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the wackiest G13 story I ever heard



come on guys ..
we all know the G-13 was discovered by Macguiver on his major adventure so far titled ´´strain hunting´´ .....

then passed on to raco with Macguivers final strenghts.... raco called it R-13 (racos 13)... but he shared it with some dude from S.D who renamed it after him and gave it the missisipi University... lol...
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

lol... i dont know and i dont care ....

but the G-13 is a real hairy , strong , RED lady.....



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
ElectroSticky said:
come on guys ..
we all know the G-13 was discovered by Macguiver on his major adventure so far titled ´´strain hunting´´ .....

then passed on to raco with Macguivers final strenghts.... raco called it R-13 (racos 13)... but he shared it with some dude from S.D who renamed it after him and gave it the missisipi University... lol...
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

lol... i dont know and i dont care ....

but the G-13 is a real hairy , strong , RED lady.....


just another made-up story...^^^
There are a few more G plants around...
All came from Ganimedes
I found mine in Royal Kurgan #13
end of the story


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
and btw...
the G-11 was found here:

"Kurgan 11 of the Berel cemetery, in the Bukhtarma River valley of Kazakhstan, containing a tomb of ca. 300 BC, with a dozen sacrificed horses, preserved with their skin, hair, harnesses, and saddles intact, buried side by side on a bed of birch bark next to a funeral chamber containing the pillaged burial of two Scythian nobles, excavated in 1998."

but the 13 is way better :joint:


Well, I heard...

G13 was actually a seed left in the o v a l o f f i c e by then Pres. Billy Clint. The seed was found by investigators of the Monica Lewinski report. One investigator confirmed the report and quickly went home to germinate the seed (believing the president could only puff, not smoke the highest quality shit, and still get high without inhaling. After harvesting the plant 6 months later, the reporter jumped back into the ML.report, cleared Billy Clint of his woes and PUFFED heavily thereafter. Can you dig it?



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
What a bunch of disbelievers...:noway:

The G seeds series came from Ganimedes,encrusted in metheors,FYI
Someone wrote Instructions for growing and reproducing them on the skin of the horses :deadhorse
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all lies

G-13 was found deep within the caverns of Blood Mountain. The plant is believed to have marked the spot where a bus full of school children disappeared and they say that it's remarkable potency is fueled by the trapped souls of those children.



what in the hell are you smokin dude, that shit scares me...


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
yeah,don´t believe me if you want...I couldn´t care less :)
Borat Sadiyev is my witness...I passed onto him a handful of G13 x G11 f2´s..just to see how thet perform in Kazahkstan
Mr Borat can confirm this :)


conventional historians would tell you that throughout the ages alchemists all over the world were trying to find a way to make gold. this is a lie. the alchemists were on a quest to make G-13 . one alchemist was able to make g-13 ....gandalf. jrr tolkien was tokin tha G.
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
plain alchemists created things such as "Pot of Gold" :D
"Pot Alchemists" got the G´s from me :)


Active member
no respect to these gene"s huh i give thanks for these genetics, so far its been fairly stable alwasy lends high resin content and a pole type little side branching,,,, when crossed to fruity late maturing sativas the plants often still will grow in a pole genetic, i know this.......

i understand that we dont know where this came from, but we dont bash it,,, and besides the dutch dont have anything near the g13 we smoke hashplant/g13 is not fun to smoke... and its not even that potent,,, deep chunk g13 would make something unique for sure,,,, usally not mateing 2 strains like that

please pas respect to the G guys it really is some good shit, and really a fun plant to hang out with,,,,

hybrid of long flowering african purple celebrations smoke. and the g13

besides it was acutalley grown from some seeds found inside of the glove box of t.v show KNIGHT RIDER, when david found the seeds he grew them


give respect sierously>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> love


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I thought the original G-13 seeds were found while they were escavating some mayan ruins in Mexico in the late 80's. Story has it they dug up some acient earthenware resembling a pot. Inside were 9 seeds. The location of the pot was labeled as G-13. They escavate in grids in case you didn't know and the grid was G-13. The professor who wasn't a pot head did not recognize the seeds so he decided to grow them to see if it was some lost plant........well you know what he got. It is also told the strain is so powerful that only a distant civilization would have the knowledge to produce it......like aliens. The government got wind of this and confiscated the 5 remaining seeds and started doing their own research into distant technologies.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Chiefsmokingbud said:
I thought

I quit growin the G´s and share them with the world because I found another metheor,in another Kurgan,with different genetics from a different Galaxy
that´s all :wink:



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
strained said:
the lineage of the g-13 and its original seeds have been closely guarded by the rockefellers,bush family, and the british royals for 500 years

stick with me baby
and turn your money green
and I´ll show you more money
than Rockefeller´s ever seen
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Rubbing my glands together
Raco said:
plain alchemists created things such as "Pot of Gold" :D
"Pot Alchemists" got the G´s from me :)

Would this be the mysterious "seer stone" the Alchemist referred to and constantly searched for? Not an actual thing that you could hold and change the status of the elements but instead a "higher" state of stone? .
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
resinryder said:
Would this be the mysterious "seer stone" the Alchemist referred to and constantly searched for? Not an actual thing that you could hold and change the status of the elements but instead a "higher" state of stone? .

That stone turns your money "green"
...if you have it...