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TOP Arizona Medical Marijuana Legal Resources


Active member
Here's a top resource for Arizona Medical Marijuana info concerning dispensaries, growing questions, and much more. It's an attorney's MM info website and has many Questions & Answers for all kinds of Arizona MM legal issues. You can post questions there as well. The attorney, Richard Keyt, has 30+ years of experience.

His website covers questions like: "Why Every Arizona Medical Dispensary Must Have A Buy Sell Agreement in Place", "Can I Get a License to Grow Medical Marijuana in Arizona, but Sell Only To Dispensaries?", "Can a Person Who Holds an Arizona MM Patient Card Sell Marijuana to Another Arizona Licensed Patient or Caregiver?", and a whole load of interesting topics.

For the record: I have no connection with this attorney, anyone working for him, or the website. I love valuable, pertinent information.

Look through the links and read the info deeply on this site and you will quickly become well-informed on AZ MM.

Please continue to post other Arizona resources that you feel are excellent and comprehensive. I'll post attorneys that I feel are exceptional in the WEED world, too. May you never need one!

TOP Medical Marijuana News:

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Active member
Top Arizona Marijuana Attorney:


Michael Walz has 20+ years of experience and offers a unique retainer system for those involved with the Weed World that is based upon potential problem amounts. Weird yet reasonable considering most folks know their "weight zone", heh, heh.
Read his testimonials for more insight.


Marijuana DUI (a difficult but increasingly possible situation, even for Approved Medical Patients):


Retainer "Insurance":


From his FAQs:

"What makes you different from other Lawyers?

Because I focus my practice on marijuana cases and have for many years, I am experienced in every type of case from simple possession to cultivation and transportation of large quantities for sale. But beyond the experience, I have the proper attitude and attitude is the most important quality for a successful lawyer. My clients, without exception, are good people who do not deserve to be punished for what they might have done regarding marijuana. No one deserves to be jailed for marijuana regadless of the circumstances or how many times they have done it. Personal beliefs of lawyers is important but few lawyers will acknowledge that. Unfortunately too many lawyers are most concerned with how much money they make."

Again, for the record: I have no connection with this attorney, anyone working for him, or the website. I love valuable, pertinent information.