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:::::::USA Set to Reschedule Cannabis::::::: HHS Releases Recommendation Documents:::::::


ICMag Donor
Really wondering how this is going to go if the DEA reschedules to Schedule 3 because then the FDA will have to create a new regulatory for "whole plant" botanical medicines.

I wonder what FDA is going to do with this? Are they funded to be able to do all that regulatory work?

Congress needs to get their act together and take some leadership on this issue, and not pass this off to the offices of the un-elected agencies.

There are decisions about how to best set up the regulatory framework for cannabis, but I guess congress is out of the loop at the moment. They are leaving it where it is in the Controlled Substances Act and allowing the agencies to decide what way to regulate it.

Agency decisions may not be representative of the will of the people or be of benefit to them compared with a representative form of legislative authority, where the people are able to hold lawmakers accountable.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Maybe thats the plan??? Legislators are going to play stupid so we can't hold government accountable. :smoke:
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ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor

How is this not obstruction of JUSTICE????

Would be good to have it go through the courts to see what they decide. Maybe it would give some guidance and moivation for proper reform, when the constitutional rights are balanced correctly.

The criminal justice system actually works to protect our rights if used correctly. The constitutional judges and courts are probably on the side of cannabis legaization and states rights.

Thats exactly why they are calling it off, because they don't want the US Constitution to reign as the supreme law of the land, as its supposed to be. :smoke:
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ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor


I suspect only about a third of people don't use the black market.
The only people buying dispensary weed here are tourists and people who don't know any better.
Why pay $250 A oz and up for mids when you can get medical quality from your neighbors for $100 A oz or less.
Only the government can fuck up something so basic as agricultural production.


ICMag Donor

Hope they don't limit these products, since they are a way for people to have safe access to THC. Patients depend on these unregulated products.


ICMag Donor

Yeah the black market is known to be huge in states like California and Illinois where taxation is high.

They can't just let us have legal cannabis right away or else they would be in trouble.... Its just that simple in my opinion.

Liberty must be taken by a peaceful uprising. They aren't going to just give us our liberty back on a SILVER PLATTER.

This is nonsense, waiting for the government. What the hell are americans thinking? They need to rise up, peacefully and make this thing happen.

According to a recent article, very few people have engaged their representatives in the state of Indiana about the need for cannabis reform.


ICMag Donor

Nobody, not even President Biden has authority to just stop a lawsuit they don't like. This needs to be played out in a COURT OF LAW since we have a LAWLESS legislative branch. Someone has to uphold due process and Constitutional law! Sue their ass! :smoke:

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ICMag Donor

See a pattern here? Cannabis may never be fully legalized at the federal level, the way these people play ball. Honestly don't expect anything good to come out of Washington DC.

They want to play war games with our women and children.


ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor

Marijuana Momentum Heats Up Across The US​

US Marijuana Laws
We’re only a couple weeks into this year’s legislative season, and we’re already seeing a flurry of activity in state capitols nationwide.
NORML is tracking dozens of cannabis-related bills in our Take Action Center. We have our eyes on legalization efforts in Hawaii, New Hampshire, and Virginia, as well as efforts to bring medical cannabis access to Wisconsin. There are also a number of freedom-threatening bills that NORML is opposing, such as efforts in Florida and New Jersey to impose arbitrary THC potency limits, and in Kentucky and Virginia to enact laws making it illegal for consumers to drive a motor vehicle for days after using cannabis.
Nearly 10,000 of you have already contacted your lawmakers in either support or opposition to these measures. And for that, we thank you. You are making your voices heard and lawmakers are responding.
NORML Action Alert
In New Hampshire, lawmakers withdrew support for proposals to impose new marijuana-related penalties after receiving hundreds of emails from NORML supporters. In Delaware, House members recently voted in favor of NORML-backed legislation expanding patients’ access to medical cannabis. And in Ohio, lawmakers abruptly halted efforts to roll back hard-fought cannabis freedoms after thousands of you demanded they keep their hands off adult-use legalization.
But we have a long road ahead of us. In order to keep you up-to-date and engaged in these important state-legislative efforts, we need your support. Please give today so we can continue effectively representing you in statehouses across this country.
Your generous support ensures that your voice – the voice of the cannabis consumer – is being heard loudly and clearly in the halls of government.
Help us make 2024 a historic and productive year for cannabis freedom.
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Don't get distracted. Southern hemp states aren't responsible for federal law.

Pharma company's still write the laws. The ones who took Skunk away, because it cured too many diseases. And you all worship the men responsible for hunting the growers.


ICMag Donor
Don't get distracted. Southern hemp states aren't responsible for federal law.

Pharma company's still write the laws. The ones who took Skunk away, because it cured too many diseases. And you all worship the men responsible for hunting the growers.
Welcome to ICMAG! Thanks for sharing! What do you mean by that?

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