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How do I use neem oil ?


Ok so my battle versus the fungus gnat brigade has been an uphill battle and I cant seem to slow them down much. I already tried GoGnats and its worthless, did nothing really. I also cut up a bunch of yellow sticky traps and it worked great for catchin hundreds of them but they keep coming and I think they are wise tot he yellow strips now, I see them walk or fly right around them avoiding contact. Bout 2 weeks ago I put a one inch layer of perlite on all my buckets and it helped a little bit but hardly.

So now Im gonna start bringin out the heavy artillery until something works. I bought a bottle of Einstein Neem oil today and wanna treat my plants tonight. Whats the best way to treat them? Most of the gnats are in my coco/perlite mix in the buckets, very few are ever seen flying around and on my plants.

My plants are all between 4-5 weeks into flower and covered with thick buds. Should I spray the buds or the leaves? Do I just spray the coco itself?

What about the perlite layer on top? Do I need to remove that first or water right down thru the perlite like I do when I feed them? I dont wanna damage anything or ruin the taste of my buds so help me out here. Thanks in advance guys:1help:


Active member
put it in a water spray spritzer bottle. maybe some water in there to water it down if it says too on the back of the neem bottle. but then spray as needed maybe even take a damp paper towel and kinda rub it into the big fan leaves u see that are f'd up. Kill gnats by hand tho. its the only way to take out the aggresssssion!!!!


Oh trust me I fuck em up by hand. Whenever I see them flyin around I clap my hands on em and watch em fall to the ground. I dont see many flyin around tho or on my plants, mostly in the containers so Im thinkin I just need to drench the coco with it? That sound right and how much should I use per gallon of water?
Use a solution of 70% neem oil in a spray (like foliar feeding). To achieve the 70% mix you can simply put 7 tablespoons of neem oil + 3 tablespoons of water.


Water with a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution. Is great for your plants and will kill gnats in the medium.


ICMag Donor
i had those gnats too .... and h2o2 wont kill them ....

i took care of them by pouring some Plagron Neem oil diluted in a cup of warm water into my res ... , as they seemed to live in the hydroton ... , after 2 days i ckeaned and changed the res , i have done 2 application and got rid of them completely ... and it did nothing to the plants ...



Ya Eddie I picked up some skeeto dunks a few hours ago at my local hardware store and Im gonna use those, they have BTI. Gonna hit them gnats with those and the neem oil and that should do the trick me thinks. Guess I wont use any soap like the directions suggest. This shit better work cuz I cant stand those fuckers gettin all in my face whenever I water ! Fjallhoga you didnt spray the plants right? Sounds good to me, I'll just water maybe a half liter to each plant thats in a 5 gallon bucket ? Hope I have enough in this tiny bottle to go around for all my plants.


ICMag Donor
no i did not spray the plants with neem ... , i put it in the reservoir , im growing hydro/ebb n flow , so i dont water my plants manually ...

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Neem Seed Oil

Neem Seed Oil

Apply at a rate of 1/2 tsp. per quart every 3rd watering.

You will have the most effective miticide and anti-fungal program known.




i think there are certain nematodes you can get that fuck gnats right up, during their life stage inside the medium

also, a fresh sprinkling of dichotomous earth on top of medium after watering, not before really makes their life hell to non existent

people and animals eat the stuff to rid parasites, can buy it from certain pharmacies

so i wonder if it was mixed in with the medium? or would it become ineffective after wetting as it is so commonly said? taking it internally would sure wet it yet it still wreaks havoc on parasites

then there is the yellow stickies - they do actually work fairly well. those uv bug zappers would be great and timed to stay on 15 min after the lights go off/15 min before except the wires are not close enough to zap gnats i dont think


I just crushed up 8 skeeto dunks and sprinkled them into 16 of my flowering plants and those gnats started scattering as soon as I worked it in. Not sure if its cuz the BTI or if I was just disturbin their peace and quiet . I'll water the neem oil in tommorow since I have to water them anyways.Not gonna spray the plants tho, I would if they werent so far into flowering.


ICMag Donor
I never sprayed any plant with neem but a friend of mine did w/o washing them afterwards and some plants suffered severly and leafes died ... , i dunno maybe is neem clogging the leafs stomata :chin: but watering your plants with neem will kill the larvae in the medium


put it in a water spray spritzer bottle. maybe some water in there to water it down if it says too on the back of the neem bottle. but then spray as needed maybe even take a damp paper towel and kinda rub it into the big fan leaves u see that are f'd up. Kill gnats by hand tho. its the only way to take out the aggresssssion!!!!

Kill gnats by hand tho.

yea right hope you don't do any thing else.. when you file for taxes write in occupation fungus gnat killer no phamer lmao ..... yellow stickys diatamatous earth and let your plants dry out tottaly or just before wilt then water... also if in veg pyerathn and neem combo was the leaves with plain h20 the next day i had a few flying around and had a thrip out break I used spinosad and it killed every thing it is now my top bug killer I love that stuff omri too!!! take care stay safe fight the good fight:dueling:


Ya Im def not gonna spray the plants, just gonna water with the neem. Ordering nematodes today and between the neem, skeeto dunks and nematodes , I should be ok. What sucks is that I have 2 flowering rooms and a veg/clone room goin that all need to be treated. This should be fun eh


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Have you tried GNATROL? Also, if you could keep the top couple of inches of your medium dry, it would be effective,too. Gnats at the adult stage are more a niusance than anything else above ground IMO. It's the roots that may be jeopardized. As was stated already diatomaceous earth (DE) is very effective. I've also heard of people using sand on top as well. I definitely wouldn't be spraying at this point in flower.

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