 1381, would allow marijuana to be prescribed by a doctor for patients with unrelenting pain or nausea due to a specific set of debilitating conditions.

If the House approves the measure, it then heads to Gov. Pat Quinn’s desk. As of this morning, Quinn wouldn’t say whether he’ll sign off on it or not. Stay tuned.
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