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State compliance checks in Colorado


New member
Hey everyone ! I was Wanting to get some feedback about the new compliance check program they are running in Colorado. I know of a bunch of people that got hit by the new growcheck police this fall . I am trying to get information on this . Any news would be greatly appreciated . Stories from people that got raided would also be helpful
They have made a bunch of citizens in Colorado that are doing things with in the limits of the law feel like Criminals !

Peace , oldschoolgrower


ICMag Donor
Citizens can tell any officer of the law to get a warrant.

It matters not, what they tell you...
They MUST follow the rules set forth by the Constitution, both State & Federal!


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
a compliance check is to see if you are compliant w requests of police

ask for a warrant and deny entry? you just FAILED the compliance check, and they WILL come back w a warrant and they will act like OLD SCHOOL BLACK MARKET PIGS smashing shit, tossing your house, and find SOMETHING to charge you with before they leave.


ICMag Donor
a compliance check is to see if you are compliant w requests of police

ask for a warrant and deny entry? you just FAILED the compliance check, and they WILL come back w a warrant and they will act like OLD SCHOOL BLACK MARKET PIGS smashing shit, tossing your house, and find SOMETHING to charge you with before they leave.

You can't stop them because you asked them for permission & gave them cart blanch authority over your growing activities. As a part of that permission the fine fine print said you can't stop 'em from coming in.

Anybody that does not have a card has the authority to ask the would be investigators to come back with a warrant in order to search. If the would be searcher pushes their way into private residences, despite the request to come back with a warrant, they are violating both State & Federal Constitutional provisions.

I do agree though...
If you are going to be a dick about them asking to search, they will find a way to come back with a warrant.
They can't get a warrant to search for legal activities!

Ben Franklin said:
Any man willing to give up liberty for security deserves neither.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
in my area peeps got checked if their garden was visible from public space / road - they were given 10 days to cover up and get compliant
peeps i know got visited and told to cover up, they did so and didn't ever hear back from the cops again.

i know of a spot nearby where peeps who grew in some GH's that were visible from the highway and they got visited, flexed their rights to the cops and the pigs came back in full effect and went nuts on the place, don't know exact details and this was LAST season (2016)

im a remote area tho, not like denver or cosprings,
when i was raided in aurora the local cops there told me that there is NO such thing as medicinal use of marijuana, that the doctors who signed my papers are quacks and frauds, and that the 7th (one more than 6) plant in any house in colorado is a felony.....

depends greatly on the enforcement priority of your locality which depends alot on county/state/municipal finances and funding/education(LOL) of police.
inter-agency task forces where local LEO interface and cooperate with DEA are not unusual in this state.... altho the charges almost always remain at the state level.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
also last year (2016) police reports cited aerial photographs of the property as a source of information. county reported planes taking pics for tax update that was going on.... but i wouldn't doubt they took some extra pics while they were up there or looked extra close at them...
once agian, rural area so not everything we experience out in the country is going to apply to more metropolitan areas (like arapahoe county where my harsh run in happened)


New member
When they hit us they said everything in our area had been done by the County building Departments satellite images and there was a new task force set up and that every county in the state now had officers to go around and do nothing except check your gardens and plant counts and that they would be out as many times throughout the year is they felt necessary .

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