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Hermie seeds...any good?


Active member
Hello all,

I had a couple of plants pop a few nanners this last rotation. The genetics are quite good and I was wondering what possibilities these few beans (less then 20 per plant..may be less then that as I am not done smoking it) may have.

Each plant only popped a couple of bananas each (due to grower error/light leaks/extreme temp swings) but the buds are phenominal.

Should I expect the same traits as the mother?

Should I expect a change in any of the characterists that effect the potentcy and yield?

Will they hermie to a greater degree if grown out?

Whats the likelyhood of producing more females then males from the beans?

If someone could 'splain it to me I would appreciate it. A link to a informative page but not a masters thesis would also be appreciated.



Hermi seeds good? nope, hermie seeds are more than likely to grow hermie - pollenating your females with more hermies, and lowering your product due to seeding...

Yours prob aren't hermies - it was light induced. That's not genetic hermie
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sorry i'd throw all the seeds away unless you like growing hermies


if you have room grow them out you never know what you can find in one of those seeds. remeber that the tw & sd cuts are known to throw nanners and people still crave them cuts.


most of the elites come from hermies .right or am i wrong .a few naners at the end of flower is no big deal if its a good plant worth keeping like a chem dog or something you like .
Grow them out, chances are they are selfed which will give you almost 100 percent female plants. I just grew out some white widow that had about 20 seeds as well. All 6 I sowed were female and I threw everything I could at them to try and get them to hermie as a test. Nope, just great ww smoke with no seeds.


I've grown out lots of light induced hermied beans in the past . About 50/50 male/female. With another 50% of the females going hermie. So thats about 25% of the beans worth growing to finish. Some of the best stock I've run has come from hermied beans. Some of the worst stock I've ever seen came from hermied beans.

I popped every one of these 2 summers back and ran every one that made it to bloom:

Any in the future will go to the birds, but it was a fun project.

Edit - 100% female on light induced herms? NOT TRUE. Had I known it to be NOT TRUE I wouldn't have wasted light and space on these beans, but like I said, lots of good genes did show themselves.
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I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
If the highs for these hermis is that great then you can perform some crosses and make f2s then do some breeding for the high you want but this is labor intensive and breeding hermi traits out of a strain isnt gunna be easy its better to start with a true male and true female but if you believe the high is unique and worth preserving by all mean please do so.


Active member
Hello all,

Whats the difference between hermie and selfed?

The smoke btw is JLP's SDOG...most excellent buds I must say ...... Thanks John.

Anyway, no consensus on the subject yet.

I hope its not a endless debate....we will see.

As to jsut growing them out....had I more room which I could devote I would. But sinc e I am limited, I wish to at least get a general opinion as to thier relative worth of time, effort and energy before committing.

As I said only a few nanners and I believe a 10 day light leak occurred. It may have been extreme temp swings but I dont think that was a major influence.

Anyway, thanks for yrou replies and the ones I hope to follow.



This was a point of major argument between a friend and I actually. I still maintain hermie seeds shoudl be pitched. Even if it produces good smoke it's not something we can or should allow to continue to exist in the gene pool. Just my .02.



my sdxog bu jlp did the same thing and i am keeping thes seeds ,.i also crossed it to a gn c99 from 03 .it was a haze looking male .with the genetics you cant get around wher i live i will just work with a a few nanas at the end of flower.i think a few pollinated a few chronic from serious seeds that i am going to grow out for kicks .if it is too hermie i will not grow but a littel is not bad.


Herbal relaxation...
I had a superior Original Haze x SK#1 cutting that did pop some na-na´s even without stressed. I shared this cut with couple friends to keep it alive (which didnt work out and I lost it) and one friend did couple mistakes and did stress his plants big time, so the OH x SK#1 went all hermie..


Friend shared these seeds this OH x SK#1 pollinated with different strains and the female/hermie ratio of 150 popped beans is so far 100/0 :yes:


All of the 150 beans have been pure females that havent shown any hermie traits even stressed!

This might not be the case with yours, but shows this kind of beans shouldnt be binned, but they can offer very special plants to grow & smoke, just dont do breeding with them :2cents:


Herbalistic said:

Friend shared these seeds this OH x SK#1 pollinated with different strains and the female/hermie ratio of 150 popped beans is so far 100/0 :yes:


All of the 150 beans have been pure females that havent shown any hermie traits even stressed!
Congratulations! Keep an eye on them all the way to the end. Beans at 7 weeks are still no fun.

My point is, if you have the time and the space, by all means grow them!


Active member
minds_I said:
Whats the difference between hermie and selfed?

The difference is in predisposition to various types of stress, and a conscious decision to produce selfed seeds.

For instance, some plants will hermie under the slightest environmental stress (small light leaks, attack by pests, lack of root space, etc.). These are considered undesirable traits, so seeds produces by such plants when they pollinate themselves should not be used for breeding, but there's no reason why they shouldn't produce good bud. However, they may well seed themselves just as their parents did before them.

Selfed seeds may also be included in the above description, but, they may be produced on purpose rather than by accident. To do this properly, a plant must be selected that will not hermie under commonly encountered environmental stress. It should be cloned and the clones stressed as much as possible to test for predisposition to hermie traits. A plant that hermies should not be selfed.

When a plant is found that is resilient to environmental stress, you have a good candidate for selfing. Since it won't reverse sex under every day environmental stress, you must induce stress with a chemical that is not found normally in the environment eg. STS. This will result in selfed seeds which are not prone to hermie.



so i could get some good seeds from my serious seed chronic pollinated by sourdog .i had a nevillehaze that was hermie and crossedit to a ak47 and all female and no hermi and good seeds .thats what got me to growing is working with a hermie.i evan had seeds from
me buying seeds from reputable seed vendors that go hermie.not bad like just full of male
nanas from the first set of flowers .that i would kill but a stray sterile nana at the end of flower no big deal .