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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Well, damn impressive for a 1st run,Keger! :D:yes:

Biddy Early is my fav outdoor strain, but peeps grow a wide variety. Read back in this thread from Sept. on, will give you a good idea of what's working. :wink:

Hope to see another indoor grow out of you soon! All the best, HL


Thanks HL that sounds like the Apollo g cut that i have for sure.Hope those crosses turn out awesome.

I wish i could help u
zlock but i don't know want kind of high your looking for but if you search over in the Strains and Hybrids forum there is a few threads about SOG strains.

Welcome Keger.Nice show hope u stick around.

Hope everybody enjoyed there T-Day.I took a few plants down over the weekend i'll get some dry shots up soon.


Hey everyone,

good to see some new faces around here and i hope you all had a great thanksgiving (kinds of late i know).

Keger, those are some pretty outdoor pics.

HL, that Apollo looks nice! Gotta love the good daytime smokes

I cut down my Grape Ape x Lifesaver and ECSD about 2 weeks ago.


Grape Ape x Lifesaver

This is some good smoke, it has that grapey smell and a sweet taste. The smell of the bud after it burns is also incredible, it definitely lights up the room. I like to smoke this during the day then my hazes and diesels before bed.

Here are a few picture of my white (36 days into flowering) I also have a GDP but i didnt take pics or her.

This is my first time growing this strain (had to see what all the hype was about i guess) I am extremely happy with the trichrome production but wish the plant had a little more smell, she seems branchy and would be a good ScrOG candidate. I believe this has the potential to be some crazy stuff if crossed with the right genetics.

everyone grow safe!




Active member
What up, Gratephul? Looking mighty good there!

That white and GDP from where I'm thinking? I got some cuts of the white my last grow, unfortunately only 1 rooted, and soooooo goddamn slowly. Did you have that problem?

The white did end up tasting MUCH better than it smelled, so I think you'll end up liking it.

That's one hell of a GAxL top!!!

All the best,


TG, i had 6 nice cuts gifted to me from a good friend i trust a lot(I don't trust anyone but he is one of the few i do), thanks again man! I Put them in my home made bubble cloner and went 4 for 6 (probably could have gotten the other two if i waited another week). It took about 10-12 days to see roots and about 16 days till i transplanted them into solo cups. All and all i am finding her pretty easy to work with.

I have actually smoked the white before and to be honest the taste is good the high is great but i feel like i am only stoned for 45 mins. Maybe i need to smoke some thats been cured longer? I would like to cross this plant with some other genetics in the future so I'm thinking im might keep her in the mother room.

Also how do you clone? I find it weird it was hard for you to clone and it took long.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Hey Dwight, err, I mean Gratephul! :wave: Looking really good there! :yes:

I've had no real problems w/rooting the White. She has grown on me a lot more, maybe it's the long cure. I do think her real potential is in crosses.
I like my Hi & Tri cross more than straight up White. :D Still vegging the BX til the end of the month, can't wait for that, they're looking really nice! :jump:
So cool to watch how things play out.

Hey there, thatguy! Thx for keeping the embers burning here. Where the hell is everyone!?!


Get two birds stoned at once
Highlighter said:
Where the hell is everyone!?!

Sitting here beating my self up for not growing more herb this past summer, its all gone now :(

I was busy in spring and only got a few oz.


Active member
Gratepful, I use rapid rooters and Olivia's gel. A heat mat when the temp's low.

When I had gotten the white, I had just barely 2 weeks earlier had a 90% success rate with my HKxWW. And when I recently did the same exact technique with some strawberry cough and super skunk, I had about a 95% success ratio.

And I'm not the only one who's complained about their cuts of the white not rooting or doing it very slowly. I've just been asking around because it also seems like there's people with situations similar to you guys, HL & Gratephul. Kind of hoping I'd get my hands on a cut that rooted better, as I enjoyed it.

Can't say I remember how long the high lasted, my 1 plant was only bowlpack sized. So I just got a test, enough for me to decide I liked it.

Right, HL? Seems as if many of them must be students or something? No clue.

I know cellar has just been in other threads, and IPiT mainly lurks now, but I'm not sure what everyone else's excuse is.

All the best,


HL, I def agree she has much potential in crossing. I can't wait to see the Hi x Tri when you put them into flowering. I hope to cross the S99 pheno I have and white for 2009. I was too late on getting the Johnny Blaze beans i wanted, so i am either gonna wait for more to come on sale or decide on a different strain (I've been looking at some federation stuff or possibly some DJ shorts genetics).

Deft, sorry to hear about the bad news, never hurts to clear the brain out once in a while!

TG, All i use is a 3 gallon rubbermaid container($5), 3 air stones($2 each), a good fishtank air pump ($25), and water heater ($10) I havent had to replace anything in about a year and a half now. All i do is fill up with water and change every other day. I get 90% or better everytime. I use to mess around with the rapid rooter and gel but never really like the results. I just like to use what works i would recommend the same. Also I think (not 100% positive) that the white cuts all originated from one plant and their arent different phenos. I think that your cuts shouldn't be any different from the ones I got or HL or anyone with are situations. Keep on eye on the temps when your trying to root, it makes a giant difference.

be safe



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Just rain here :frown:

No one's around cause it's so f'n slow...been taking forever to load. Imagine it's gonna be that way while the staff is on vacation. :rolleyes:
I haven't gotten/heard about my Johnny B's either, tho they cashed my MO. :mad: Just picked up a pack of Guawi in the 'specials' last weekend, hoping they'll include them w/ those. Not one of the DP 'Delta 9's' i bought germed. Old stock, '03. :frown: Hopefully the restocking/retooling is under way. :confused:

I use a rubbermaid shallow tub too. Drilled 20 holes in the lid to fit rapid rooters. I have trouble rooting them straight up bare- most of the time they rot. Much better success w/ the rooters, alot easier to me. I use a heating pad for my heat.

I'm having a small (so far) problem w/ thrips. Can't see any damage, but every wk I inspect all plants w/ magnifying glass and find a few, and spray w/ insecticidal soap. I found some ladybugs trying to lay over in the house. Now I've heard these kind aren't good predators, but I figured I'd rather have 'em in my grow than my diningroom, so that I did. Most have died/hibernated but a few have gotten busy and are cleaning up the plants for me! :D I get such a kick outta finding one on a plant, feasting. :yes:

Today I finished my isolation/breeding room, about 3 1/2 X 4, w/ a 400w hps. Will be moving the male Apollo's/ Trip's over this week. Give me room to try SCROG'n the Apollo's. Know you'll want to see that, Gratephul! :D Your my inspiration! Will also try my 1st coco w/ Apollo cuts next month. :wink:


Get two birds stoned at once
Thats funny I found what I thought were some thrips on my peyote recently, and I had seen them on plants I grew inside this summer but like you say I have not seen any damage on the leaves.

Gonna harvest the 3 peyote and not grow anything for a while and hope they all die off with nothing to eat.

When I start growing inside again I'm going to try DWC. Anyone know of hydro shops in the Boston area? I know NEhydro out west but thats far.



I need to get myself to do another one of those, i just wish i had that kush haze still, that strain produced some of the biggest fattest buds i have ever personally worked with. Good luck with getting the beans, its reason like yours why i am so skeptical about ordering them.

Also be careful with the thrips, i had the same problem for a while the can get really annoying if you don't take care of them. I have a bottle of some stuff i used and it worked really well. I'm not around the bottle right now but i'll get the name of the stuff and shoot it over your way if interested. Good luck with the apollo's and trips!

deft, how easy is it to grow peyote? never knew you could

melting pot, sweet pics what strain is in the pics?


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Gratephul, been the 1st time I've EVER had a problem w SB/Seeds Direct, and I'm sure it's a restocking issue. Still, ya bid on something, you win, you expect them to have it! :rolleyes:
The Thrip 101 thread sez Spinosad is the stuff to use. May have to get a bottle to be safe. :wink:

MeltingPot, looking good! :D:yes: Whadya running?

Deft, HM in foxboro is your other alternative. I think there's a place on rt 1 in Saugus too, but maybe a north shore grower could help w/ that.


Get two birds stoned at once
Not exaggerating here, peyote is the most die hard plant I have ever grown, you can not kill it unless you freeze them I guess.

They are slow growing but can live in virtually any temp, can live out of soil for a year at a time in storage I am told (and believe it).

I regularly neglect watering them for months at a time in summer and they deflate a little/lot but watter brings them back to plump in a matter of hours.

One of the coolest things is that mature plants will either pup (sprout little peyote out the side every so often which you can harvest) or they will put out little pink flowers and then pink seed pods a few months later. They seed very often and produce 5-10 seeds that look just like poppy seed. They can defiantly self but I have not tested viability of selfed seed although it looks good.

Some plants will pup and produce seed from what I have seen so there is a range of how they reproduce either by pupping or seeding or both.

I have never eaten any and thats honestly not the reason I decided to grow them, they are just a little joy in my window/closet and I love how timeless/slow they are. They are like bonsai IMO but with less care required.

Highlighter: Thanks for the info on shops in the area, the Saugus one would be my choice I think if I can find it. I may just mail order from NEhydro.com though like I have before.

I ordered some sm-90 from bgh and got my order and then someone else's order with their address name and info, they are lucky I burned that right away and alerted BGH of their mistake. I'd hate for my info to go to some stranger.
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Delta Force

Sup all....been awhile since i posted some kind. Hope all is well....looks like the thread is still pumping along.

Heres some shots of dried nugs from last run and then this run finishing up.

lemon thai


Some assorted shots of stuff getting flushed

then next round of cuts....some widow, mcfly, lemon thai,kksc, CJ, LAPK, and KKSC :jump:



Get two birds stoned at once
Did decrim go into effect yet in MA? Seems like after the vote there was no news coverage.

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