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100 push-up a day challenge


Active member
and yeah you aint going to become a body builder with pushups lol. but it can't hurt right?

it makes me tired so it must be some kind of exercise.
In about 2 months theres gonna be a thread fulla popeye lookin motha fuckers lol :)


I workout 6 days a week, nothing better to do :D


throw a hundred squats in too

you dont want good upper body and weak lower body
that's freakin easy that's 10 sets of 10 pushups in one day? that's not hard even for me who never exercises.

now I can't do more than 20 pushups at once. I wouldn't be able to do 100 pushups at once if that is what you mean.

That's not going to do anything. Muscles needs to be stressed in order to trigger a recovery response, not warmed up throughout the day.

If it doesn't hurt it's not gonna work. You should be exhausted by the time you max out. Then you EAT.


Eugene Oregon
A little thing I do is do, 5 more of what ever exercise your doing past the point of failure.
But don't be stupid and try to do that benching, unless you have a spotter.
I run a mile a day up hill,and try to do push ups its tough with a torn rotator cuff.


ICMag Donor
If you guys do 100 pushups a day for a month I guarantee you will see a diffrence in how you look. Good luck and stick to it....


For all the haters that think that a pushup/pull up workout plan won't make a difference, try it for 4-6 weeks. Like herb said, do a few sets to failure. With pushups and pullups, you can change your hand position to force your body to use different muscles. You can also just focus on different muscle groups as you do em. I like to do incline pushups and for the first 15-20 I focus on squeezing my chest, then 5-10 using more arm, then max(or close to it) just doing what I can to push the damn floor away.

Same thing with pullups, back first, then arms. It is also much more important to do em with the right form than to just bang em out. 6 weeks from 1 arm pullups. :D

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
For all you guys in the U.S., thanks for doing SOMETHING. We are in a freakin obesity crisis-and what better sh*t talkin rights, than for a nation of stoners in better shape than those who judge, yet are not fit.

I hit the gym primarily, but I have found push-ups to be very beneficial.

..Or maybe all the ones I did in the service just kinda skewed my perspective :)
When I was locked up, I was doing 1000 in under 40 mins-- I swear by them..cardiovascular and also muscle training-- Can't beat it!!

Damn. And I thought I was the shit the 2-3 times in my life I broke 100. I know I can do them , I just say screw it because my arms start to feel rubbery at the 70-80 mark.

But yeah, what everyone else said about squats. Doing them immediately after then resting for 30s-1min before another set will supposedly boost your metabolism for the whole day from the constant exertion.

pushups on their own are pretty useless. go for a nice walk/jog for 2-5 miles for 3 times a week continously. running is the best excercise there is.

Respectfully disagree. I had a job for 3 years where I walked for 3-4 hours 3-4 times a week (fast, and went up a LOT of stairs). Didn't do much but make me tired. I'd consider squats and random stretching to be more effective.

Also if it's your shoulders you want to build up, you could balance yourself upside down against a wall and do no-leg, upside down pushups. And I'll just throw this out there: as someone who used to lift weights semi-hardcore in high school and a little after, it was when I was doing power yoga did my body look most in shape. It's amazing what 1 hour of bending and stretching will do, but it IS hard(I was sweating like a mofo).


Push ups are the secret weapon in a well rounded routine. I like to use a deck of cards. Paint is 10, aces are 11 and numbers are just what they are..(jokers'r 20). Start by flipping two cards and do the sum. Rest for 50 seconds up to 2 minutes and repeat. If your outta shape just flip one card. When your able to do the deck in an hour 420 p-ups. You will be able to drop down and do 50 to 70 straight no problems.

Better Shape = Better Sex


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
and no spliff till you make the 100.... now thats motivation... I'd have them done by 7.15 am :wink:


Active member
LOL....who you liein fuckers kiddin!!Aint one of ya's did a fucken push up yet,sittin there with yer bong starrin at the computer screen!!!LOL......GET UP LAZY PRICKS!!!!Do Sumtin:sasmokin: well......guess I'll go rip another set...on my bong!!!


livin my way the high way
i dont know about 100 right now but i do maybe 50 every couple of days but im sore for the majority of the days following. i do a sit up exercise quite often. my goal by the end of summer is to be cut with a little definition around the major muscles. not like bodybuilder strong just lean and muscular.

im down tho to try and out do my self each time i do a set. when i get to 100 a workout ill be happy.


just finished 5th set of 20.
today is one.
looking forward to tomorrow.
hell maybe next week I'll lower the sets/up the reps.... but i'll cross that bridge when i get there
I'd do some push-ups but with my gut I can't reach the floor with my arms. I rent myself out to kids parties as a teeter tooter. Hey! A guy has got to have some sort of career.
I do push-ups at least 5x a week.... Weed doesn't make you lazy, being lazy makes you lazy!

Shit, I'll race most non-smokers and beat them up to 6 miles.... I always crack up when I see people talking smack about smokers

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