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Sunset losing sleep over plan for pot dispensary


Original Editor of ICMagazine
San Francisco's Sunset District is considering whether or not to allow a new dispensary/coop/collective in their area.

Politics is easy. You just have to find the right issue.

Conventional wisdom says the Sunset is full of quiet, politically uninterested families who mind their own business. That's true, right up until a plan to put a medical cannabis dispensary on Taraval was announced.

Supervisor Carmen Chu's office has already entered 1,698 letters and e-mails in their database, with another two large manila envelopes full of correspondence yet to be counted. Responses are running 100 to 1 against.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/04/12/BAPD1CTHS9.DTL#ixzz0l5e3fHG8