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convert ppm to ec


gets some
Here's the quick breakdown.

You must find out what your meter's conversion factor is to get proper ppm or EC measurement. EC is a constant, only the ppm figure is variable. A .5 conversion meter (like most Hanna meters) will show 1.0EC as 500ppm. .7 conversion meter (common outside of the US) will show 1.0EC as 700ppm. So on a .5 meter, 2.0EC is 1000ppm. A .7 meter shows 1400ppm. Conversion factor of the meter is what matters.


Active member
This chart can help you out, but like IGT said you need to find out what conversion factor your meter uses.

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Active member
Don't convert. You don't convert between metric and imperial measurements do you? Of course not. Stay on the scale you've picked.

Everything is relative. The actual numbers dont matter so much as the delta between measurements.


Active member
Wait...What? said:
Don't convert. You don't convert between metric and imperial measurements do you? Of course not. Stay on the scale you've picked.

Everything is relative. The actual numbers dont matter so much as the delta between measurements.

sometimes you want to or need to convert.. Maybe he's following a feed schedule that is Based on EC and not PPM. EC doesnt vary meaning 2.0EC is 2.0 regardless of what EC meter you use. If you and your buddies are talking PPM his 800ppm can mean 1024 or 1120ppm to you if running a different meter


asher1er said:
sometimes you want to or need to convert.. Maybe he's following a feed schedule that is Based on EC and not PPM. EC doesnt vary meaning 2.0EC is 2.0 regardless of what EC meter you use. If you and your buddies are talking PPM his 800ppm can mean 1024 or 1120ppm to you if running a different meter

I had a EC meter that was in us/cm and not ms/cm. My ec meter read from 0-2000EC (thats 0-2.0 in ms/cm conversion).

Becareful of what conversion your EC meter is in.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Wait...What? said:
Stay on the scale you've picked.
Without the conversion he hasn't picked a scale, he's just narrowed them down to 4 possibilities.

For now, pH and EC move in opposite directions. pH up, EC down, nutes too lean. pH down, EC up, nutes too rich. Keep an eye out for deficiencies and burn. Contact the manufacturer about their conversion number or get a legitimate EC meter.


Freezer Boy

Freezer Boy

I have seen and heard the same as you are saying. Not disagreeing but not sure of the logic. Techniquely, nutes contain acids ( phosphorous, nitrogen) and bases (potassium), depending on which or all are taken up in different or equal amounts.... the effect on pH could be different based on those left behind. I am only talking macro nutes because they have the most influence. Buffering would have no bearing on what I just said because the buffers would also remain in the reservoir.

Again, not disagreeing but picking your brain on my thoughts or where those ideas come from.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I found the info here and have found it to be true in my garden. Until I got my grow "dialed in" pH and EC moved in opposite directions. Dialed in, my pH and EC remained flat for a month (this turned out to be a bad thing as there is no pH level at which all nutes are available) and so now I feed slightly rich. This raises my EC and drops my pH over a two week period. Tap water drops my EC and raises pH back to original levels.

"Dialed in" is where water and nutes are absorbed at equal levels. If the solution is too rich, the plant drinks more than it eats and EC climbs. If the solution is too weak, it eats more than it drinks and EC drops. No, it doesn't tell us how much of each ingrediant was absorbed individually. But, at what point does the measuring become silly? It's a weed not a hot house orchid. Most formulas so over feed it's hard to imagine running low on macro nutes. Lucas says 0-8-16 for flowering. My plants say 0-3-6 is too strong. This gives me the EC climb, pH drop, described above.


Active member
I guess I just grow differently then. I don't follow a given feeding schedule. I constantly test and adjust. Every day I see what the plant took out of the water and add it and the water back, plus a little more to try and maintain a balance.

Ideally I'd love to send leaf samples to a lab and let them tell me how to adjust my feeding, but for now, I'll use my meters.

Every variety is different. Some are pigs and some are light feeders.




Freezerboy... Get your point. As said, wasn't disagreeing ..... just wanted to know your logic behind it.

I don't think there is just one answer. Everything is relative to all the variables contained in each individual grow. I have seen what you have said generally hold true. I always have a hell of a time in flower with certain strains keeping the pH up. Needs to be adjusted every day like Wait...What? says. I currently am using a Shallow Water Culture and am finding it even more true with this setup. I think as the plants pull certain nutes out it make a difference on the pH change. I too balance the amount of H2O added back and strength of nutes based on water drop, EC, and pH. I only change water at flower and at flush so it is particularly important to keep a balance. Thanks for letting me pick your brain.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
SacredBreh said:
Freezerboy... Get your point. As said, wasn't disagreeing ..... just wanted to know your logic behind it.
If you can disagree, please do. Nothing worse than being told about the broccoli between your teeth AT THE END OF THE DAY!

Ultimately, these numbers mean little on an individual basis. It's how they compare to yesterday and tomorrow. Once you have three points, then you can plot your line.

Grow hearty :wave:




don't disagree at all.... mine follow the same pattern until flower then the pH dips no matter what I do. My mix is low in K at that time so I think all the pH up I use the plants pull it out, since it is K. I like it like that though except for my last batch.... it was extremely sensitive to both pH and nutes..... Blueberry. All the others I think enjoy the pH flux I usually take it up to 6.2 then by the next day.... it is back at 5.6. I top off every day so not a problem.

Also, agree about the compared to the last. I only change H2O at flower and flush. So I mix stronger if EC down and leaner if EC is down.
