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Cleaning Tanks Resivors


New member
How do you clean your res ? What do you use ?

I have a 44 Gallon Tank and a 15 gallon tank which I cleaned today with a dilluted mix of bleach and water ...

Just wondering how others here do it ... :joint:


I changed my res last night, I drained it and wiped it out with 3 or 4 paper towels and refilled it. Why do you need to use bleach? Did you have something going on?


I drain my 2 rezes every 2 weeks and rinse them in the shower. Using a washcloth to get the grim off. Its not rocket science I wouldn't use bleach thats my 2 cents.


Between grows I always clean the whole room, including the inside of my reservoir, with a weak bleach solution (about 10:1 water to bleach). Even though it's pretty unlikely that anything is growing in there it's not something I want to risk. Bleach is cheap. The chlorine evaporates off pretty quickly; I have used bleach diluted like this to clean reptile cages for years, and those guys do not do well if there is any chemical smell left at all. I just leave it open for an hour or so and have never had any troubles.

Another option that you might want to look at is StarSan by Five Star Chemicals. I haven't used it in a grow room before, but I do use it for brewing beer. It's mostly phosphoric acid, which is commonly found in cola drinks. It is pretty harmless stuff - you could drink it if you wanted to - but it does disinfect.

Wiping things down makes them clean to the eye, but does nothing at all for killing all the little bugs that are in the air and in your rez. I don't want anything growing in my room that isn't going to produce THC, and the bleach makes sure of that.
Bleach is good for disinfecting things, but can be harsh.
Hydrogen peroxide will do a good job, but is more expensive.

Whay are you cleaning the res in the first place???

You might want to try some beneficial microbes like mychorrizal fungi and or Hydroguard or similar products.

I uses snails and a pleco on mine. I just scrape the algae off and put it back in the water.
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G33k, do you actually use a plecosomus in your rez? That's fucking awesome. Do the nutrients hurt it? What do you do when the water levels get to low?

I know you're probably joking, but the idea is rad.
DangerP said:
G33k, do you actually use a plecosomus in your rez? That's fucking awesome. Do the nutrients hurt it? What do you do when the water levels get to low?

I know you're probably joking, but the idea is rad.

I'm running aquaponics right now, but you can use plecos with PBP nutes. I think someone else said they ran GH nutes, but I don't use 'em so I can't vouch for 'em personally.

I think innoculating your system with GOOD microorganisms is the best way to have a healthy system...but it seems that tap water and/or chem nutes may kill them off.

Pix in the gallery of a simple aqua setup.


G33k Speak said:
Whay are you cleaning the res in the first place???
That's more what I was thinking. I've never done anything more than spray it out and wipe it dry with paper towels.........

Hey, you guys want to see something funny, this was my very first res :pointlaug I was learing hydro here on IC and somehow I came across something about bat guano but it must have been for a dirt growers thread....anyway, I was new, didn't know any better.......

It was refered to as a "mudslide" when I posted the pic. :muahaha:

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