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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Ahh - don't worry about it HempKat - seems like life is all about slowing down - and then you fall over - whether it be physically - mentally - or both in perfect unison - sooner or later - you get to 'bite the dust'

- I'm becoming aware of this stage of life - much much more - sitting here in this hospital - with a sore arse - after being arse raped for the 2nd time in 2 days - by some enema syringe - with a very professional medical practitioner - on the end of it -
True. Well, you're right. None will get out of this world alive. Im still hoping Im not twice arse raped by a medical professional.



Well-known member
Premium user
Well, thats as good an excuse as any. What rig are you vaping with?
The solo II with the new water pipe. Will break it out again this afternoon while Mr Sub is at the school carnival


Well-known member
Ahh - don't worry about it HempKat - seems like life is all about slowing down - and then you fall over - whether it be physically - mentally - or both in perfect unison - sooner or later - you get to 'bite the dust'

- I'm becoming aware of this stage of life - much much more - sitting here in this hospital - with a sore arse - after being arse raped for the 2nd time in 2 days - by some enema syringe - with a very professional medical practitioner - on the end of it -
I guess it can always be worse. One of my office mates had some kind of scar tissue in the bladder that was partially clogging his pee pipe. They had to jam a somewhat small camera up the weiner to check it out. If that wasnt bad enough they rolled in some device that had a weiner size and shape protuberance sticking out of it. He asked what that was for? They explained the weiner ramming photos were sufficient but otherwise this would have been used. Yep. Sure enough it was an ultrasound device they ram up the other end for a look. I told him this probably all on the dark web somewhere.


Cabana’s bitch
How do you like that rig subbie? I am assuming that it gives you a lot more smoke and a lot less throat irritation than just a volcano by itself. Is that correct now that I’ve been diagnosed with a lung disease burning a joint is not something I should be doing.let me know how you like the rig and how it works


How do you like that rig subbie? I am assuming that it gives you a lot more smoke and a lot less throat irritation than just a volcano by itself. Is that correct now that I’ve been diagnosed with a lung disease burning a joint is not something I should be doing.let me know how you like the rig and how it works
Do this bro and you won't regret it.


Well-known member
How do you like that rig subbie? I am assuming that it gives you a lot more smoke and a lot less throat irritation than just a volcano by itself. Is that correct now that I’ve been diagnosed with a lung disease burning a joint is not something I should be doing.let me know how you like the rig and how it works
Have a look at the Cloud Connoisseur site as well, you add glass of your choice. PID powered.


Well-known member
Do this bro and you won't regret it.
What was the one you were showing the other day, sterns and bikle or something like that, its different, right?


Well-known member
Well, variety is the spice. Think Ill give it a go. Just noticed the charger is separate. Inexpensive,
Wished it used a removable battery. Well, if it has your seal of approval. Dogzter is a mine canary for this equipment, and I think he has tried most all of ones worth trying. If it leaks-off gasses metals, he projectile barfs. Serious good reviews for the asking! Thanks Dogzter!


Well-known member
As is so common in this neck o the woods, just like that... the Sun disappeared, the wind kicked up
and it is snowing. So much for our walk and outside work... for now. The clouds look to be clearing
on the western horizon so... there may be hope to get out today.

Adapting to the constant weather changes, the girls will instead be my focus.
Moms are way over grown and now that all the cuts are well established, moms
will be culled. They are over 2 years old, leggy and well... it's time.
Clones up potted then the dreaded pot washing commences :(
All good tasks to be accomplished when the weather outdoors is unfavorable.

I don't often smoke herb these days, I ingest capsules similar to BrassNwoods' creations
(albeit... not in the same amounts lol).

Today, to celebrate 420 I have chosen to crack open a partial jar of Mango from 2022 harvest.
I've been growing her for about 5yrs. now and is my favorite day time smoke... if I do smoke.
Very uplifting/ motivating and focused buzz that will aid in the pleasure of gardening for sure.

Gonna twist up a fatty, find a new audio book and give the girls some love.

Hmmm, after about 10 minutes of noodling around, it has become apparent that
I am unable to attach files from my PC. It's there but the ICm software (? or w/e)
is not recognizing or allowing me to attach a pic of my jar o herb :unsure: