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Done, been doing this since I found out that change.gov was up. As much as I would like this to have some effect on the policy of our president elect, sadly, I don't think it will.


SH149 thanks.
hoppjah Thanks to you also.

my second message for today to the Obama team.
Order rescheduling hearings for marijuana on day one.

No deals need to be made. No "political coin" needs to be spent.

President Obama can issue an order than would have to be obeyed.

No time needs to be wasted. In just a few seconds he can change the entire policy.

Stop the DEA raids now!

Storm Crow

Active member
Hopp, even if there is a just a slim chance that the word will get through, it's better than what we've had under bush. I'll go with "slim chance" over "absolutely no way in freaking Hell", any day! Keep writing and keep hoping! And if he doesn't notice, it ain't OUR fault!



Another for today:

The federal CSA requires that a substance have no accepted use in medical treatment in the United States to be within schedule 1. That is where marijuana is located. Along with heroin.

In 2006 the supreme court ruled that, within the CSA, the word "accepted" means accepted by the people or legislature. Further that if one single area "accepts" something, medically, than it is accepted within the United States.

Further in that same 2006 case the US supreme court ruled that law enforcement did NOT have the right to define "accepted."

In 1996 the people of California accepted marijuana for medical treatment. CA is within the US.

Currently federal marijuana policies violate the federal controlled substance act.

There is no currently valid federal law against marijuana.

Most state laws automatically reflect the federal law. That makes most state laws invalid.

What is being enforced is a policy of whim and not law.

End it on day one!


Storm Crow said:
Hopp, even if there is a just a slim chance that the word will get through, it's better than what we've had under bush. I'll go with "slim chance" over "absolutely no way in freaking Hell", any day! Keep writing and keep hoping! And if he doesn't notice, it ain't OUR fault!


Yeah. It's the best we can do as a community right now. At least we've got a governmental forum to voice our opinions. Thats one step better than Bush2 ever gave us.

Keep it up guys, if we make our voices loud enough, they have no option but to hear our words, and MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, give it a second thought.


livin my way the high way
hey guys just sent mine out, but check this out. i just got these emails from the change wesite.

Dear person,

62 days. That's how much time we have left to prepare for the Obama-Biden Administration that will bring the change Americans demanded so strongly in this past election.

President-elect Obama has set a high bar for the Transition team: to execute the most efficient, organized, and transparent transfer of power in American history. As a co-Chair for the Transition, I want to tell you about a few steps we've already taken to achieve this goal.

First, we adopted the strictest ethics guidelines ever applied to any transition team. President-elect Obama pledged to change the way Washington works, and that begins with shifting influence away from special interests and restoring it to the everyday Americans who are passionate about fixing the problems facing our country.

Opening up the Transition means listening to your ideas and stories and providing a window into how the process works.

To give you a look at how we're approaching some of the nation's most pressing issues, we filmed this meeting of our Energy and Environment Policy Transition Team and interviewed team member Heather Zichal.

Watch the video and submit your ideas on energy and the environment:

President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden have set an ambitious agenda, and we are going to make Change.gov a source of information, as well as a place to participate in the decisions being made about your government.

Since the decisions we're making affect all Americans, we're counting on citizens from every walk of life to get involved. You can help us right now by making sure your friends and neighbors know about Change.gov and give their input, too.

We're continuing to develop new ways to open up the process, and we'll keep you posted along the way.



John Podesta
Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team

whatta think.


Today's message:

You need to end the Federal raids on medical marijuana users. It's a waste of resources and a blatant disregard for states rights.

I think the DEA and DOJ has more important things to worry about than a harmless plant that could be used to help so many.

End the raids. End the jailing of harmless people. End the stomping on States rights. End all this and save some money, and more importantly, the lives of millions Americans.


My second submission for today:

We need jobs in the mid-west.

If I take care of five patients by growing twelve plants for each, that's a modest paying full time job.

Then I only have to worry about federal law enforcement.

End it on day one PLEASE!
Submitted here:


Now to find one more person to commit .. task for today.
I still haven't unloaded on my e-mail address book!


zingablack said:
hey guys just sent mine out, but check this out. i just got these emails from the change wesite.

Dear person,

62 days. That's how much time we have left to prepare for the Obama-Biden Administration that will bring the change Americans demanded so strongly in this past election.

President-elect Obama has set a high bar for the Transition team: to execute the most efficient, organized, and transparent transfer of power in American history. As a co-Chair for the Transition, I want to tell you about a few steps we've already taken to achieve this goal.

First, we adopted the strictest ethics guidelines ever applied to any transition team. President-elect Obama pledged to change the way Washington works, and that begins with shifting influence away from special interests and restoring it to the everyday Americans who are passionate about fixing the problems facing our country.

Opening up the Transition means listening to your ideas and stories and providing a window into how the process works.

To give you a look at how we're approaching some of the nation's most pressing issues, we filmed this meeting of our Energy and Environment Policy Transition Team and interviewed team member Heather Zichal.

Watch the video and submit your ideas on energy and the environment:

President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden have set an ambitious agenda, and we are going to make Change.gov a source of information, as well as a place to participate in the decisions being made about your government.

Since the decisions we're making affect all Americans, we're counting on citizens from every walk of life to get involved. You can help us right now by making sure your friends and neighbors know about Change.gov and give their input, too.

We're continuing to develop new ways to open up the process, and we'll keep you posted along the way.



John Podesta
Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team

whatta think.
I got the same e-mail. Soon they will start to tabulate the "other" issues.



livin my way the high way
hey guys what do you think the realistic expectations of this change website are. after the response i got i get the feeling it wont make much difference in the running of this business oops i mean country.


zingablack said:
hey guys what do you think the realistic expectations of this change website are. after the response i got i get the feeling it wont make much difference in the running of this business oops i mean country.
My message for tomorrow:

Clearly there is a momentum built up and running on the issue.

Obama will lose his reelection in '12 if he ignores us.


Taking action doesn't make it guaranteed. Not taking action will absolutely cause him to lose office.

Ignore the voters on the issue .. the republicans did just that.
Even more, the republicans made a public statement against the majority of the voters.
Someone should take notice.
i used the whole terrorist angle..i dont believe that bs but its usefull.some thing like " if marijuana funds terrorism why give funds to terrorist and gangbangers instead of the american people." i wrote more but that was the main point i was selling.


My second message for today:

Here is a way to trim a few billion out of the federal budget with the backing of the majority of the people.

End the war. Set the marijuana pow's free. End the criminal trials based on laws that the majority of Americans are against.

You are about to set potential terrorists free from gitmo. How about the thousands of US marijuana pow's right here in the United States?

Is having a plant worse than being a terrorist?

Clean out space in federal, state and local jails and prisons. Ease budget problems for states at the same time.

Clean off space in courtroom dockets and free up probation and parole manpower. Ease legal system overcrowding for the entire nation at every level.

And do it all with one single order.

All this would only take you a few seconds and very little effort. Only your signature. And I'm sure that thousands of lawyers across the nation would gladly draft the order for you. Some, perhaps, would even do it free of charge.

There is no reason to continue wasting government resources this way, given our current economic situation.

Order rescheduling hearings for marijuana on day one.

Get'er done on day one.


Just a few hours later president elect Obama addressed the nation and said:

"President-elect Barack Obama vowed on Tuesday to cut waste in a federal budget that “bleeds billions,” to help offset the costs of the huge stimulus package his team is planning.

"If we are going to make the investments we need, we also have to be willing to shed the spending that we don’t need," he said."


Economic impact seems to be the message of the day to the transition team.

Ger'er done.


Bong Smoking News Hound
i keep sending letters about ford's hemp car. and why we need legal hemp. and regarding the waste on tax money regarding marijuana. just legalize it. every day. keep on sending those pages....


they just got my 2 cents. wish i had found this thread earlier. this is a great idea PB. now the wait til tomorrow. k+ pb

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