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With passage of Prop 203, Arizona becomes 15th medical marijuana state

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Well said soniq. It truly will take a diligent effort on the part of the people of AZ to keep a watch on the MMJ system and stay extremely vocal during the construction and implementation of this program. Best of luck to AZ and a huge congratulations on becoming the 15th state to legislate a medical marijuana program.:tiphat:


Well said soniq. It truly will take a diligent effort on the part of the people of AZ to keep a watch on the MMJ system and stay extremely vocal during the construction and implementation of this program. Best of luck to AZ and a huge congratulations on becoming the 15th state to legislate a medical marijuana program.:tiphat:

Thank you kindly (pun) :)

Definitely looks to get interesting over here on every facet: provider, patient, entrepreneur, other services yet to be determined....


They plan to force patients there to buy meds if they are within 25 miles of a dispensary? Something shady is going on here...