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3600w Vertical Coco hut - hurtz the eyes


Active member
I'm really interested in doing a vertical as well so I'm gonna pull up a chair and watch the show. Thanks for sharing this groovy grow!


Active member
I hope you get the 8 lbs. keep us posted on that. With H3ad's formula what do you have to buy? Im very interested in it as the canna stuff gets expensive.


Active member

This was H3ad's response to me on his thread

Originally Posted by Grat3fulh3ad
I use 6ml/gallon GH flora micro and
9ml/gallon GH flora Bloom

1/2 strength for seedlings and freshly rooted clones

Full strength from the beginning of Veg until they begin bud formation

9ml/gallon GH flora bloom up until 2 weeks prior to harvest

Then plain water to finish.

is pretty much the regimen I've settled into...
I'm running the 6/9 until the production of new calyx begins to slow... a couple of weeks into flower production on faster flowering strains, a bit longer for 70+ day flowerers... Some of the heavier finishers get the extra 3 ml/gal of bloom that last week... then 0/9 up until flush time...

I have been trying minor variations... upping the bloom during veg gave a bit of Mg/Ca lockout... Leaving out the micro too early looses bud mass... Leaving the micro in too long makes flushing more difficult... Not flushing long enough affects the quality of the flavor and burn... Watering with no runoff at all causes lockout and flushing issues late in flower... Watering with more than a tiny bit of runoff is a waste of nute, and environmentally irresponsible...

No matter what variations I've tried, I seem to end up right back just about where I am now...

He is no longer using epsom salt.


Active member
thanks gregor , have you tried canna A and B and if so is the GH cheaper with better results?


whodi, glad you're thinking intelligently

impeachme2, if I had to choose, I would say that plants stretch less vertically when hanging bulbs vertically, instead they tend to grow towards the light (phototropism), so they stretch horizontally.

EasyBakeIndica, haha, ya, I've burnt myself a couple times :biglaugh: but I'm getting the hang of it. I like hand watering, it takes more work but keeps me on the lookout for problems.

caligreen, the bricked stuff is more work, but you can't beat 4.5 cubic feet for $14...

joesy whales, thank you for the best wishes.

gregor, thank you for clarifying and spreading the good knowledge.


Active member
I'm not trying to be a hater or anything, but honestly there is no way you are gonna pull 8 dry pounds with that setup.

Vertical can be great when doing a stadium style with lots of plants or huge trees like KFB style if your going for a GPW.

I've tried what your doing though and it wasn't so great. A lot of wasted lumens and not enough tops.

Good luck though. Sorry if I sound like a dick.


Active member
thanks gregor , have you tried canna A and B and if so is the GH cheaper with better results?

don't know

honestly there is no way you are gonna pull 8 dry pounds with that setup

Green Bastard pulled 6 pounds with a square version of this room @ 2kW with 32 plants

that is 1.36 grams per watt

If JBM does the same, that's 10.8 pounds.

JBM is shooting for 1 gram per watt. If he doesn't hit it this time, I bet he will next time.

I understand you not wanting to keep fooling with vertical to attain that high efficiency, though. Vertical adds a lot of work. To many, the extra work is not worth the efficency. I say that with complete honesty; I am not being a dick.

Ebb and flow tables would be much easier to set up, and much less work.

But if one has the time, and is inclined, shooting for efficiency at the cost of labor is quite rewarding.

In my square version of this room with three levels and a column of 2800 watts, I am shooting for 5.3 pounds this round, 8 next time...


meduser180056 said:
I'm not trying to be a hater or anything, but honestly there is no way you are gonna pull 8 dry pounds with that setup.

Vertical can be great when doing a stadium style with lots of plants or huge trees like KFB style if your going for a GPW.

I've tried what your doing though and it wasn't so great. A lot of wasted lumens and not enough tops.

Good luck though. Sorry if I sound like a dick.

Thanks for the luck... ever read Green Bastards setup? 8'x8' room with 2 - 1000w in the middle of it (add 1 - 600w at 5 weeks), 32 plants, vegged large (about as big as mine). He was running a hashplant and purple kush (low yielder) and he pulled 6lbs. You can say whatever you want, but I wont believe you, nor should anyone else...

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Hey just wanted to stop by an say wassup. I will be looking forward to seeing this room full of flowering plants. Take it easy n stay safe, peacee.
JBM said:
EasyBakeIndica, haha, ya, I've burnt myself a couple times :biglaugh: but I'm getting the hang of it. I like hand watering, it takes more work but keeps me on the lookout for problems.

Be careful, man. The oils from your skin can make a bulb burst.

Hand-watering is rewarding, especially when working with new/experimental strains. However, I'd bet you get yourself an auto-watering system after this initial run.

NorthernFarmer had a very nice setup, but most of his yield came from his strain. He runs a Canadian Hashplant cut, and I've seen other people get 1lb/plant with it (indoors). I wouldn't forecast similar yields with the OG Kush and Sour Diesel.

The Orange Crush was a great yielder, depending on the phenotype. If it's real, then it's DJ Short's Blueberry X Aeric's '77 Cali O.
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Thank you gregor, I guess we were posting at the same times :D, great minds think alike.

Prof Sublime, hello :wave: happy to have you here.

Easybake, agreed, I'm quite paranoid. I wear 3 pairs of sunglasses :biglaugh:, long sleeve shirt, gloves (depending on what I'm doing), jeans and boots. I gets hot but I wont burn myself bad, just leave my clothes with burn marks LOL

Agreed, NF got his yield from that strain, but also the quantity of plants he ran.

I'm actually only running 6 OG kush and sour d is a good yielder. Almost the entire bottom row (except 3 OGK) are SuperJack (which I've grown before) and is a good yielder. I was pulling 1 oz off of smaller plants with that strain.

To get 8lbs I only have to yield on average 1.6 oz a plant.


Active member
what does it mean when people say "you may not reach your yield this time, but next time you will"" ?

I'm assuming it has something to do with getting your room 'dialed' in.. but how exactly would it be different next round?


Active member
That's cool I didn't realize you had 80 plants in there. I still think your really overestimating your yield, but hey who am I to say. Regardless your gonna have lots of nice buds.


Active member
what does it mean when people say "you may not reach your yield this time, but next time you will"" ?

I'm assuming it has something to do with getting your room 'dialed' in.. but how exactly would it be different next round?

Last run, my first with the multi-level vert, room construction was incomplete. Only two levels, about four different strains, and about 3 sizes of each. I hand watered, and since my pots are only 2.3 gallons, the largest dried out almost every night.

If you diagnose all this as stupid stoner doesn't have his $hit together, you are right.
But I would not have known without trying it that I needed automated irrigation, which I have now, or that the rebar screen I have now would work so much better than the bamboo sticks I used last time.

I am learning this time still, even though things this round are tremendously better.

It will be another week or two before I really have irrigation cycles down.

I am guessing my pot size may restrict yield - bigger pots or slabs next time

Since this is my first round with a screen, I am just learning that I should have started training through it earlier, and that my screen will make harvest difficult. I should make my screen modular.

My temps run up to 90*F lights on and down to 75*F lights off.

Higher than optimal, but I think it won't hurt yield, as the day-night swing is only 15*F

I may be wrong, and add and AC next time

These few examples are my long winded way of saying that with experimental grows like this, one learns new things constantly the first few rounds. Issues are addressed, and yield increases.

This is also why growers who have done the same style for may years typically have great yields.

Why do I pick 8 pounds as my goal?

My buddy has done 1 gram per watt with this strain in a flat garden, so I figure with some learning on this vert thing, I can hit 1.3


EasyBakeIndica said:
Please provide some links. I can't find any of his vertical grows at this site.

Like I said in my first post, he is over at cannabis culture . com, he has never been on this site. You can also find it at h g 4 2 0 . c o m in the vertical section.

gregor, I agree with you for the most part, but I've done a lot of different styles of growing and am very confident in my quickness to adapting to the problem. This system and the possible problems are been thought about and game-plans are in the works for all of them.

For training I will use bamboo sticks to support the main stock and then screws and twist-ties to support the side branches and help fill in gaps to best utilize the light (got that one from Green Bastard). I'm not saying that this run will be the best it could be, but this will workout very well. My coco actually has about 20% peat cut into it and they're in 3 gallon pots, so they don't dryout as quickly as straight coco. All the strains a pretty uniform in size as well.

Thank you everyone for your input and stay tuned, things will get much better in about a month.


Hmmm, so im wondering... surely you dont rotate each plant to get light on the backsides. Do you cull the branches that are on the "dark side"? Or do you prune the weak ones only? Do you prune at all?